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Posts posted by dirtycash

  1. i applaud the cops actions. though after watching the 2 video,s i cannot hear him shouting he is going to throw the child or i cannot see him attempt to throw the child or even bring the child to edge of balcony, yes he seems to lift the child up higher but i think that was to stop child falling down , maybe maybe not.

    one thing is for sure though, this deranged dick head should not have behaving like that with his children, kids should be taken off him now, and if he is truly guilty of going to throw the child off balcony he should be treated with the full force of the law .

    some good audio evidence is needed , this story will be interested as it pans out. lets see.

  2. I have a foreign curreny transfers account wth Travelex, I send sterling to them. They hold it until I see the rate I want, then tell them to send, it is then sent direct to my Thaia bank at that agreed rate. I think they allow you up to 60 days to hold money until you agree send rate.

    What happens if funds are not sent within that 60 day time frame. A charge obviously ?

  3. WTffffffff !!!

    just seen it on facebook, i copied it 2 mins ago and was about to paste it here only you beat me to it. this has to be a joke , surely ? if it is not a joke i will be be seriously re assessing my attitude towards thai,s and their country bah.gif

    just looking at some of the other sections of this website, i think it may be a joke.

  4. well i bought one in ccr recently, guy gave me a cracking deal on it, was developed by a very good reputable company ( matrix ), due to be completed in november. the russians are now selling up for buttons though mostly in jomtien ( i dont like the place and never have ) on hindsight i wish i had of waited untill 2016 to make the move but its done now, very happy to have bought this one in ccr ( city centre residence ) for the price i got it for its a great location and i do not think i will have a problem if i wanted to rent then flip it after a couple of years.

  5. Nirun is not as bad as is tainted as is many similar complexes. it central and have many bars/shops within easy distance also big c,and you could easily buy a small condo for under 500 k or a larger unit for about 1kk,please don't knock it if you havent lived there.

    Nirun is situated oppposite big c pattaya klang in soi arunothai.

    As for handing down property to family it a no no unless they on the deeds,i believe or am led to believe.

    I went to nirun recently to view a 37sqm apt. As soon as i stepped into building i realised i couldnt live there. The inside corridors ( i wont call them hallways ) are dark and bleak and and you would think you were in an asylum. You can hear everything inside each condo. Its noisy. Even the outside resembles a prison camp . Its absolutely filthy with many condos hanging dirty washing out over bslconies. I see tramps beggers hanging about i see down on their luck farangs sitting drinking chang at 9am un morning . The swimming pool i seen around 8 years ago was absolutely appalling and discusting and its no different now. Anyone want to prove me wrong then post some pics here. I would not put a dog into that sh**hole. So brit_doggie your talking nonsense.

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