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Posts posted by dirtycash

  1. for all you haters and nay sayers , how many of you are knowledgeable about any kind of farming , yet come on here to put me down ? also , why would this girl tell me that her mum will even give me the chanote into my name if she wanted to rip me off ?

    you can't own land in Thailand chanote in your name (virtually) impossible.

    thai limited company

  2. Wow! What a perfect Thai bashers' thread.

    Personally,I find most Thai people to be genuine, helpful, and welcoming.

    hmmmm really your being genuine ? ok then if so i bet your one of them guys who does the " over the top " wai when greeting them , leaves large tips, rings the bell , pays the family hospital bills, sends the monthly western union, lives in a very remote area of thailand , or possibly a hermit.

    how long have you lived in thailand ?

    • Like 1
  3. It is apparent that your personality is in conflict with others most of the time. Or you are constantly bad luck. Go to the temple and get blessed. You have some bad vibs. like magnets attracting each other.

    bs, its true , nothing to do with this guys personality or character. i also stand by what i say about thai,s , its my honest observation in after years both living and married to them.

    • Like 2
  4. Kannot, i agree with you 100%. ive had many similar bad expiriences from thai,s but i dont want to go into it. if im pushed then i will give a lot of instances but there have been too many over the years and i dont have time to explain. overall, i dont like the majority of them and do not trust most of them, i find most of them selfish people. yes off course many many decent thai people and i also have some good friends here who have helped me and shown kindness towards me but not many.

    saying that , beware and watch out for a lot of farang sharks, theyll have your life savings off you in a flash.

  5. JUST A THOUGHT...for all you haters and nay sayers , how many of you are knowledgeable about any kind of farming , yet come on here to put me down ? also , why would this girl tell me that her mum will even give me the chanote into my name if she wanted to rip me off ?

    thanks to the likes of pigeonjake and isaan ausee etc for their helpfull replies wai.gif maybe some day i might just go into some kind of farming investment in isaan if i am to live in thailand later in my life, seems the best way to go instead of thinking about buying a bar somewhere and rotting your life away drinking. i love living in isaan, yes it gets boring but there is still plenty to do . i believe there is money to be made in farming pigs or ducks and done correctly and by doing your homework before setting out on anything and i can only think positive if i am going to succeed in anything on any venture that i will do in future.

    the negative replies have fallen on deaf ears , i dont do negative .thumbsup.gif

  6. From the OP: Girl says she has fallen in love with me ( or my money lol ) she wants us to go live in isaan ( these thai chicks move fast ) anyway she does seem like a lovely girl and i just spent a couple months with her .

    On that he's prepared to place his future in her hands by going into pig farming in Isaan?

    Nuff said.

    Read my replies ....im not going there !!! Can all the knuckle heads stick to info on pig farming and not on relationship. I only asked on this forum to give me plenty of ammo to hit her with as in her words " teerak you cannot lose money in pig farming " so now she has been hit with what knowledge i have gathered. She asked me how i " know so much" well as i say isaan aussie posted a great thread on pig farming.

    Nuff said.

  7. the same girl is o facebook , i questioned her again this morning about this insult, she said she was very very sorry, she was drunk. she was angry at me. though is this thai insult really as bad as we farangs believe it to be ? or can such a thing be forgiven ?

    i mean if someone insulted my children or my dead mother then no no but is this calling someone a lowlife or a lizard etc really so bad, i have in the past insulted people by saying far worse...............so

    your thoughts please

  8. I don't see anyone using silage for animal feeds. Why is that?

    if you look at my pics you will see we bed our pigs on straw, cuts down on the smell as we spray with EM, but most of the experts wont know about this, as they dont know about pigs,

    when the pigs are neally at weight we buy corn at 7bht kilo we buy it by the ton, soak it again in EM and molasis, brings them on great and adds to the flavour of the meat,

    but i dont understand your question,?

    we can sell pig poo at 45bht a bag, but im still using all we have on our own land, ive got a small tractor and roto tiller and it goes into our land for the fruit trees,

    like i said i was from farming stock in the uk, so it was what i wanted to do here,

    when i do retire fully ill get sheep too,

    i make beautiful lincolnshire and cumberland sausage,+ pork pies,

    and believe me with using EM and molases pigs dont smell half as bad as some of the pig experts on here are saying,

    its takes a couple of hours morning and evening to take care of our pigs, its far better then just sitting in a bar all day, or even just sat on our varanda,

    its what you enjoy that matters, i enjoy taking care of all our animals,

    pigs, ducks 3 typs, chickens, fancy pigeons of all colours, budgies, zebra finches, fish, not just the ones to eat, dogs,

    then the veg we grow, i know goes on our veg, all organic, same as all our eggs and meat, duck,chicken all organic,

    this is the last im posting,,

    i dont feal the need to try and convert,

    every one to there own thing, im into farming,,,

    respect to you and very best of luck , you sound like your living the dream in isaan wai.gif

  9. An alternative perspective; in rural CM, a lot of pig-farming, (and chickens too) are that you link to a total firm, like Betagrow. They supply the piglets and the food, all you do is fatten them up. Then after about 5 months the big firm arrange collection and take to market. You get the pay for fattening them up, that's all. I say this from experience - yes, I started a capital loan of 1m bt to my new wife to start a pig farm for 600 pigs. That was 13 years ago. She employed family members, so that kept the family happy. She's a good business woman, the pig farm has grown to 1,800 pigs, with alternative fuel system of methane from the pig shit. My wife has now developed 12 rai of Lumyai orchard, and a chicken farm for 10,000 chickens, (same system as the pig farm).

    I know of another farang locally with a similar story - so in essence, to the OP, it can be done, despite all the doom-merchants of TV

    I know Betagro ( same Betagrow?) I like the idea. Can you send me the contact details ?

    lets leave my relationship out of this for one moment and concentrate on the question about money in pig farming. im interested in your reply ref betagrow. would be interested to know if you did start with 100 piglets how much money could you stand to gain and from how many years months .

  10. And the mom has not helped her in this sure thing, why? She's going way too fast and you are just being taken for the ride.

    yes for sure , maybe daughter has best intentions, though if mum knows so much why didnt she do it, its a big no no from me. like im thinking this is thailand , its their country , they have been bred into farming life all their generations , why would they need farang ? 555

    quess i just needed to hear what i knew all along. and i needed to glean some info off you guys in the know to hit her back with. also warning to anyone else. as i say these girls move fast, beware thumbsup.gif

  11. I cant believe your even considering it after only a two months of being together.

    I lived in Isaan for a few years too, and I think unless your getting married, FORGET IT.

    oh no , no intentions after a couple months. just wanted to find out if there is any truth in what she says about pig farming as i allready suspected from the start that she doesnt know what shes talking about or else her mama would be doing it allready !!!

    or she is trying to play me like a deck of cards whistling.gif

    To make money with pigs you need to cut costs everywhere, which means internalizing costs for supplies, feed, etc.

    So... pig farming alone, no...

    But I do believe there is money to be made by creating a vertically integrated chain of businesses - this works in countries where finding quality meat is problematic.

    One of the challenges for meat/sausage factories is to find animals of the proper "standard", for example pigs that have the right age, weight and fat percentage, or beef with the desired characteristics.

    It means there is a need upstream in the product chain to produce animal food and also downstream for meatproducts (eatable wieners are terribly expensive in Thailand) and leather, leatherwares...

    That's the way to make money with livestock.

    To make wieners you will also need sheep (for the casings) ... the wool can be used for a lot of things and the meat for tasty kebabs at last !!

    But to get back down to reality, all the above needs qualified personnel on one hand and on the other hand loyal people able to control the staff, i.e. the authoritarian foreman type, I don't believe westerners can fill the role in Thailand.

    i think your spot on .

  12. " i heea " or something similar like " i hear"

    an insult ? i was ignoring a thai girl recently who was doing my head in and getting closer than close and i heard her speak this. i also remember someone told me this is the worst insult, i dont know. so advice .

    i could have picked it up wrong but i dont think so as when i questioned her about it she apologised, it was not accepted .

  13. I cant believe your even considering it after only a two months of being together.

    I lived in Isaan for a few years too, and I think unless your getting married, FORGET IT.

    oh no , no intentions after a couple months. just wanted to find out if there is any truth in what she says about pig farming as i allready suspected from the start that she doesnt know what shes talking about or else her mama would be doing it allready !!!

    or she is trying to play me like a deck of cards whistling.gif

  14. If the Family dont Skin You, C.P. will.They get all their info from your food suppliers they own in the area,know exactly what u got then drop their prices to hurt your margins.If youre big, they approach you to raise for them, same as they do to Fish Farmers.

    yea i have heard that , i heard from a guy years ago in udon thani , he lost 3 million because of such a thing.

  15. Ive lived in isaan for a good number of years with x wife .kalasin region. Yes i wonder if this venture is so good why mamma has not done so before ? Mama has other land growing palm oil etc. Things i would like to learn about is such as how much for piglets . Where to buy from which wholesaler in sakon nakon province. Total cost from piglet to sow and price to sell live . I am in the middle of reading an article from isaan aussie . Very very informative.

  16. Ok just met a great girl from sakon nakon...mum owns lots land. Girl says she has fallen in love with me ( or my money lol ) she wants us to go live in isaan ( these thai chicks move fast ) anyway she does seem like a lovely girl and i just spent a couple months with her . She told me her mum will give chanote for about 6 rai of land to me if i want to make pig farm with my new teerak. I smell a rat and am definately in no hurry to waste or throw money into this venture. I do know that meal is getting more expensive but my girl has told me that meal csn also be substituted with other food such as coconut husks etc etc but i dont know. She does firmly believe she cannot lose money in pigs. I simply dont know but am curious to learn about this as if i did stay with her long term i would consider this. Sure it eould be better than investing money into a pattaya bar surely lol. She said about 500.000 baht should start us off. She has he own money also plus she has house she can borrow money off back of from bank but she wants joint venture. Your thoughts please

  17. From bkk to samui what is best way to get there by vip over night bus ? From where and what is price inc ferry ? Also if i do choose to fly its obviously quicker but with which airline is cheapest from bkk suwamaphumi or don muang and what is usual one way fare. Have just got back from samui last week . I was stupid enough to hire car from patttaya so it was expensive on fuel etc and an exhausting drive but we did stop over in hau hin for few nights which was a real pleasure too. Any advice guys most welcome. Im thinking over night vip bus but i want to hear from your expiriences .

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