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Posts posted by konying

  1. I have to say private hospital care has changed in past 7 years.

    I always use Bangkok hospital .

    Last time I had cordison injection 5 years ago, I was charged 1000 doctor fee plus medication and nursing charge .

    3 days ago I was charged 1000 doctor fee, plus 1200 doctor procedure fee.

    What the hell was that for ?

    1000 to look at me and 1200 to make injection ??? Plus all the rest nursing , and medication fees

  2. I am 70 and I got AIA last year. Health insurance together with life insurance with cash value. Cost according with the plan and age, starting 32000/year (2680/month) for my age.. No health exam and no problem with pre existing conditions. I used a few times without problems, but is good to have a good agent to help to deal with hospital quotes, coverage, etc, etc. It is good to get an extra accident coverage with it., for 2000/year.

    Policy is only in Thai.

    Something fishy with your policy.

    Quote I received from them for under 40 years old was 36000 baht.

    Agent has nothing to do with getting policy. Age, prices and conditions are fixed.

  3. But you called them both dictators.

    No I did not.

    Mubarak was, then Sisi took over.

    Morsi, democratically elected president is to be killed.

    Though Morsi did try to pass some laws paving way for absolute power and dictatorship , but failed to take into account military influence

    "Mr Mubarak won three elections unopposed since 1981"

    Usually what happens when dictator is in power, there is no opposition ;)

  4. I don't see any hysteria here but if Abbas is really an "angel of peace" then I'm the bloody Count of Monte Cristo. whistling.gif

    The reality is that Abbas is very unpopular with his own people and powerful or not if he did what was really needed to be a REAL Angel of Peace, his own people would quickly murder him.

    Lol...You're talking about peace 100% on Israel's terms....which is ridiculously unreasonable and will never happen.

    Who holds all the aces? Like getting into the ring with Mike Tyson, wanting the same pay as him but demanding he fights with one hand, blindfolded and on his knees

    Might is right, yeah? It's all about who is stronger militarily. To hell with international treaties and laws and to hell with morals and human rights, yeah?

    Get with the 21st century pal.

    You joking right? I am hoping you really are joking, because i struggle to believe a grown up person would post something like this and actually think he/she is NOT insane

  5. Negotiate instead with the PA separately.

    It is POINTLESS. They can not sign a peace treaty without Hamas.

    Hamas or PA, any 'treaty' is pointless.

    None actually recognize Israel's existence

    Hamas does it overtly and the PA covertly

    They (PA) just play along with the peace charade to gain time and keep the money flowing from gullible, guilt-riddled fools westerners.

    In the next big upheaval/war that happens, they will both be at Israel's throat.

    That is exactly why Netanyahu said there will be no 2 state solution.

    why does he continue to lie about possible peace when there will not be whilst he is in charge.

    Lead up to the last election showed his real colours.

    There will be no Palestine whilst he is in charge.

    But the rest of the world does not agree. There will be a Palestine. There already is according to most of the world and it is innevitable it will be all the world.

    Thats the facts whether Israel likes it or not.

    Linky, please return back to reality.

    PM of Israel made it his election promise.

    So how is he lying?blink.png

    How can there be 2 state solution when

    1. Hamas does not even want to make a 5 year peace deal with Israel in exchange for lifting the blockade

    2. PA is not willing to back on on any of its unrealistic and unreasonable terms

    3. Hamas and PA are in a state of war sort of speak and each time they sign some agreement, it falls through days later.

    Stop already with the nonsense about the rest of the world. The rest of the world are not living in denial, everyone is well aware of facts, but to appear politically correct making some moves and decisions.

    Quick crash course for you sparky, Palestine as a region already exists and has been around for a while, Recognizing Palestine as a country/State, does not turn it into one.

    By definition, they are missing at least 50% of the requirements to be considered a country.

    Most importantly, there is nothing stopping them from developing what they already have, there is nothing stopping them from forming functional government yet they have failed to do so, always blaming Israel.

    Scapegoating is Arabs well known traitthumbsup.gif

  6. Hopefully in the right section of the forum

    Hoping to get some recommendations for brokers of agents who sell businesses.

    I have a business i like to sell, but can not seem to find any decent brokers or agents.

    It is Pattaya based business, any recommendations or directions where to look would be much appreciated.

    Special note to people who know "best" - Yes i am aware i can list it myself on a number of sites, however prefer have someone else do all the work, as i do not have the time to deal with time wasters.wai.gif

  7. I don't see any hysteria here but if Abbas is really an "angel of peace" then I'm the bloody Count of Monte Cristo. whistling.gif

    The reality is that Abbas is very unpopular with his own people and powerful or not if he did what was really needed to be a REAL Angel of Peace, his own people would quickly murder him.

    Lol...You're talking about peace 100% on Israel's terms....which is ridiculously unreasonable and will never happen.

    Who holds all the aces? Like getting into the ring with Mike Tyson, wanting the same pay as him but demanding he fights with one hand, blindfolded and on his knees

    There are very reasonable demands the Palestinians could make and they could be met IF they give up their unreasonable demands and obvious long term goals of ending Israel. Such as ending the west bank settlements, Israel's help in building their new economy (they would make incredible trading partners if peace broke out), even just compensation / limited return for those with valid provable claims. Israel has swung to the right and no wonder but with a sea change in Palestinian attitudes towards the existence of Israel, that could easily change. OK, back to the real world, talking here about something that will take at least a generation, but right now there isn't even a start.

    Everything you said is true, but there is the big IF.

    IF they really wanted peace, this IF is also influenced by outside forces.

    So, unless something major happens, i doubt the problems would be solved any time soon

  8. Abbas may not be just the Angel of Peace but the Savior of Israel.
    He is willing to discuss real peace in a just 2 state solution. He is getting quite old now. Israel may not find anyone more amenable than him to negotiate with.
    The alternative to negotiations is for the Palestinians to keep their heads down, practise passive resistance, and shame the Israel before the world by flooding the social media with images of their daily humiliations, beatings and murders from the IDF and fanatical Zionist settlers under a 48 year illegal occupation now.
    Meanwhile just continue to breed and make Israel's problem grow.
    Time, history and world opinion is on the side of the Palestinians.

    Yes, just like Arafat was and no doubt the next one will be,

    I wonder if Abbas has USD 1 billion in some hidden accountswhistling.gif

  9. I don't see any hysteria here but if Abbas is really an "angel of peace" then I'm the bloody Count of Monte Cristo. whistling.gif

    The reality is that Abbas is very unpopular with his own people and powerful or not if he did what was really needed to be a REAL Angel of Peace, his own people would quickly murder him.

    Lol...You're talking about peace 100% on Israel's terms....which is ridiculously unreasonable and will never happen.

    Who holds all the aces? Like getting into the ring with Mike Tyson, wanting the same pay as him but demanding he fights with one hand, blindfolded and on his knees

  10. From link :

    Estimated 91.000 Palestinians died during ALL Israeli-armed conflicts. Jordanian estimated Palestinian casualities were estimated to 5.000. Referring to your own wrong quote : Israel instead still has in its history of 66 years occupation a majority of Palestinian casualities.


    The rest of your post is correct...

    Yet again selective readingrolleyes.gif

    And how many killed by Jordan according to Arafat?

    Answer 20 000, I realize it does not suit your agenda, so cherry picking is the norm, but lets stick with one source and go with that.

    So chose which one to take as a fact, Palis statistics or others?

    And while we are on the topic of slaughtering, do tell me how many were slaughtered in the city of Yarmouk just a few months ago and by whom?whistling.gif

  11. Israel knew economical difficulties in times of peace since the beginning.

    It turned to welfare in times of war with its neighbours due to foreign payments and sponsorship and delivery of weapons.

    Turning point in history was the 7th of January 1952...

    Good try, let's try again , shall we.

    Jordan murdered 20 000 in 11 days just for fun.

    Go ahead , comment

    There have been 3500 to 5000 Palestinian killings during Black September operation.

    PLO wanted to take over power of King Hussein in 1970 and the Jordan army fought back. So far what people want to hear.

    On the other hand, one should consider that these people lived peacefully for centuries until Israel came into the region.

    The same period was characterised with intens terroristic attacks between PLO and Mossad.

    It has also been suggested that the entire operation had been a Mossad covert action, led by one of its key operatives, Sylvia Roxburgh, or with her real name Sylvia Rafael.

    She had an affair with King Hussein in the same period of Black September.

    I love your selective choice of what is reliable .

    When it comes to Israel, Arab figures are always correct but when it comes to your agenda then story changes.

    Jordan claimed 3500 were killed while Palis , Arafat claimed 20000 were killed .

    So now that you are aware of the facts and agree Palis would never lie or exaggerate, please comment on 20 000 killed , for no other reason than a sport.

  12. Israel is on a par with North Korea in that it has a semi secret nuclear weapon stockpile.

    The whole world mocks Israel for having the Dimona nuclear site while trying to deny any form of civil nuclear electricity

    in Iran.

    I agree the UN inspectors should check out global nuclear research and weapon proliferation but why is it Israel cannot sign the treaty?

    Using the Israeli model the next stage will be a Middle East country buying the whole nuclear package from Russia or China.

    The world will not stand by and let a tiny country like Israel call the shots forever. If they were serious about threats then ISIS is the major one on the horizon.

    Lol, you just do not know when to stop the stupidity. Too ridiculous to even comment

  13. I don't waste my time on threads like this anymore because they just descend into the usual old arguments dating back to the year dot.

    The bottom line is Palestine will end up being recognised by the whole world and the issues regarding Israeli control over these people will not go away.

    There is either a two state solution or assimilation.

    You can call a dog a pig , it does not make it a pig until it starts to behave like one.

    Palis Have no economy , no functional government and have no interest in having any.

    They will continue to leech off the rest of the world and continue to be used as pawns by the Arabs and Iran just to undermine Israel .

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is either delusional or does not have any understanding of the region

    I am not sure what you mean by leach of the rest of the world but Israel certainly leaches of the United States tax payer.

    For an independant nuclear equiped power I would ask why take the US tax dollar while not signing up to the Nuclear Non Proliferation treaty?

    Of course the answer is Israel will never play the game in much the same way as North Korea.

    As for a functional goverment and independence Palestine is just an area of the West Bank and Gaza controlled by Israeli military forces.

    The majority of the countries represented in the United Nations want to resolve this issue by granting the same rights to an independant Palestine that were granted to the so called freedom terrorist Ben Gurion in 1948.

    Gee what a surprise to read yet another drivel.

    So do tell how much Israel gets from US? How much it gives back to US?

    Then tells how much Palis get from the same U.S. And how much they give back in any shape or form ?

    Now tell me amounts given by EU to Palis ? Plus by Iran and the rest Arab & Co?

    Ohh wait, you actually thought they were self sufficient? Lol

  14. I don't waste my time on threads like this anymore because they just descend into the usual old arguments dating back to the year dot.

    The bottom line is Palestine will end up being recognised by the whole world and the issues regarding Israeli control over these people will not go away.

    There is either a two state solution or assimilation.

    You can call a dog a pig , it does not make it a pig until it starts to behave like one.

    Palis Have no economy , no functional government and have no interest in having any.

    They will continue to leech off the rest of the world and continue to be used as pawns by the Arabs and Iran just to undermine Israel .

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is either delusional or does not have any understanding of the region

  15. Israel knew economical difficulties in times of peace since the beginning.

    It turned to welfare in times of war with its neighbours due to foreign payments and sponsorship and delivery of weapons.

    Turning point in history was the 7th of January 1952...

    Good try, let's try again , shall we.

    Jordan murdered 20 000 in 11 days just for fun.

    Go ahead , comment

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