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Posts posted by monk213

  1. A Thai friend of mine mentioned an open university in Bangkok (which I forget the name of now) where I could probably study Thai. I already study Thai at a school but next year will be my 5th so I will have to move either to a new school, country, or visa. I am trying to keep my options open at the moment.

    Does anybody know much about the open university situation here, how much are the fees, what can you study and how does the visa system tie in with it?
    Cheers Monk

  2. If you mean the requirements in terms of how to structure the company so that you can get a work permit, then yes there is a ratio of how many Thai employees compared to how many foreign employees.

    But the ratio changes according to several scenarios and other TV members can provide more facts on this point.

    There are other factors to consider, some examples:

    - Who will OWN the company? By Thai law foreigners can only own 49% of the shares, which in essence could well mean that you, as the foreign shareholder don't have control of the company, and don't have control of what decisions it makes and what money it spends. This brings up a key word in business - RISK!


    - Is the type of what work that you would perform on the list of jobs / occupations which are reserved for Thai nationals only?

    Take a look at the pinned threads at the start of the ThaiVisa website, there's a lot of valuable information on this subject.

    Thanks for replying. The fact that Thailand will be the majority owner of my business, well my and another designer's business makes it an automatic no. I am not taking that risk and not even going to consider it for that matter.

    I know3 this will now be going off of topic a little because I am going to ask what about Laos? Does anybody know what the laws and requirements are like there? I honestly do not need to rent an office or workplace, as long as I have my computer and the internet I am good to go

  3. Monk 213 , I have a Bkk Bank debit card , it also says for electronic use only , I have used it to buy flight tickets , and numerous goods on the internet.

    The only thing online I can do with mine is use it with Paypal, ie get money sent from Payapl to my bank account. Anything else like Ebay, Amazon etc won't let me use the card, maybe I should go and bring it up with a member of the Kasikorn staff?

  4. In colour ay, thanks for the advice, I wouldn't have known this otherwise. One last question, I have a thai bank account and my debit card says 'electronic use only' which means I cannot buy things online and so forth. Will this be an issue? I don't have a credit card and never will, my thoughts on that are if you don't have the cash to pay for it now then you shouldn't. I don't know why Kasikorn have given me this card which restricts online shopping...

    This could, indeed, prove to be a major stumbling block for you. Do you know anyone out here or back in the UK who would be willing to make the payment on your behalf with their valid credit or debit card?

    I have my mother who could do it for me, but she does not share the same surname as me. Anyway her name will be going on the forms so... Yeah if she is allowed to she can pay for it.

  5. Yea it expires in 2020 but I have the back page, a double spread page and half of a page left. I get 90 day extensions like everyone else on an ED so that takes up most of my room. I also will be going to Laos in October so it will be wise to get it sorted well before then.

    So plan of action is to firstly email them correct? When do I pay because on the website it has the debit and credit card options, or can you pay in Bangkok? Then I need to photocopy every single page in there and bring that along with the checklist of things?

    "So plan of action is to firstly email them correct?" Yes

    "When do I pay because on the website it has the debit and credit card options, or can you pay in Bangkok?" You take your completed debit/credit card mandate to Bangkok with you to Bangkok and they will send it off with your application docs to HMPO's Liverpool office who actually process the payment.

    "Then I need to photocopy every single page in there and bring that along with the checklist of things?" Yes - and the photocopies must be in colour.

    In colour ay, thanks for the advice, I wouldn't have known this otherwise. One last question, I have a thai bank account and my debit card says 'electronic use only' which means I cannot buy things online and so forth. Will this be an issue? I don't have a credit card and never will, my thoughts on that are if you don't have the cash to pay for it now then you shouldn't. I don't know why Kasikorn have given me this card which restricts online shopping...

  6. Sorry for hijacking the thread, I have looked on the British website and found the form, how do I go about this, do I send off my current passport with the form? Seems a little dodgy, or do I fill out the form and go to Bangkok? Also, is it worth paying that little bit extra for a jumbo sized passport do you think?

    See the checklist at https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/342795/Supportingdocs2AUG2014.PDF and in particular the first footnote:-

    "If you are in a country where you must apply in person, you must bring your current British passport with you when you apply, and also bring a full colour photocopy of the entire passport (every page including blank pages)."
    You will be allowed to retain your existing passport while it is going through the renewal process. But you can't just turn up at Bangkok on spec with your completed application and supporting docs, you'll first need to email [email protected] to book an appointment. Include your first name and last name and 3 alternative dates and times in your email. You will receive an email confirming your appointment.
    It might, indeed, be worth your while paying extra for a jumbo passport if, as I get the impression, the reason why you need to renew your existing passport is not that it is about to expire but rather it will soon be completely full - assuming, of course, that you don't foresee any decrease in your existing rate of passport usage which might result in a standard replacement lasting the full 10 years.

    Yea it expires in 2020 but I have the back page, a double spread page and half of a page left. I get 90 day extensions like everyone else on an ED so that takes up most of my room. I also will be going to Laos in October so it will be wise to get it sorted well before then.

    So plan of action is to firstly email them correct? When do I pay because on the website it has the debit and credit card options, or can you pay in Bangkok? Then I need to photocopy every single page in there and bring that along with the checklist of things?

  7. I will be needing to change mine soon, I have 1 page and a double spread left, but I have just got my most recent visa, so I would assume I have about 9 months. What do they do about your current visa, how do they move that information over exactly?

    They do a stamp that will have info about your last visa filled in on it. A entry/permit to stay stamp for when you used that visa. A stamp for your most recent extension of stay.

    I think I would consider getting a new passport soon. You never know when something could happen to cause those pages to be used. You can do an extension in your old passport while you are waiting for your new passport.

    Ok thanks, I will take your advice.

    And another good reason to obtain a new passport sooner rather than later is that, while the processing time may only be 2-4 weeks at present, it could well creep back up to 6-12 weeks after May in advance of next summer's UK peak holiday period.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread, I have looked on the British website and found the form, how do I go about this, do I send off my current passport with the form? Seems a little dodgy, or do I fill out the form and go to Bangkok? Also, is it worth paying that little bit extra for a jumbo sized passport do you think?

  8. hello all. I have been in and around Thailand for nearly 5 years now and I am currently a student studying Thai. Back in my home country I had skills within graphic design from college, I have been thinking about starting an online business with another designer I know who lives in Spain. I have no intentions of doing this anytime soon, it could be 6 months it could be in 1 year.

    What I need to know is the following.
    >It will be online and there will be no office as such, all clients will be abroad so I am guessing I would still need a business visa?

    >What would I need to get rolling, I have heard from people in the past talk of needing to hire 2 Thais and have 2 million baht?

    >I am not sure exactly of how to go about this legally, I mean setting up the company and taxes etc.

    Any help is greatly appreciated<
    Regards Monk

  9. I heard immigration are coming to the language schools to check up on this week. I advise every one to attend school this week.

    Lol. Isn't everyone going every week already?

    Shouldn't need a warning


    I am amazed that the Walen in Bkk says they are one of the most popular schools in Bkk and all the students attend most of the classes and accomplishes this with 3 small uncrowded classrooms.

    Some schools (like mine) have 6 weeks on and then a break, but the immigration officials should know about the schools time tables anyway. I am very glad that I chose a great school, it may have simply been good luck but it has worked out well in my favor, kind of helps that I don't live in Bangkok! I know everybody is different but I personally cannot fathom why someone would prefer to settle down there unless it is work orientated.

  10. American, first ED Visa with 2 Tourist before hand. I always have everything in order with a groomed apperiance.

    "American, first ED Visa with 2 Tourist before hand."

    Did you also study Thai while you were here as a "tourist" or did your interest in study arise when you thought it might be difficult to get a third tourist visa? It seems many people regard Ed visas & extensions to be pseudo-tourist visas, which probably explains immigration policy to make the Ed Visa less "convenient."

    They were not back to back tourist visas.

    Since when is it wrong to consider becoming a student after visting a country you grow fond of? All these other language students suddenly one day want to travel and commit to a student visa out of no where? I assume you would want to "test the waters" first before making such a commitment.

    Makes a valid and good point. I have been a student for 4 years now but I was here firstly on tourist visas doing the old visa run to Ranong and Myanmar. You would or shall I say should either have a couple long holidays here first or use up a couple of tourist visas before diving into something that is basically a contract for a year, it will cost your money, time, and effort all in a foreign country, so it is not something to be taken lightly.

  11. I will be needing to change mine soon, I have 1 page and a double spread left, but I have just got my most recent visa, so I would assume I have about 9 months. What do they do about your current visa, how do they move that information over exactly?

    They do a stamp that will have info about your last visa filled in on it. A entry/permit to stay stamp for when you used that visa. A stamp for your most recent extension of stay.

    I think I would consider getting a new passport soon. You never know when something could happen to cause those pages to be used. You can do an extension in your old passport while you are waiting for your new passport.

    Ok thanks, I will take your advice.

  12. This entire article is slanted to the financial interests of the american medical association bought and propigandized a century ago by

    huge corporate interests. ZERO credibility. Florine in the water, mercury in innoculations. The existing cancer industry!!! What a fraud.

    Surgery, chemo, radiation. Soooooory. I am calling it Bxxx Sxxx. The only bit I found credible at all was the mention of the

    mediteranian diet. (& even that was tainted by the rest of the article)The diet is in fact, a form of detox as it replaces the xxxx

    in the standard western diet with wholesome foods that eventually displaces the trash... ... ...

    My own personel health has turned right around by the year long detoxification process I have undergone

    & the dietary changes I have made in the following year

    Ten Thumbs Down... ... ...

    Perhaps it is the dietary changes you have made, that improved your health.

    Of course...if eating healthy food instead of junk food, you'll feel better. If you have a fatty liver and reduce weight, your liver will work better. All true and accepted. But it has noting to do with detox, as there are no accumulated toxins in the liver or guts.

    However we do have toxins in our bodies from things like coffee, prescription drugs (any decent doctor will tell you any medicine has a slight downside to it), illegal substances, things you may have come in contact with such has heavy metals, things in your food at an eating establishment, these are just some examples of toxins that can be in your body. Oh, don't forget beer, but that has a relatively short half life.

  13. What does it mean when you speak Thai and he speaks English? Is that not a subtle way of the IO saying "Your embarrassing yourself, just speak English"?

    I wasn't embarrassed, quite the opposite in fact. I only spoke when I was spoken to and he didn't speak much anyway. What would it look like as a 4 year student to sit there and not speak a word of Thai, I obviously didn't do anything wrong because I got the best treatment and let off of at least 2 faults without even a hint at being in the wrong. But no I didn't get embarrassed or feel as if they could make fun of me because my ego is not that big, maybe you have this problem?

  14. No reason to doubt you.

    Bangkok is the only office that is a giving 60 day extensions. I have not seen a report of any other office doing it.

    Why is it only happening in Bangkok? I swear that I read somebody from Pattaya stating it also. My school also is still going with 2 days of lessons a week amounting to 4 hours, none of this 8 hour business being talked about, then again it could be different from place to place.

    I am just so surprised that at being a 4 year student I was not even quizzed a single bit on my Thai, he just spoke English to me the entire time.

    I am sure you don't doubt me but there will be some out there who will, for whatever reason there are some people who bash and automatically dislike someone if they are on an ED, I don't know why..

    Hi monk, glad it was plain sailing for you. I had the same experiences with 3 years of ED extensions.

    You are right about the bashing. I got fed up with some posters who would say ALL people on ED visas MUST be rorting the system (admittedly SOME are). My plan originally was to come to Thailand and study Thai for 1 year while I decided whether I wanted to stay. I found the language difficult, so I ended up doing 3 years. On a long-stay (retirement) extension now and couldn't be happier. I would readily admit I used the system, but I didn't abuse it....there is a difference.

    Anyway, ignore the "holier than thous" as I do, they probably can't speak Thai and are envious. Ignore them and they WILL go away.....as soon as you exit the site!


    You had an easy extension day as well did you, good to hear. Where in Thailand are you residing by the way if you don't mind me asking?

    Two things have helped me A LOT with the language outside of the classroom, one is having a girlfriend who barely speaks English so we converse in Thai every day and whenever we talk, the second is simply mingling with Thai locals. I used to, and still do at times head to the beach at night with a few beers and approach a group of Thais who are drinking. There are always groups of them with a guitar or whatever having a good time, and I introduce myself in Thai and politely ask if I can sit and drink with them. I can only remember them saying no once in the 3 or so years I have been doing this. Hua Hin is pretty safe though so I am not worried about a Koh Tao incident.

    Those posters who bash ED applicants, they don't annoy me as such, it's just ignorant and comes across as being bitter.It is mainly the retired guys I have found, they will probably be gone in a decade or two, literally.

  15. No reason to doubt you.

    Bangkok is the only office that is a giving 60 day extensions. I have not seen a report of any other office doing it.

    Why is it only happening in Bangkok? I swear that I read somebody from Pattaya stating it also. My school also is still going with 2 days of lessons a week amounting to 4 hours, none of this 8 hour business being talked about, then again it could be different from place to place.

    Did the documents your school prepare say you were only studying 4hrs a week?

    I have no idea, there are so many pages and after 4 years I trust them to be competent enough to sort it out fine enough that I only have to sign where needed and take the documents with me.

  16. Sorry I just have to say this because it does relate to OPs post and I find it funny to this day. A friend of mine did a border run to Penang from Hua Hin and he decided to ride a moped there! he crashed twice and slept in a tent in fields. It took him 6 days in total. That is all facepalm.gif

    And whats about border he have not any problem with back the same day?

    I am sorry I am of no help because it was a long time ago and we are no longer friends, he never spoke of any issues though, only that he crashed twice, broke a panel on the bike and was sleeping in a tent most of the time

  17. No reason to doubt you.

    Bangkok is the only office that is a giving 60 day extensions. I have not seen a report of any other office doing it.

    Why is it only happening in Bangkok? I swear that I read somebody from Pattaya stating it also. My school also is still going with 2 days of lessons a week amounting to 4 hours, none of this 8 hour business being talked about, then again it could be different from place to place.

    I am just so surprised that at being a 4 year student I was not even quizzed a single bit on my Thai, he just spoke English to me the entire time.

    I am sure you don't doubt me but there will be some out there who will, for whatever reason there are some people who bash and automatically dislike someone if they are on an ED, I don't know why..

  18. I knew an Englishman, who had been living in Thailand more than twenty years, he could speak fluently, Northern Thai, Lao Thai, South Thai, Bangkok Thai, and Royal Thai, but he could not read or write Thai, I don't think he was embarrassed at all about that. I have been here 11 years, speak very little Thai, but I'm not embarrassed about it, I can count in Thai and order the food I like in Thai, I don't really like talking that much, so what more Thai do I need?

    About 30% of the Thai population can't read or write Thai.

    It doesn't seem to embarrass them.

    Haha I know right, sometimes I ask my girlfriend to write something for me to clarify it and she will have to pause or sometimes even won't know how to write it. She did leave school early and has a lot more practical intelligence than intellectual though, which I think isn't all that bad.

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