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Posts posted by monk213

  1. What I really want to know is how it happened rolleyes.gifwhistling.gifbiggrin.png

    Thanks for the advice and or compassion. Also if you were less lazy and more competent you would have already read how it happened as I have posted that. I was riding on a dark road at night, no lights on the road and with a helmet that has a visa, the kind that makes things dimmer. I missed a corner, slid out and the first thing to make contact with the ground was my teeth/jaw. To say it is painful and a problem is an understatement. I have cried several times since and that has been more times than I have in the past 3 or so years.

  2. The Bangkok hospital chain charge like wounded kwai.

    I use a dentist in Chalong - she charged 30,000 baht for a five tooth (two missing) crowns and bridge.

    A single implant is 60,000baht.

    If you have a viable root you may be able to have root canals, crowns and a post and crown.

    Do you have personal accident insurance? There should be some with your bike rego/ins.

    Well I have an xray booked for tomorrow with Bangkok Hospital to see if my jaw is broken, the fact the dental clinic did not even treat me and suggested to go straight to one is kind of a signal that it is pretty bad.

    You got a good price in Chalong, would I travel all the way to Phuket though just for this, probably not seeing as there are hundreds of hospitals in bangkok I could go to which are only 2 hours away. No insurance whatsoever, maybe after this I will invest in some!

  3. Well I went to a good clinic recommended by a pharmacist I know on Phetkashem near the Shell station. They looked at me for me and said I had infection and possible a broken jaw bone, so I should go to the hospital for an xray and get it looked at by a dentist at a hospital. Sounds like this could be worse than I thought. But she sorted me out with good things for my infection and at a good price, but I guess tomorrow Bangkok Hospital as IMO that is the best, already been to the one on soi 10, twice, and even though I can speak Thai they did not remove the bits of teeth or xray me, basically they didn't give a shit

  4. Sorry double post. But I have heard many good things about Perfect Smile on Phetsasem close to The Market Village, what would be the better choice of my situation, the hospital or this clinic?

    Anybody? My girlfriend is suggesting these clinics but I am really feeling the hospital because they have drugs and if things go wrong places for yo to be treated. Plus I have read the prices are similar but the work is top notch..

  5. After seeing the pics, I am going to stick with my initial guess.... However, I think it will be a bit closer to the 30 mark. Those teeth are not worth paying to have rebuilt. They won't hold. Getting them crowned or capped is going to be the way to go.

    However, I would get the shards out of your lip before anything.......

    Yeah I am going to ask them to do that first thing tomorrow, it literally feels like I have diamonds stuck in my lip and I have tried taking them out myself but it hurts too much.

    I fell off my bike on a dark road and my helmet has a visa, which makes things darker and missed a turning and basically just smashed my face into the floor.

    I am kind of worried some are suggesting that I need a bridge and things like that, that is in the 100-200k mark

  6. where did you get a price of Bt.500,000 for a single implant ?

    My bad, that was for more than one and expensive material, 75k still, not going to happy. There is a tiny bit of tooth on the 3rd one left so maybe they can build around that instead of needing a full on implant.. I will have to wait until tomorrow but I am feeling so battered at the same time, it hurts to breathe

  7. The two halves they may be able to do a veneer at 10k each... The one you lost will require a post or something similar to a root canal that would be 20k... So 40k total....

    Don't wait as the loss of the one tooth will cause others to shift to the void and they will be weakened..

    I am going tomorrow but have decided to go to Bangkok hospital in HH, the thing is I do not have access to that money right now because I have had to pay for a new visa and a stolen bike last month, crazy crazy luck. Someone said a crown was 7k, I guess it depends where you go

  8. Yeah ok looks like that 3rd one is gone, I am not paying half a million baht for a tooth. I am assuming those 2 will be crowns. Damn this sucks, it would not be so bad if I did not have a bottom lip full of shards, that needs sorting out first because I don't want that getting infected. Thanks guys

  9. My guess..... Anywhere between 15 and 30 depending on how serious the damage and which dentist you go to. I have had some work done on 1 tooth.... A very small piece needed fixing and it was over 2,000. I had it fixed twice before that for 600 each time but it didn't hold.

    Thanks, well here is the picture attached, as you can see the two front ones are pretty much in half, but the one next to it is gone, I may just leave that one and worry more about getting the two front done. I have heard that The Cool Smile group are pretty reliable


  10. Ridiculous question.....ask the dentist, or the second dentist, or the third dentist until you get a price and dentist you are satisfied with

    I asked in case someone here has had to have a tooth or teeth rebuilt, a chipped tooth or whatever. Someone is bound to have so instead of having to wait until tomorrow I thought I would ask around.

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  11. So I have 3 top row front teeth smashed, 2 in halve and 1 basically gone. Also in my lower lip there are a few fragments embedded within my lip, can anybody give a rough guess at how much this will coat to rectify?


  12. If using the topic to relay personal experience or anecdotes but not presume expertise or the right to advise others based on that alone then any reader should have the sense to leave the information where it was found

    If using the forum to give direct medical advice then the writer's credentials or the source of their evidence based information would definitely give more weight to their opinion

    the assumption that any reader should have the sense to leave the information where it is is quite a reaching assumption and if you believe your statement you would not have posted the response to "wasa" about high dose benzo's.

    some posters content seems to suggest they have some medical background although nowadays the internet can yield a lot of information and some could present it in a way similar to that of health care practitioners.

    this is why it would be quite reasonable to know what qualifications and licensure such posters hold.

    there can also be a disclaimer saying the information is not advice but sharing of knowledge

    Trial and error my friend, also ever since I got mixed up in all kinds of things I always made a point to heavily research what I was putting into my body. You would be surprised at how many doctors do not even fully understand the dangers of benzos and withdrawals, or they simply do not care that much. I know more about how substances interact with the human body on a chemical and biological basis than a few doctors put it that way.

    I remember for my 19 birthday my mother bought me a factual book on Ecstasy, and I can discuss with you the ins and out of exactly how it manages to release huge quantities of serotonin on a molecular basis. On a ratio standpoint MDMA is less harmful than horse riding, that's a fact, benzos on the other hand are really quite dangerous for multiple reasons. Anybody who is curious to learn more about benzos check out the works of Dr Ashton as I mentioned previously, her work is second to none in my honest opinion, very extensive research on people who use and or abuse. and the drugs themselves.


    "Mixed up in all kinds of things"? So you are a recreational drug user? Or used to be?

    I got news for you...... Every drug user thinks they are an expert in the subject.

    MDMA safer than horse back riding? Buddy.... I don't think you know what the work "fact" actually means.

    I used to be yeah, from age 14-20 or so. Many users will take something barely knowing the bassline level of the drug, the celing dose, what drug interactions are safe r not safe and so forth, so they don't really have a clue what they are doing apart from using an unknown substance. I am not making myself try to sound like some chemist, but I have done thousands of hours of research over the years on the subject so I know quite a bit put it that way.

    The 'fact' as you mentioned about MDMA and horse riding, that came from a government hired scientist who conducted a large study and subsequent report on various substances and that was one of his actual quotes, a little paraphrasing but that was basically what he was saying to put it into perspective. If you don't belieeve me look up Professor Nutt and his study on it and google deaths and hospital visits of MDMA to horse riding.

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  13. Does anybody have any info on the ED situation at the Immigration of Hua Hin? I am heading there next month and have been brushing up on my reading and writing but my speaking is really good. I still do not fully know the alphabet but I can write my name, things such as 'khun sabai dee mai krap' - 'pom mai sabai' or you know just simple things 'pom ja bpai chai-hat wanii' 'pom kit-wa kao mai koa jai pom' etc etc etc.

  14. If using the topic to relay personal experience or anecdotes but not presume expertise or the right to advise others based on that alone then any reader should have the sense to leave the information where it was found

    If using the forum to give direct medical advice then the writer's credentials or the source of their evidence based information would definitely give more weight to their opinion

    the assumption that any reader should have the sense to leave the information where it is is quite a reaching assumption and if you believe your statement you would not have posted the response to "wasa" about high dose benzo's.

    some posters content seems to suggest they have some medical background although nowadays the internet can yield a lot of information and some could present it in a way similar to that of health care practitioners.

    this is why it would be quite reasonable to know what qualifications and licensure such posters hold.

    there can also be a disclaimer saying the information is not advice but sharing of knowledge

    Trial and error my friend, also ever since I got mixed up in all kinds of things I always made a point to heavily research what I was putting into my body. You would be surprised at how many doctors do not even fully understand the dangers of benzos and withdrawals, or they simply do not care that much. I know more about how substances interact with the human body on a chemical and biological basis than a few doctors put it that way.

    I remember for my 19 birthday my mother bought me a factual book on Ecstasy, and I can discuss with you the ins and out of exactly how it manages to release huge quantities of serotonin on a molecular basis. On a ratio standpoint MDMA is less harmful than horse riding, that's a fact, benzos on the other hand are really quite dangerous for multiple reasons. Anybody who is curious to learn more about benzos check out the works of Dr Ashton as I mentioned previously, her work is second to none in my honest opinion, very extensive research on people who use and or abuse. and the drugs themselves.



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  15. A pretty nasty way to go, RIP fella. Respects to his family especially considering what day it is.

    I often open the door and sit on those stairs when the train is moving, it is fresher and not as hot and cramped, I must admit it is pretty silly and I could have fallen out a few times I guess. For people just going to the toilet or moving in between carriages, there should be more strict health and safety because I can see how it easy to get knocked and trip out of those doors.

  16. OP, my passport has been into the sea twice. the first time my friend was very drunk and thought I had stolen his passport so he threw it off of the pier, soon to jump in and get it. The second I forgot I had it in my pocket and was wading in the water. My passport looks 20 years old but it is only 6, the visa stamp is pretty much unreadable, but I have never had an issue with it. I may have gotten lucky every 90 days since 2011 or maybe it is not too much of an issue? However I only have 2 pages left so I will have to get a nice new one soon :)

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