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Posts posted by konying

  1. Israel never states its intention.

    Never says it has nuclear weapons but even blind freddy knows it has. It wont even allow inspections.

    Israel never states it wants to wipe out the Palestinians but it continues to do so.

    Israel never says it wants more land but continues to take anything it can whilst against UN resolutions and against the views of even the US, its greatest defender.

    Israel just does not say anything, it just does things. Actions speak louder than words.

    The world knows this, except for very few ostrichs.

    So in your fantasy world where logic is not required, Israel with all the nukes and super weapons wanting to wipe out Palestinians, has not done so because?

    Would be an enormous historical mistake for Jewish people.

    The region is only made for 1 country with 3 religions...

    Really? But according to your Israel bashing buddy this is what Israel is doing. Funny that huh?!

    Let's put aside Jordan slaughtering more Palis in 11 days than Israel killed in 66 odd years during armed conflict.

    I guess when there is nothing logical to post, just resort to nonsense .

  2. Israel never states its intention.

    Never says it has nuclear weapons but even blind freddy knows it has. It wont even allow inspections.

    Israel never states it wants to wipe out the Palestinians but it continues to do so.

    Israel never says it wants more land but continues to take anything it can whilst against UN resolutions and against the views of even the US, its greatest defender.

    Israel just does not say anything, it just does things. Actions speak louder than words.

    The world knows this, except for very few ostrichs.

    So in your fantasy world where logic is not required, Israel with all the nukes and super weapons wanting to wipe out Palestinians, has not done so because?

  3. OP, i believe there is a certain period after the payment has been stopped to start receiving at again, otherwise have to apply from zero.

    Best would be to contact CL now to advise them you are overseas and due to bad health or something along the lines, will be returning at the end of the month.

    They will put a note on your account, making it easier for you to get payments restarted.

    Should question of "why did you not tell us" arise, just tell them you did and do not know why it was not recorded.

    Do not worry, with the amount of "useless" people working there, they would understand and will not make an issue out of it

  4. They refuse.

    In uk you can buy replacement car as an insurance option. They dont do that here?


    Who is they? The insurance or garage?
    Garage. I dont expect insurance as its not in contract.

    Is there any good compare website?

    Like I said in UK you can buy it as an extra in ur insurance, wonder if they do that here?

    There are a few compare sites but all very flawed.

    Try the brokers, but as i said, its the garage not the insurance.

  5. Is there no difference between a Ethiopian jew and a Ashkenazi jew? Cut the "generic" card you are trying to play.


    1. Last time i checked Israel welcomes ALL jewsthumbsup.gif

    2. Last time i checked Jews from all around the world supported Israel in one way or another.

    3. Do tell the difference between an Arab and an Arab?whistling.gif

    And lets try with facts now, not yet another drivel

    About your point 1). Ask some Ethiopian women. The only Jewish women in the history of Aliyah to Israel forced to take "Depo-Provera" birth control shots as a condition of immigration. There is a " "pigmentocracy" issue in Israel and a rash of social inequities and economic problems. Recently there was unrest triggered by the shameful beating on video of a black IDF soldier by Police.

    LOL, already discussed in another thread. I guess lucky for the Ethiopian he is not kept in camps or back in Africa starving. huh?

  6. Is there no difference between a Ethiopian jew and a Ashkenazi jew? Cut the "generic" card you are trying to play.


    1. Last time i checked Israel welcomes ALL jewsthumbsup.gif

    2. Last time i checked Jews from all around the world supported Israel in one way or another.

    3. Do tell the difference between an Arab and an Arab?whistling.gif

    And lets try with facts now, not yet another drivel

    Do Morrocan Arabs look like Palestinian Arabs? No.

    Do Morrocan Arabs speak the same Arabic dialect as Palestinian Arabs? No.

    Do Morrocan Arabs eat the same food as Palestinian Arabs? I dont think so, since Morrocans have a unique local cuisine.

    Palestinian Arabs and Israeli jews fight over the ownership of land.

    Thats what its all about.

    Nothing else.

    For starters, its yet again a drivel and utter nonsense.

    Were you under some illusion that Palestinian arabs all look alike?blink.png

    Does eating the same food or having same color skin clarify to be "the same"? You can not possibly be that (DELETED) can you?

    This has very little to do with land and all to do with Israels existence, if you still can not comprehend that, not much else could be said.

    There is a good reason why local terrorists support military wings over others, There is a good reason why Iran supplies weapons to Gaza instead helping to build schools , hospitals or economy.

    There is a good reason, why other Arabs always fall short with their "donations" and expect everyone else to pick up the tab, while proclaiming undying support.

    There is a good reason why Egypt closes all borders and why Israel supplies electricity and water.

  7. Is there no difference between a Ethiopian jew and a Ashkenazi jew? Cut the "generic" card you are trying to play.


    1. Last time i checked Israel welcomes ALL jewsthumbsup.gif

    2. Last time i checked Jews from all around the world supported Israel in one way or another.

    3. Do tell the difference between an Arab and an Arab?whistling.gif

    And lets try with facts now, not yet another drivel

  8. In related fantasy news, Iran Ayatollah recognizes the U.S. state of Jefferson located between California and Oregon. gigglem.gif

    But California and Oregon don't. coffee1.gif


    The world is steadily turning against Israel due to its treatment of the Palestinian people.

    That is not fantasy.

    Israel treats Palestinians about 300 times better than Arab brothers treat Palestinians, and that is not a fantasy eitherthumbsup.gif

    Whats this talk about Arab and Muslim brothers... Other Arab states has nothing to do with Palestinian Arabs. They share language and religion, so what?

    And Jews should care about them when have nothing in common?

    PS. Since there is no difference between arabs from Egypt or Palestine because there was no country called Palestine, what exactly are you trying to say?

  9. In related fantasy news, Iran Ayatollah recognizes the U.S. state of Jefferson located between California and Oregon. gigglem.gif

    But California and Oregon don't. coffee1.gif


    The world is steadily turning against Israel due to its treatment of the Palestinian people.

    That is not fantasy.

    Israel treats Palestinians about 300 times better than Arab brothers treat Palestinians, and that is not a fantasy eitherthumbsup.gif

    Tell that to the families of the 551 Palestinian children killed in the recent Israeli assault on Gaza.

    What would you like me to tell families of 20 000 killed by Jordan in 11 days?rolleyes.gif

  10. Isrsel is getting deeper and deeper in trouble

    Actually it's not. It is doing fine and improving constantly. You are the one who has to live with it. wink.png

    Im not the one crying on here because yet another in an ever increasing list recognise palestine. Clock is ticking for Israel smile.png ?

    Clock is ticking? do you mean Palestinians will unite and yet AGAIN attack Israel?

    Flash news spot, they have not stopped attackingwhistling.gif nor have they made any steps what so ever to stop leeching off of the rest of the world.

    Vatican is a bunch of hypocrites who throughout centuries murdered people, unless you forgetting the crusades and the rest.

    In the modern times, Vatican produced more pedo's than they could fit in,and none of them have been severely punished.

    And to top it up, considering religious persecutions on Gaza and Westbank of non Muslims, Vatican is not bothered at all.

    With you Israel demonizes lot, like a pack of street dogs, throw you a bone, no matter poisoned or not, you swallow it up. Anything to make Israel look bad.

    Pathetic, truly isbah.gif

  11. Yes me, and any enlightened society. Thats why court cases involve the accuser having to prove the allegations.

    Buy it is quite easy to verify that not all 1.2 billion catholics seem happy about it. Google is your friend.

    But feel free to just throw out unsubstantiated claims as much as you like as it shows up how blind bigotry can affect ones thinking, or lack thereof.

    The usual rubbish from you Linky

    Now you have aligned yourself with enlightened society?gigglem.gif

    You correct, Google is your friend and if you do not agree with what i posted, be smart and enlightened enough to post relevant information and supporting facts to prove me wrong, instead of posting the worn out drivel, like "you said so"coffee1.gif

  12. Do you have any link indicating 1.2 billion dont seem to mind?

    Thought not.

    Not only off topic but not even in the same universe.

    DO you have any link indicating 1.2 billion do?

    Thought you did not

    Not linky's universe? i guess as long as the blinkers are on, then its all ok

    It is incumbent upon the accuser to prove the facts.

    If you believe 1.2 billion do not seem to mind then I am afraid you need to seek professional help.

    According to whom? You?

  13. This is not just a pissy little summary offence, it is a serious criminal offence in Australia which carries a fine of up to 60K, up to 10 yrs imprisonment or both.

    Yes, it is a pissy little offense. He didn't smuggle a crate of plague infected rats, or a boatload of cattle with mad cow disease.

    It's 2 tiny dogs that probably get better health care than you or I do.

    Then why the need to smuggle? Read earlier than had he done it right they could have been in quarantine for 10 days and all would have been fine.

    No such a thing as 10 days. Minimum 3 months

  14. This will add to Israel's growing international isolation and give further impetus to the increasingly effective Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement.

    Why do the "Zionist"-haters insist on reposting the same old discredited nonsense?

    Boycotting Israel is a Stupendous Failure


    Boycotting Israel is doomed to fail


    Britain's failing Israel boycott campaign

    The Israel boycott movement is (rather hilariously in the quoted case) flopping in the UK. Maybe steam is running out of any enthusiasm for boycott campaigns that have zero effect on Israel’s economy


    The Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement is beginning, it's not ending anytime soon.

    How long did it take the South African resistance to bring about the needed changes to the apartheid regime?

    Incidentally, please don't edit my posts.

    And look at South Africa nowwhistling.gif

  15. The Vatican is the only place I've ever been where I absolutely got the creeps for no reason that I could identify. Perhaps I felt the centuries of evil including the creepy pedophilia which was imposed on so many. I stepped into a distant land from a long time ago and my skin crawled. I can see why it's a separate country. There's nothing else like it. To me St. Peter's Basilica was just old and creepy and nothing beautiful at all yet I guess it's supposed to be one of the most famous "churches" there is.

    Even the Sistine Chapel with the ceiling paintings by Michelangelo is creepy. It is the chapel of the Apostolic Palace which is the residence of the Pope. What a creepy bunch of people, and who gives a damn what they think.

    some give a dàmn tongue.png

    Vatican officially recognizes Palestine, while Israel fumes


    1.2 billion Roman Catholics give a damn....almost a quarter of the world's population.


    Let's hope the Pope's recognition of Palestine gets a mention in next week's sermon.

    1.2 billion do not seem to mind priests raping boys, but is that off topic I wonder?

  16. AXA, but courtesy car is not part of your insurance . It's up to garage or dealer .

    When taking out policy pick " I think " dealer option, this allows you to go to shop of your choice, including Benz dealer . Benz usually provides courtesy car

  17. Having been to labor court, you can not do anything, nor can you withhold the deposit or the pay.

    Furthermore, they do not even need to notify the manager or owner, even telling cleaning lady is considered sufficient.

    I have argued it a number of times showing signed contracts and each time I lost.

    Just pay for work done, and move on.

    Understand the frustration , but you might get your revenge when /if the next job decides to get some references from you.

    One thing you can try, not sure how it would hold up, but was advised by " nice" labour office officer, is put it down in writing, stating clearly employee refuses to honour work contract and agrees to forfeit xxx amount of money with employees signature of acknowledging.

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