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Posts posted by dirtycash

  1. just going through some of my facebook pictures, here is one to start you off , please feel free to add yours, dont be too serious, not a poke or a joke at thai bar girls or thai people or farangs down on their luck, its just a bit of humour w00t.gif

    by the way, i used to have a picture of 2 bar girls sitting in the bar with a thai man , one girl said to the other 2 " he said wait for me in the village, dont go back to the bar " 555

    does anyone have that one ?


  2. i have been meaning to get a thai drivers licence for years after owning cars and bikes here i just havent got round to it, so now i want to get off my ass and get one, i have with me my international EU licence ( plastic part only ) is that sufficient ? where do i go to apply ? i am now in pattaya. what is the cost and the procedure ? i am not on any long term visa at the moment. i am married to thai national.


  3. hi

    im stuck for time here and i have tried to book an air asia flight from bkk to udon tomoorrow but i do not have my companions passport details.

    anyway besides that, can someone please let me know which airlines go to either udon or sakon nakon from bkk airport tomorrow afternoon. i arrive into suwamaphumi at 9.40 am in morning.

    can i get a flight from bkk , or do i need to go to don muang airport and book/ fly from there and with who. who is cheapest, i dont care for expensive domestic flights as its only about an hour so no meals or anything like that.

    i will check this thread from time to time today for any advice.


  4. Personally don't think the technology is quite good enough to be used as a constant source of entertainment, in my experience with Kodi I found it messy and inconsistent and in my opinion somethings like sport365 for sports and torrents for tv / movies is the way to go. Maybe I just need to invest in some solid package like sport365 to serve my movie / tv needs but I was really disappointed in Kodi.

    I'll give it another year or so and try again

    Its all about sources. Use good ones and its fine

    well then, tell us a good source ?

  5. Hi

    i have been looking into different options... and like many others I am a little confused by it all.

    Here are my thoughts....

    1) without a high speed quality internet connection, don't even think about it.

    2) The retailers of these boxes show tantalizing images off all the channels you can get free using their boxes.... but underline in several places that they are NOT providers of TV content.

    3) In other words... it would be illegal for them to do so.... and therefore.... illegal for us also.

    4) it would appear it is no more safe to use these boxes as it is to use Bitorrent to download movies to your computer....

    5) Therefore we are not within the law.... either Thai or UK or wherever...

    6) Owners of the Intellectual Property are constantly looking for ways to reduce piracy. Either by prosecution or moving the goal posts so that Bitorrent or These boxes become unusable.

    7) Therefore we could pay out say 7000 baht for a box that will not work in say 6 months time.... or worse... examples may be made by prosecuting a few thousand of us to warn the others...

    comments anyone?

    mister goody two shoes , 100,0000,s people using these all over thailand and uk.

    so anyone any prices or where to buy ?

  6. are these boxes any good, can any one give me info on them like price, where to buy in pattaya or bkk. ( cloud net . quad core android ) do i need really hi speed wifi to use these ?

    also, i can get a sky box here in uk for a one off payment of 5000 baht ( £100 ) and have it served each year for 2000 baht ( £40 ) can i get the same in thailand , are there anyone supplying these boxes for free sky or any other tv in thailand.



  7. Everyone his own taste, I see rarely Thai girls that I find attractive. They have no boobs, don't look smart and are too short. They can't stand in the shadow of many Indian, Japanese, Nepalese, Middle East, African women!!!

    Thai girls are just average, but attractive for many western men just because they are Asian and mostly because they are 'easy to get' even for the biggest redneck.

    exactly !!!!!!!
    i sat with many friends one day ( around 10 of us there all ex pats who where in los a good few years ) i told them all that i was bored and sick of thai girls, reason being they were mostly money grabbing cheats and working the bars , if not working the bars then freelance, ok this was pattaya to be honest but the point i am making is , i do not see so many stunners in thailand, even those who are hi - so and are not available , i just find other girls more attractive. some times indepth conversation and chemistry means more than a massage or a cheeky cute non senical immature laugh with a bar girl who speaks little english.

    i say to all those guys who think that thai girls are the most attractive , attractive for what ? personality , character, or are they just easy to pay ?

    <deleted> be honest !!! at least to yourself coffee1.gif

    You know it baffles me - I just can't think why a bar fly in Pattaya such as yourself, clearly experienced in the ways of bar girls and 'freelancers', can't find a 'non bar girl' - could it be that a'.non-bar girl' wouldn't be seen dead within a hundred miles of someone like you ?

    The first thing I would imagine an intelligent 'non-bar' girl would be looking for is someone who has the grammar skills of someone over 9 !![/quote

    Maybe your just like the rest .yea i think so
  8. Everyone his own taste, I see rarely Thai girls that I find attractive. They have no boobs, don't look smart and are too short. They can't stand in the shadow of many Indian, Japanese, Nepalese, Middle East, African women!!!

    Thai girls are just average, but attractive for many western men just because they are Asian and mostly because they are 'easy to get' even for the biggest redneck.

    exactly !!!!!!!

    i sat with many friends one day ( around 10 of us there all ex pats who where in los a good few years ) i told them all that i was bored and sick of thai girls, reason being they were mostly money grabbing cheats and working the bars , if not working the bars then freelance, ok this was pattaya to be honest but the point i am making is , i do not see so many stunners in thailand, even those who are hi - so and are not available , i just find other girls more attractive. some times indepth conversation and chemistry means more than a massage or a cheeky cute non senical immature laugh with a bar girl who speaks little english.

    i say to all those guys who think that thai girls are the most attractive , attractive for what ? personality , character, or are they just easy to pay ?

    <deleted> be honest !!! at least to yourself coffee1.gif

  9. ok " thai woman are amoungst the most beautifull, that is a fair comment , though lets have some home truths here , this is only my observation and not meant as an insult to thai woman.

    they dont exactly mature the best do they ? be that down to working in the rice fields all day under hot sun or bar work and drinking when younger i dont know , as for the high so thai woman i also do not think they age the same as theyre european counterparts .

    like really , how many gorgeous older thai ladies do you see around ? will we even venture onto the subject of the 3rd gender in many many cases being better looking than the " real girl " rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

  10. i know a guy , he has been in in thailand many years now, he has no work permit, he has some income though not much, he states that he pays 17k per year to so and so for a visa .

    is he full of bs or what ? this guy is not the only one i have heard many stories that visa can be bought .

    though too good and tempting to go this route i myself would rather take up the ED visa , mainly because i want to really learn the language proper once and for all after 13 years, plus i want to attend school 4 days per week to give me an interest in something . plus in the end i would love to do a TEFLA or a CELTA .

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