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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. Yeah. Never stop if the flow of traffic is ignoring them anyway. If there's a break in the traffic and you are one of the first cars, then stop for them. The moto rider is a complete idiot too. Anytime you see a car stop on the road, you slow TF down and verify why they are slowing The pedestrians also must be attentive and if you see something, just run or at least be prepared to dodge something.
  2. That is total nonsense. There is a huge middle economy in places like Russia that nobody in the west ever admits exist. There are millions of normal middle class Russians that make their living in the private sector
  3. Smoke cannabis just once and you'll realize that none of these stories are caused by cannabis. Cannabis makes you feel the opposite.
  4. It obviously wasn't the dope. But since the dope is legal, they do meth and go on rampages and then blame the dope, because it is legal
  5. Lots of foreigners doing cheap drugs from questionable sources. How do you think they are staying up all night ? Coffee ?
  6. The dumb conspiracy nonsense of course.
  7. What a load of complete rubbish.
  8. Looks like a minor thing that happens almost daily where alcohol is consumed
  9. Lets hear it farang boomers "ban Chinese, Indian and Russians!"
  10. Helmets are lame. He's just letting it out. Trying to have a moment of fun on a dull day. Props to this chap
  11. I recreationally vape. And have never smoked
  12. Have you ever vaped even ? A neutral flavor is basically undetectable
  13. It doesnt. But that won't stop the health karens from trying to convince ppl of that
  14. It is not anyone's job yo babysit adults. When you rent a motorcycle anywhere , let alone Thailand , the responsibility is your own. Period. These crashes have nothing to do with maintenance. And even that is the responsibility of the rider. Inspect the bike before you rent. Take it for a ride and if anything seems off , return it.
  15. Does anyone know how to drive in CM ? Just look at the last few headlines.
  16. I'd laugh if the first guy caught his sack at the end
  17. “Ashish used his medical knowledge to administer sedatives to my daughter and conspired to drown her. He later told us she died by drowning but I am convinced he murdered her.” He intended to kill her on the trip.
  18. You could say the guy was an idiot. But some ppl get away with things for a long time. And they start to convince themselves that the risk is lower than they thought going in. Now the guy is screwed for a long time.
  19. Cultural thing. It was never intended to be romantic.
  20. At the very least, the black boxes should be connected to the electrical system of the aircraft. In the 737, they are not. The black boxes completely bypass the electrical system and are just hard wired to the generator. If the black boxes were wired like 99.9% of all car stereos are wired, then they wouldn't be missing the critical 4 minutes. It is just common sense. The batteries everyone is talking about is something different.
  21. There could have been smoke/fumes through the AC system. It could have led to a hasty reaction vs. a controlled, checklist-oriented one.
  22. The 737 has 60 minutes of backup electrical power, supplied by 2 main system batteries. The the event that all fuel is lost, for both engines and the APU, there is an hours worth of electrical power to run all the electrical systems. The battery people are talking about in the news is something separate when the aircraft breaks up or is at the bottom of the ocean. That battery is there to run the pinger and is not relevant to an intact aircraft.
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