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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 19 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Here's some reading material on the reasons Abbott is called a fascist for you if you're interested.


    The reason Abbott is so strongly criticized for the detention centers is because of his actions regarding them, firstly he sent Australians to them, stripped of their citizenship, also he sent everyone who arrived by boat there regardless of the legitimacy of their claim, and also because when inspectors wanted to check on the welfare of the children detained in them he refused them entry and passed a law barring all employees from speaking of the conditions they witnessed.  As PM he ordered border staff to break the Convention on Refugees and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.  And no, my sole intention has nothing to do with the borders of Australia but actually is just me voicing my basic morals as a Christian, which are to speak against those who separate children from their families and detain them indefinitely in camps. Abbott claims to be a Christian, he is not, he works for the devil and will rot in hell for his crimes.  And what people will look back on in the future is not how we let immigrants go to live with the other immigrants in Australia, that is absurd, it is how we allowed these atrocities to take place in the 21st century, we really should have learned our lesson by now and have a system in place to remove criminals to humanity like Abbott quickly and effectively.



    I had a look, will not be wasting half my life reading left wing propaganda.  Abbott criticised for sending Australians to detention centres and stripping them of their citizenship.  Can you provide proof of this, who were they and when did it occur?  No Australian citizen has ever been sent to any detention centres, either on the mainland or offshore.  Our laws do not permit this.  


    The only person that I am aware of having his citizenship stripped is a person born in Australia, Khaled Sharrouf, who held dual citizenship.  He was an ISIS terrorist and was the first person to have his citizenship stripped.  This occurred in 2017 when PM Turnbull invoked anti-terrorism laws and Sharrouf became the first Australian to suffer this distinction.  So how was Mr. Abbott responsible?


    Yes, all illegal immigrants were detained until they could prove they were a refugee, at which, if successful, they were released, together with their families, into the community.  Do you expect a government to release people into the community who they have no idea as to who they are and where they came from.  You have no idea do you?


    I think you have you facts crossed, it was the Labor party who kept the children in custody and the Liberal Coalition who released them, after Mr. Abbott first came to power in 2013.  But don't let the facts get in the way. Now 1200 on Manus and Nauru are being sent to America.The rest of the mish mash is not worth commenting on.:wai:


  2. 2 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

    Thing is you can get different answers in same Office.This going from Office to Province ended 6ish years ago. Only needs an articulate Thai to tell them what YOU want doing and its one stop , job done.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

     I have no trouble conversing in Thai and am able to get my point across without any problem.  You said it ended  6 or so years ago, do you have anything that I can refer to? I do t want to cause any dramas but if it has been changed and there is something that I can refer to I will go back and if they tell me no again, I will be ever so polite and refer them to he new rules. :wai:

  3. Given that I now reside in Nakhon Pathom province and my car was initially registered in Bangkok, and I was told to change my address I had to go to BKK, then I'd say Buriram.  Bit of a drive.  But given how different government bodies have different rules, maybe you can.  I'd suggest you go to the local office and ask, you might get lucky.:wai:

  4. 19 hours ago, cherry02 said:

    when you are walking along the beach in the morning, there is plenty of space without chairs... very beautiful... however the space is full of rubbish, empty bottles, looking more like a rubbish bin than a beach. Why nobody is cleaning these places? No income ... no service 


    You know, no lateral thinking . How hard would it be to hire or buy a tractor with a scraper and catch bin, then every morning hit the beach, and give it a good clean.. These things are also designed to go a little deep into the sand to remove wood, rocks and broken glass.  Oh that's right, the cost would have to come from somewhere and we can't have depleted envelopes, can we?  And who really cares about the not so hi so's or farangs, they will still come.:wai:

  5. On 9/24/2017 at 3:17 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I can't listen to music that I enjoyed back in the 60s and 70s without feeling heartache, as it was the best time of my life, and when I hear songs from that era it makes me wish I was still living then ( knowing what I know now, of course ).


    I'm sure some don't feel anything.


    How about you?


    You took all the words right out of my mouth.  Every Saturday and Sunday I stream live, from Australia, 2CH, which plays the music from that era.  Brings back some wonderful memories, of old G/F's, the good ones and some of the not so good. Thank god that as humans we have memories, what would life be without them?


    Given the way that some carry on when posting on here they surely don't and must lead a miserable existence.  With our memories it certainly makes life worth while living, it's a shame that it's so short.:wai:

  6. 1 minute ago, amvet said:

    The kneeling protest started when the knucklehead occupying the White house was Obama. 

    Why are these lot trying to change history.  Is the hatred so entrenched for one man that many do not care how they distort the truth or try to disassemble history.  And they don't seem to care if they are caught out. No wonder America is in the state it is, with the rest of the world slowly following.  What is it about lunatics and asylums?:wai:


    3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    There are other interviews where he gives his reason for headbutting him as that he is an anti fascist and Abbot is a fascist, and that it his ambition to headbutt a fascist.  I have made nothing up, you may find the analogy of revolution to headbutts repulsive but it was never made, I merely rubbished the ludicrous claim that political violence has never gotten anyone anywhere, a primary school child could do the same for you, political violence has shaped the free world, violence against people like Abbot.



    Gee, the guy's ambition in life to head butt a fascist.  What an all round loser.  Now if he in fact he said what you allege then please post a link to substantiate you allegations.  I must appolgise if this is a little long but you might learn something.


    You have gone out of you way to degrade Mr. Abbott, without substantiation, just words , so lets hit you with a few facts, not make believe as you seem to be into.  Firstly,  I doubt very much if either of you know the meaning of the word, fascist.


    So to help you understand here it is.


    Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship. Fascists are against democracy. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. ... Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government. It goes on further.
    A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
    Does anything in the above two paragraphs sound like Australia? Of course it doesn't so please stop being so ingracious.
    Now, if you would be so kind as to enlighten me as to how Mr. Abbott, his government or any other governments, past or present,  fits any of the categories detailed in the definition of fascist?  I can tell you that none of the above are applicable but then don't take my word for it.
    Do some checking on the current systems, with all their checks and balances that are used to govern Australia, its two territories and six states, what you are alleging is at the best, totally reprehensible.  Are you even an Aussie? If you are then there are words out there to describe you but if used I would probably be given a holiday, however, if you are, you are certainly not acting like one.?
    Some background to help you learn and understand. Mr Abbot was born in England and came to Australia in 1960. He obtained various degrees and is a Rhodes Scholar.  He later trained as a Roman Catholic Seminarian but left and was elected to Federal Parliament in 1994 and was first appointed to cabinet in 1998.  He is married, has three children (females) one of which has come out in favour of the Yes Campaign.  He hasn't crticised her or his sister, who is in a same sex relationship, so where does this leave your criticism of the man?
    He is a volunteer fireman and life saver, whilst every year he takes part in the Polly pedal to raise money for various charities.  Each year he spends a number of weeks living with the indigenous  peoples in out back Australia, yes roughing it, and trying to get those peoples to change and assimilate into the Australian society.  Hardly something a racist or fascist would do.
    He was leader of the Liberal Party from 2009 to 2015, when as a duly elected Prime Minister, was ceremoniously dumped by the party's bed wetters, after being back stabbed by the current PM.  So for him to be a fascist, you are saying that since he was in leader from 2009 to 2015, the entire Liberal party was complicit in allowing to man to govern whilst being a fascist.  Please, can you see how ridiculous your comments are or are you too blinded by your hatred of the man to see the forest through the trees?
    As for you previous posts about Mr. Abbott being responsible for problems arising in off shore detention centres, here's a bit more of the correct history, not what yo are trying to change it into. In 2007 Labor was elected to government and opened our borders, which allowed 50,000 illegal immigrants to travel on leaky boats, after paying huge sums to people smugglers in Indonesia. Manus was actually opened in 2001, as was Nauru, whilst Christmas Island came on board on 2008, all long before Mr. Abbott had any say. Nauru was closed in 2008 but reopened in 2012, under the labor government, not the party led by Mr. Abbott. 
    Up until Mr. Abbott won the 2013 election, Rudd, Gillard and Rudd again, opened other numerous detention centres throughout out Australia.  During the two terms of the Labor government and the leaky boats saga, over 1000 people, men, women and children drowned at sea, maybe many more that we have no knowledge of.  Labor was responsible for the dramas that besieged our nation, not Mr. Abbott.
    Mr. Abbott and Scott Morrison, the then Immigration minister, put into place a system to stop the boats, which it did, however, by the time this started there were almost three thousand children in detention. Not by Abbott or his government but by the socialist governments of Rudd, Gillard, Rudd.
    Today, there are none but Australia has been left with a 50 billion dollar debt thanks to those socialist fool's policies, and the last of the detainees on Manus and Nauru are being sent to America.  Also, many of the illegals have been repatriated to their homeland, all with money in their pockets to start a new life. Definitely the actions of a fascist hey?
    To me it appears that the rubbish you have sprouted on here comes from people whose sole intentions are to re-open our borders, let in more illegals, to bleed our system dry and to change the who structure of Australian society.  What do you call them, activists or anarchists, you would know seeing that it appears you fit into one or both categories.  I would call the S#$t stirrers
    Then there are the lawyers, working pro bono, with many being left wing activists hell bent on getting rid of the conservative government, who were duly elected to run this democratic country.  Another aspect of you fascism sent to the garbage pile.
    I could go on and on demolishing you dreams but I think I have left you enough to deal with.  So please, stop the rubbish about Abbott being a fascist, understand the definition and then slip off down to Tasmania and watch you hero get his comeuppance. And stop trying to change history, you will not, why, because we will not let you.  People, in the future will look back and wonder how decent folk, for a while, let the idiots take over the running of the asylum. :wai:








  8. Just now, halloween said:

    Tasmanians don't like being stereotyped as a pack of 6-fingered weirdos, and then we get this. Paul Keating was absolutely right with his "undemocratic swill" comment, they have ~15 times the representation of those living in NSW.

    Yes, Tasmanians are certainly a different breed than those from the mainland.  Definitely over represented and full of ideologies.  I don't know if you have been there but in some instances the 6 fingered description is quite apt, just have look at the genius who head butted the Ex PM.  Also, just recently, the greens hauled a religious leader before the Human Rights Commission for daring to put out a paper that listed why the church objected to same sex marriage.


    Fortunately, for a change, the commission saw sense and found for the religious leader.  This is how stupid this debate is going.  Then we have attacks and threats from both sides, more so from one than the other. People trying to curtail free speech, so what is next on their agenda, one can only guess.  If, as stated, the yes campaign is in front by a fair margin, then why the need for all the threats intimidation, assaults, damage to property, and lies that the Yes side are propagating?


    Australians are not sheep, they can make up their own minds and will do so.  We do not need all these high profile personalities, sports stars, pollies, companies or sporting bodies telling us what we should do or which way to vote, that is a personal decision for the individual to make.


    Funny how all this lot says that such and such a group, such and such an organisation supports the Yes campaign but have never consulted their members, employees or others they purport to represent, as to which way their beliefs fall. Total arrogance on their behalf.


    It actually amazes me that the AFL came out in favour of the yes campaign as there has never been one player who has identified themselves as gay. On their headquarters their AFL sign was recently changed to YES but lasted on a couple days owing to the public backlash.


     Given they way things have been happening the latest poll shows a drop in support for the yes campaign and maybe they should take it easy of they may end up like England with Brexit and America with Trump. People are just sick and tired of the elite trying to run their lives and maybe they will just get the big bird.  Who knows, lets wait and see.:wai:

  9. 6 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    I didn't make much of a connection, I replied to someone claiming that political violence never gets anyone anywhere, it clearly does sometimes, history is the evidence.  And Abbot was not head butted because he is not gay, nor because he will not support gay marriage, but because he is a fascist.  I have no idea what you are getting at with your attempt at an analogy between an indigenous population who had just seen their country colonized and a disagreement of politics in Australia, what made you think there was some comparison there? 


    I am the someone that you are referring to and I find your analogy of head butts and revolutions repulsive and totally ludicrous.


    Why do you keeping making things up.  Mr. Abbott was not head butted for the reason you give, totally false.  I suggest you take a read of the following link and then stop with the misinformation.  The guy is a self confessed anarchist, and did so out of hatred, no other reason.  Now after looking at your style of posting, are you also self confessed?:wai:





  10. I changed address almost 3 months ago, but unlike yourself, mine was from one province to another.  As I was renting I had to sign the lease, and a copy of this, together with a copy of the Landlords ID and house-book, I attended immigration at Nakhon Pathom.


    After speaking with the girl on the information desk, I was directed to an IO who, within 10 minutes, had everything entered into the system, attached  a change of address paper to my passport, gave me a TM 28 and 30, and advised me that once completed they could be returned within a week. My niece did the next day after the landlord signed the relevant paper and I was not required to return.


    I returned the following month for my 90 day report, in and out within 5 minutes.  Both pleasurable experiences.  Fortunately, I am able to speak Thai which, no doubt, helped in expediting the matters and made the visits quite pleasant.


    Given the conversation went from my immediate needs to personal, if I had a Thai wife and  family, what was my country of origin and did I like Thailand, etc., etc.  It gave me the impression that not many foreigners, at least in Nakhon Pathom, cannot  converse in Thai.  It has certainly helped me, so if the ex-pats take a little time to learn the basics, then maybe they will find their visits will go a lot more smoothly. :wai:



  11. 6 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    I divested, mostly, too but if you do it the right way there is nothing to worry about buying a condo or a house. Just be careful and DYOR.

    Can't buy a condo, my German shepherd needs a large yard.  As for buying a house, no thanks, had enough, don't need the worry, too old for that now.  Have a really good landlord who has given me a good deal and has no problem with helping me with the immigration BS. So it is sabai, sabai, full speed ahead.:wai:

  12. 2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                            A 'sucker punch' is a 'sucker punch', no matter how it's thrown or the reason behind it.  The attacker should be arrested and, if found guilty, given the maximum penalty.   My suggestion:  $3,000 fine and 6 weeks in jail.

    He has been charged but I think 6 weeks is a little light on considering how many people are now dying because of these one punch heroes. He is lucky that he only gave him a fat lip, could have been worse.  They had to introduce special laws into Australia to deal with them. :wai:

  13. 6 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Political violence has set half of our countries free, of course it can get us somewhere.  And if you don't know about Australia's offshore detention centres set up under Abbot then Google it.  I feel no shame in expressing hatred against what has gone on under his watch, it is an absolute disgrace and the bloke should be in prison not getting a little headbutt but he isn't going to go to prison, the very best we are going to see are the prison owners going on trial.  Abbot passed laws to silence the prison staff from speaking about the atrocities they witnessed, clearly he is complicit but being offshore it is not an easy case against him, had he made them in Australia he would have gone down for life, no question.

    Oh, now I see where you coming from.  And you believe everything you read on the internet.  Carry on with the misinformation if it makes you look good.  The story ends here, have a good night.:wai:

  14. 8 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    I rent everything in the Land O' Scams.




    This sounds like the Phuket scam where the land office, attorneys and real estate agents were all working together to skin the old Farangs alive.



    Me too, just divested myself of a number of properties, monies in the bank and now I am just sitting back in  a beautiful moo ban, with a nice home, living the life of Riley.  And I don't give a toss. :wai:

  15. 18 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    So no American revolution, back to being British for them, no French Revolution, back to living in servitude for them, no Carnation revolution for the Portuguese, back to living in fascism for them, no Tibetan uprising so no Dalai Llama at all as he surely would have been killed, the list is almost endless, if it actually were true what you had said then we would all be living under crazy despots, slaves to another mans slightest whim, thankfully what you said was nonsense, many issues are solved with political violence, it has brought freedom to more people in this world than anything else.


    Heaven help us, equating a head butt to a revolution, what further nonsense are we going to be subjected to. :shock1::wai:

  16. 52 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    It is hardly off topic, he got the headbut for a reason!  And I find it necessary to demonise everyone who commits atrocities like he has done, Hitler also gets a bad word from me, the man who headbutted him did well, shame the headbut was not more damaging as Abbot deserves a lot lot worse, I would lock him up for life if I had the chance, separating children from their familes and keeping them in cages in the jungle infested with malaria and not even providing them sanitation to the point where many suffered cholera was a crime against humanity, the bloke is a dirty little fascist, and it is hardly cowardly to serve some well needed justice when the powers that be fail to do so.


    Political violence takes us no where, neither does what you are talking about.  Would you clarify what you are referring to with the children, parents, people being kept in cages and the rest you have so eloquently put together in this and your following post.   I for one have no idea what you are on about, maybe others would be interested also.  Be factual rather than listing a post full of innuendos, bile and hatred, it's not really becoming but then we are all anonymous, aren't we? :wai:

  17. 34 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    He headbutted someone, Abott divided up families and kept them in jungle camps without adequate access to health care or even proper sanitation, it is not at all hard to demonise him, the bloke is a deranged fascist, not that I had until then, laughing at all his front on the TV preceding his cuddly koala appearance is hardly demonising someone, lol.

    What in the heck are you on about?  Why are you deflecting and going off topic?  Nothing constructive to say about the cowardly dog who ran away after committing the assault, which by the way, he has admitted to. Clearly you are someone who condones cowardly acts of violence, and finds it necessary to demonise the ex PM.:wai:

  18. 2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    He didn't do it for the yes campaign, he said in interview that he did it because he is an antifascist and Abbot is a fascist, he said his friend had put the yes sticker on him shortly before and he has nothing to do with the yes campaign, he also said he was very drunk and is now embarrassed about it because of the negative press it has brought for the yes campaign. 


    As for Abbot the boxer, Abbot the rugby player, what happened to Abbot the shirtfronter?  Yeah, he changed his mind once he saw Putin and went shirtfronted a koala instead.



    Of course he didn't do it for the yes campaign.  My mate put the badge on me and made me wear it and because I had a skin full, I became a king hit merchant.  And because I hate him so much I had to head butt him.  Then, as the coward I am, I ran away all the time calling him names.


    You amaze me, who cares if he was from the Yes or No campaign, he is a thug, a criminal and a coward, yet hear you are demonizing Abbott, who happens to be the victim.  Oh, and the poor dear is embarrassed because of the negative press he brought for the Yes campaign.


    I'd be totally embarrassed about his DJ name of Funk Knuckle and his overall appearance. I wouldn't believe a thing that was uttered by this slime bag and of course you believe everything he has uttered, which he would, wouldn't he, seeing he has been caught out and charged.


    Nothing about being sorry to the victim or that he is a coward king hit advocate and ran away after delivery of a p#@$ poor attempt at a head butt.  I hope he gets what he deserves but knowing socialist Tasmania, I'd doubt it. :wai:

  19. 3 hours ago, sanemax said:

    In the post that you were replying too, you quite clearly stated that Trump said that Nazis were "very fine people" .

       I have not misquoted anyone .

    I just cannot understand :

    You say something, then denying saying it , then accuse me of not being able to read and also of misquoting !!!!!!!

       You seem to be contradicting yourself .

    "Trump said Nazis were fine people"

    "I didnt say Trump said that"

    "Trump did actually say that , you are misquoting him "

    I am finding it difficult to follow your logic , 

    Give up trying to find logic, there's none. I have read all the posts so far up to page 7 and haven't found any and there are still three page to go.  Thank god for Micardis 40.:wai:

  20. 21 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    So who runs the military complex?  A name would be great. LOL.  We'll match it up with a name you provide for the person running the media. LOL  Nice conspiracy theory.


    Sad commentary when you criticize your own country for trying to do the right thing.  Deal with country that's violated UN resolutions for years. 


    Nobody wants war.  The world wants a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

    Yes, I agree, sad when one criticises their own country, if it is their country, especially when the last comment from the Australian FA minister was to follow the diplomatic trail.   No one is enslaved to the US, actually half the pollies, including the current PM, are so far up China it's not funny. Many people either have a short memory or really have no idea of history.


    I take my hat off to the US and hope we have a long and strengthened relationship for if it weren't for their military, Australians, today, might be speaking a totally different language to English.  Their troops and navy, together with our armed forces saved our country and for that I say thanks Yanks.:wai:

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