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Posts posted by monk213

  1. People seem to forget that valium is illegal in Thailand and that it is addictive if taken for prolonged periods. Weed and beer are the safest highs though weed is even more illegal than valium. Tramadol is relatively new and is just a poor substitute for codeine which is illegal in Thailand. For the international mess regarding big pharma, personal freedom and the silly illegalities of some drugs.....blame the USA who imposed their corrupt will on the world.


    Valium is illegal in Thailand????? laugh.png Codeine is illegal??? You are really uninformed.

    Just Google search Thailand drug laws and you will find that if you are caught with valium without a script you can get jail time and or a hefty fine. That is if you cannot bribe your way out of it..

  2. Yes Goa now you talking about a proper party.

    A pal of mine still lives there and comes back UK in summertime to work Security for me at some of the big music Festivals then goes back.around September.

    I have been intrigued with the idea of going to Goa for a little while now, however India seems pretty messed up, the roads more dangerous than here and the pollution there is bad to name 2 things. Have you ever been?

  3. I is awesome, lots of fun, drugs, music, crazy, drinks, girls, party, sex happiness.

    I wish the whole of Bangkok could be like that one day.

    After reading quite a few of your posts on various subjects, it seems to me that you went to one of these parties and over did it on the booze & drugs, and now suffer permanent brain damage.

    Just my opinion. wai2.gif

    A lost soul thumbsup.gif

  4. I went to a Full Moon Party five years ago when I was 25, when I first came to Thailand and it was pretty much exactly like the pics in the OP.

    It gets a lot of criticsim about drug taking and anti-social behaviour etc.

    But I didn't think it was actually that bad. Sure, drug taking was widespread and quite open but it was no worse than say when I went to Glastonbury or Leeds music festival, in the UK.

    My main problem with the Full Moon Party was that it just wasn't very good, well overhyped with terible music, over priced drinks and full of idiots dressed in flourescent clothing and face paint.

    Accomodation prices on the island doubles whenever the Full Moon party is on, it's basically just one big rip off.

    if it causes so many problems the govt in Thailand could just stop it but it's too much of a money spinner ripping off backpackers!

    Glad I went to it, but I wouldn't go back, it's crap! Too old now anyway!

    I used to be a pretty hard raver back in England from age 16-21, most weekends coming home at 7am on a Saturday. Anyway you are never too old :P At Global Gathering in 2006 I saw a guy in his 50's smashed on E in the DnB tent and he had his top off, sweating buckets. However, I have calmed down now and I have never been to the full moon party, and I doubt I ever will, nothing here compares to the kind of music festivals back home so I don't bother, also the music is not my scene even in Bangkok it would be hard to find a Jungle or oldskool DnB night on I assume.

  5. I should have been dead years ago if that mix kills . . . . facepalm.gif .

    You're lucky and have a rigid constitution then. A casual friend of mine died through that combination.

    He drank a lot of booze, was an alcoholic (were're talking heavy liquor first thing in the morning).

    He went on a heavy night binge. Woke up just after dawn. Took a cold shower, popped some valium to get back to sleep, never woke up again. The combination slows your heart down to the point it fails to beat.

    This happened on Koh Tao and he used to own a bar on the beach at Sairee.

    Valium does not kill and it does not slow down the heart rate - the danger of Valium is that it is highly addictive

    So you are saying that it is not dangerous...............but it is dangerous because it is highly addictive. Make your mind up, will you.

    I'll spend a few hours in a dark room trying to work that one out!!w00t.gif.

    As there was nothing else that could have killed her other than a drugs/alcohol cocktail I think that you have got your facts wrong. Prove me wrong by coming up with an alternative theory.

    What I am saying is that if a combination of alcohol and valium kills it is most likely the alcohol, not the valium. There is minimal danger of dying from valium but a remarkable danger of getting addict - which is not the subject of this thread

    Type "Valium death" into a search engine.

    have you been reading the thread and posts? Coming from vast experience the combination of the 2 IS dangerous but it is very rare to die from the combination, but it happens. And as it has been mentioned several times she was also taking antibiotics and was already ill. Sheesh this is getting tedious facepalm.gif

    Exactly. Is that not what I said?

    there were so many quotes and I am so busy that I thought you were the one suggesting 'punch valium death into a search engine' and all that jazz. My bad, again. I need to chill, oh yeah my daily valium dose is due which is no joke. If I miss that it could be a ride to hell!!

  6. I should have been dead years ago if that mix kills . . . . facepalm.gif .

    You're lucky and have a rigid constitution then. A casual friend of mine died through that combination.

    He drank a lot of booze, was an alcoholic (were're talking heavy liquor first thing in the morning).

    He went on a heavy night binge. Woke up just after dawn. Took a cold shower, popped some valium to get back to sleep, never woke up again. The combination slows your heart down to the point it fails to beat.

    This happened on Koh Tao and he used to own a bar on the beach at Sairee.

    Valium does not kill and it does not slow down the heart rate - the danger of Valium is that it is highly addictive

    So you are saying that it is not dangerous...............but it is dangerous because it is highly addictive. Make your mind up, will you.

    I'll spend a few hours in a dark room trying to work that one out!!w00t.gif.

    As there was nothing else that could have killed her other than a drugs/alcohol cocktail I think that you have got your facts wrong. Prove me wrong by coming up with an alternative theory.

    What I am saying is that if a combination of alcohol and valium kills it is most likely the alcohol, not the valium. There is minimal danger of dying from valium but a remarkable danger of getting addict - which is not the subject of this thread

    Type "Valium death" into a search engine.

    have you been reading the thread and posts? Coming from vast experience the combination of the 2 IS dangerous but it is very rare to die from the combination, but it happens. And as it has been mentioned several times she was also taking antibiotics and was already ill. Sheesh this is getting tedious facepalm.gif

  7. Dont want to make any conspirations in this case, but Valium and alcohol must be consumed in very very very high doses to be lethal.

    On what basis do you make this statement? A high amount of Valium, yes but mixed with alcohol, a very dangerous concoction. Sorry but you are so wrong and are posting very misleading information. Before you post, get you facts straight.

    You must have missed the part where it mentioned 'tramadol' - when mixed with alcohol this is very dangerous unlike valium and alcohol.

    No, never missed the bit about tramadol but as there was no mention of this being detected during the initial examination I did not feel the need to make a statement and complicate the matter by adding fuel to the speculation fire. Yes, agreed that it is very dangerous mixed with alcohol. However, the latter part of your post, if you are suggesting that Valium and alcohol is not, then I ask you to check you facts before you post misleading information.

    I am not a chemist or a forensic expert but as a law enforcement officer (retired), with some 30 years experience I have attended many incidents involving O/D's, and have had to prepare reports for the Coroner and then attend the Coronial Inquiry, where it has been determined that the cause of death was through taking a concoction of alcohol and Valium. (Both depressants) The finding was mainly "Death by misadventure," or in a few instances, following extensive investigations, the cause was attributed to "Suicide." Never Murder!

    Just for your information and others on here who have absolutely no knowledge and brag how they have taken the Valium and alcohol mixture without any effects. Do not believe it for the following reasons Valium is a drug from the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. These medications are used to treat anxiety disorders and have hypnotic, sedative effects because they act on certain chemicals within the brain. They are known as central nervous system depressants. Mixing alcohol with Valium can be lethal. So as I said, before you post, please check you facts.

    you can also die if you drink too much water (water intoxication), something that happened on a regular basis in 80s 90s when youngsters were taking ecstasy - it's all about quantities

    In fact pretty much anything you can put into your body is lethal at the right amount, even oxygen. People who die from MDMA or ecstasy often die because they either, like you said flood themselves with water or the opposite dehydrate and overheat

  8. As well as a large number of armchair detectives we seem to have a plethora of armchair forensic chemists/pathologists. Some expert input would be most welcome.

    Perhaps one of the mods could prevail upon Sheryl from the medical forum to give her views on the clinical effect of a combination of alcohol with valium and/or tramadol. I am sure she would not want to get involved in the wider aspects of this thread, but she is highly knowledgeable on matters medical and explains things very well so that even an idiot like me can understand.

    Just a thought.

    To be honest, cruncher, there is a lot to be said when it comes to experimenting with said substances on yourself and with others for multiple years. If you have some good scientific background knowledge at a somewhat advanced level as well, it helps you to understand how things work with regards to drug interactions, doses, what parts of the brain are stimulated and how, what organs are at risk and why etc. So when you next see a drug user, they could well be an educated fellow. Look at shulgin for example, the guy tested everything on himself.

  9. That type of reincarnation is Hindu, Buddhists, or at least some schools of Buddhism believe in human rebirth.

    Anyway if I were to choose top 3 animals
    > turtle because long life and hard shell, chilling on beaches
    > Elephant because again pretty long lives and they can destroy anything and no predators will attack you
    > sloth has to be #1, they have the life right there

  10. Even without tolerance you can take crazy amounts of Valium and alcohol without dying. She must have swallowed a whole pharmacy to reach lethal levels. Maybe her body was messed up cause of mixing lots of drugs which might cause death.

    You can take hundreds of mgs of diazepam and drink a load of beers and be fine and do that 1,000 times, which by now I probably have about done, but you could do it 1 times and die. We are all different biochemically speaking and there are many factors to take into consideration.


    We see famous people dying by small amounts of drugs. Lets say a small amount of painkiller and small a amount of benzo and a harmless anti histamine.

    I know people that can take this amount during a day: 200mg Valium + 10mg Xanax and some Ativan and Stilnoct and be fine.

    Biochemically different, and no one knows if they can take it or if they will be checking in on the last flight when taking reasonable amounts of a drug.

    Precisely, also tolerance needs to factor in as well as illnesses at the time and various other things. When I told my doctor I was using 400mg of valium a day at first he thought I was lying but then questioned how I was still alive, even doctors (and I know this from a lot of experience with them) know little about benzos, withdrawals and drug interactions with them. I would say around 80% of them don't know enough on the subject

    • Like 1
  11. Even without tolerance you can take crazy amounts of Valium and alcohol without dying. She must have swallowed a whole pharmacy to reach lethal levels. Maybe her body was messed up cause of mixing lots of drugs which might cause death.

    You can take hundreds of mgs of diazepam and drink a load of beers and be fine and do that 1,000 times, which by now I probably have about done, but you could do it 1 times and die. We are all different biochemically speaking and there are many factors to take into consideration.

    • Like 1
  12. Quality of tv is pretty much the same the world over....

    I was not stating that TV is god or bad in that sense (and no c'mon, you have to see the acting in these things)! But, I was referring what the content is doing for society.. Prime example right now on Channel 3 that my girlfriend has on, guns, explosions, gangs, wealth etc etc. Anyway as I stated earlier I don't watch TV myself anymore, it has gotten to the level of brain destroying.

  13. Dont want to make any conspirations in this case, but Valium and alcohol must be consumed in very very very high doses to be lethal.

    On what basis do you make this statement? A high amount of Valium, yes but mixed with alcohol, a very dangerous concoction. Sorry but you are so wrong and are posting very misleading information. Before you post, get you facts straight.

    You are both kind of correct imo (just for the record I have thought and said all along in this thread she died from drug related matters), but you really do need a lot of both diazepam and alcohol for it to be lethal in most people - however she was also ill at the time if I am not mistaken? This could cause a problem and make her bodily functions operating at a lesser amount. But for most of us, even with a low tolerance you will need a lot of diazepam and alcohol to die from it. When I nearly died I consumed 400mg diazepam, I have no idea how much tramadol and morphine, 750ml of whiskey and a few xanax if I recall, which I barely do of course. 2 days after that is pretty much erased forever but I was found with blue lips surrounded by vomit. Dark times and glad I got out of them with my life!

  14. A terrible thing. Seems the main focus here is Valium and Alcohol. Further thru the police listed Tramadol as one of three drugs found in the room.

    Take a second to pop that into Wikipedia and see what you come up with. It is an opiate based drug to be respected. I used it 10 years ago.

    My doctor proscribed it after surgery for an anal fissure stemming from Haemorrhoid issues. Pain after surgery I cannot describe. Doctor said if the primary pain killer 850 mg Paracetamol with 150mg Codeine did not work, only then use the Tramadol and don't leave home or drive anywhere. And yes I was seriously spaced out.

    The lady had some serious combinations of drugs and alcohol available to her. Some as in the case of Tramadol don't manifest well in some forms of testing - read below.

    Fatalities with tramadol overdose have been reported and are increasing in frequency in Northern Ireland; the majority of these overdoses involve other drugs including alcohol.[35] Recognised risk factors for tramadol overdose include depression, addiction and seizures

    Most commercial opiate immunoassay screening tests do not cross-react significantly with tramadol or its major metabolites, so chromatographic techniques must be used to detect and quantitate these substances.

    Lets wait and see what comes in the next few days and further testing.

    I'm no expert, I saw the name Tramadol and remembered it to be a more serious substance than this thread seemed to realize.


    It's a pretty weak opiate, however it is rare within the opiate family because it is also an antidepressant which makes it even more of a hazard if you take it daily for a long period of time and then just suddenly stop. I have had it many times myself and this month I had to because I broke a few teeth. I was on it for 3 weeks and even that short space of time left me with withdrawals, I was taking nearly a gram a day though.

    Very weak opiate. Painkiller? Not in my book. Makes you feel better so you can tolerate the pain, but codeine works for me when over-the-counter painkillers fall short. But I'm not every sure you can get codeine here in the hospitals. I asked for it when I was hospitalize with dengue fever and my doctor blew me off. A caring friend brought me some Tramadol while I was in the hospital. Like I said, didn't do much of anything for the pain, but mentally it made me able to tolerate it. I was happily suffering. lol

    As you can see Tramadol is a weak opiate, however I never said that it is not lethal when mixed with alcohol and or benzos, in fact I said that it is pretty risky in fact.


  15. A terrible thing. Seems the main focus here is Valium and Alcohol. Further thru the police listed Tramadol as one of three drugs found in the room.

    Take a second to pop that into Wikipedia and see what you come up with. It is an opiate based drug to be respected. I used it 10 years ago.

    My doctor proscribed it after surgery for an anal fissure stemming from Haemorrhoid issues. Pain after surgery I cannot describe. Doctor said if the primary pain killer 850 mg Paracetamol with 150mg Codeine did not work, only then use the Tramadol and don't leave home or drive anywhere. And yes I was seriously spaced out.

    The lady had some serious combinations of drugs and alcohol available to her. Some as in the case of Tramadol don't manifest well in some forms of testing - read below.

    Fatalities with tramadol overdose have been reported and are increasing in frequency in Northern Ireland; the majority of these overdoses involve other drugs including alcohol.[35] Recognised risk factors for tramadol overdose include depression, addiction and seizures

    Most commercial opiate immunoassay screening tests do not cross-react significantly with tramadol or its major metabolites, so chromatographic techniques must be used to detect and quantitate these substances.

    Lets wait and see what comes in the next few days and further testing.

    I'm no expert, I saw the name Tramadol and remembered it to be a more serious substance than this thread seemed to realize.


    It's a pretty weak opiate, however it is rare within the opiate family because it is also an antidepressant which makes it even more of a hazard if you take it daily for a long period of time and then just suddenly stop. I have had it many times myself and this month I had to because I broke a few teeth. I was on it for 3 weeks and even that short space of time left me with withdrawals, I was taking nearly a gram a day though.

    • Like 1
  16. Backpackers here get excited about what's freely availlable in the pharmacy's. Valium is just one of them.

    But why do UK-girls want to be pissed all the time? On a place like Koh Tao you can be happy without any drugs i guess.

    But Xanax is tightly controlled now in Thailand. Valium is chemically closely related. You sure it's still OTC?

    xanax or alaprozam is very much still OTC, well I guess it depends where you live in Thailand and your how you present yourself.

    • Like 1
  17. If this kills, I am a walking dead blink.png

    I know I feel lucky too, it can kill but alcohol and valium together isn't that dangerous, add some opiates like tramadol in the mix and things get dangerous 10 fold at least. I did have this video where I took 30mg of xanax because someone was telling me it would kill me, and at that time my tolerance was sky high so I knew I would be fine and I didn't even blackout. Benzos by themselves are pretty much suicide proof, you could take a bottle of valium and you probably would be fine after you eventually woke up.

    she spent 60 gbp on antibioitics, no way, she spent the money on xanaz/ diazapam, which is widely used by the young generation, with alcohol

    I still don't know why she was found naked though, has that been explained yet?

    You're right. It's super odd for someone to sleep naked in the comfort of their own room in a hot country like Thailand. She even tweeted that she changed for hostels to a private room so that she could actually be naked comfortably.

    I forgot she was found in her room, my bad. I thought she was found on the beach for some reason blink.png

  18. Alcohol and opiates when mixed can kill. Alcohol and opiates and benzos and being ill already so possibly dehydrated a little...

    Glass of grapefruit juice first thing in the morning to pep you up, on top of all that and whoops over you go. Don't discount the possible role citrus juices can play in giving you blood medication levels 500 to 1000% the intended dose ( Google it if you don't believe me)

    How to potentiate benzos and opiates, lol been there my friend and tried all kinds of things. Lem tek method works well for mushies thumbsup.gif

  19. God there are so many irrational, illogical minds on this forum. Cherry pickers that see what they want to see. Waste of time.

    Even if she was taken straight back to the UK for a full autopsy without the interference of anybody you'd still have some ridiculous theory.

    If there wasn't a recent murder on KT this wouldn't even be news. That doesn't make it any less tragic.

    I know mate, they try to make other conspiracy theories when they are found out to be idiots. The last pl;ane that went down, they were out in the droves, now they hide like chicken shit

    In fairness I did read in the news that that Air Asia plane crash because it climbed too fast.

    I think you'll find it crashed because it went down too fast. Call me a cynic.

    I don't care what the police say about this case. I've drawn my conclusion based purely from her own admissions and the very real threat of the combination of what she was taking. I don't care about the terminators that can take everything all night and brag about it. People die from eating a peanut and having a bad reaction. If an autopsy performed in the UK reveals definite fowl play then I'm also man enough to admit that I am wrong. Rather than try and make up more excuses.

    I'm an avid traveller but have never been to Koh Tao. I arrive in April, staying at the very same hotel as this poor girl. It has not put me off. I can count more murders within 5 miles of my home in Croydon than are reported on Koh Tao.

    Xanax and Diazapam is not available legaly in Thailand, has to be prescription, but i get asked all the time to see if i can get any, so it does go on in Thailand and elsewhere.If she took any drugs like this, who knows what the ingrediants are

    If you live outside of Bangkok it is easy to get benzos and tramadol OTC no questions asked, generic brands like Roche and also Thai made pills. I have a script for diazepam and I had a recent accident, pretty bad, so I was prescribed tramadol for that. So I was taking tramadol for 3 weeks with valium this month. But you can get these very easily in pharmacies

  20. If this kills, I am a walking dead blink.png

    I know I feel lucky too, it can kill but alcohol and valium together isn't that dangerous, add some opiates like tramadol in the mix and things get dangerous 10 fold at least. I did have this video where I took 30mg of xanax because someone was telling me it would kill me, and at that time my tolerance was sky high so I knew I would be fine and I didn't even blackout. Benzos by themselves are pretty much suicide proof, you could take a bottle of valium and you probably would be fine after you eventually woke up.

    she spent 60 gbp on antibioitics, no way, she spent the money on xanaz/ diazapam, which is widely used by the young generation, with alcohol

    I can't really see where you are going with that post, how much sarcasm is involved or what facepalm.gif

    But 60 quids worth of xanax and or valium, here... LMAO heck I couldn't get through that in a week let alone a night. All I am saying is (from experience with being involved in all kinds of social circles over the past 15 years) is that it is very rare for someone to die from benzodiazepines and alcohol as a combination, not impossible but it is just rare. Mixing the big 3 as I have previously said is very different though, benzos, alcohol and opiates.

    She obviously had a very low tolerance and was rendered to the point where she had super low slow respiration and a low heart rate. I still don't know why she was found naked though, has that been explained yet?

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