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  1. https://efiling.rd.go.th/rd-efiling-web/login Register on this site and complete the form online, no need to visit Tax Office if you have TIN.
  2. I use this company , I pay 2,500 baht each year https://www.cwc.co.th/en/
  3. I often use the lifecare laboratory in Pattaya for my blood tests each year. I am wondering if there are any other alternative clinics located in the Jomtien/Pattaya that anyone has used and can recommend as an alternative clinic ?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE3mHhpGV2A&t=10s Low down yankee liar
  5. The Lease agreement has the owner's ID which is a foreign passport (Chinese), so guess it's why he has chosen an Agency. The new person now dealing with, planned to meet her this afternoon, so I be interested to see what happens later.
  6. I took a trip to UK for two weeks with a suprise shock on my return that my lock was changed in my condo, and was unable to get into my condo, with a note in the door saying " Lock changed, please contact this phone number, agency has many problems, owner has not received this months rent, agency has run away, please do not transfer any more money to agency". Luckily I arrived around 7:00pm and not early hours of the morning, called the number on the note, the person sent the new key via motobike taxi so I was able to get into my condo. I have a 1 year contract, and have been paying my monthly rent on time each month to the agency. Questions. 1. Can they do this, enter your premises whilst you are away and change the lock without giving any notice or informing you ? 2. If you are dealing with any agency, how can you trust the agency that your rental money is transferred to the owner ? I am now dealing with some-one else, who I have never met, only line/whats app, phone number, any one else have any similar issues in renting using any agency ?
  7. I have a flight booked on Tuesday, flights departs at 12:50 pm I am travelling from Jomtien, thinking of taking the Bus, as anyone done this trip, arrived on time without any issues, and did you book your ticket in advanced, if so, how far in advanced can you book a ticket ? you ticket.
  8. Thanks for that, I will look into an RMF, as I am 59 years old.
  9. I am thinking about purchasing an LTF (Long Term Equity Fund). Is there a maximum holding period for an LTF, can you redeem anytime without any penalties ?
  10. Hello Anyone have any issues staying in rented condo's, where the bathroom smells like a sewage ? If so, how you managed to get rid of the smell ? and where the smell come from ? Drainage Pipes, toilets, showers etc.
  11. I am travelling to England later this year, London Heathrow, last time I went with Eva (day time flight). Looking at Thai Airways (night time flight), and arrive in the morning. Anyone have a preference ? Thai Airway vs Eva. Thanks
  12. It was a while ago when had it done, about 5 years, think around the 15-20k I paid. I am not too sure. The department is the digestive disease.
  13. Yes, they start with you taking medicine (Laxatives), you wait for a while, for laxtives to work, bowels must be completely empty before the procedure. If laxatives don't work, they will give you an enema same day.
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