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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. I don't understand how these guys haven't figured out yet, that confrontation is best avoided in these situations. What did he expect was going to happen exactly ?
  2. It is a ridiculous law that wont stand the test of time much longer. Vaping is 95+% safer than cigarettes. But yes, some church ladies on here will tell me how bad it is
  3. British person steals 2 jewelry items from tourists. And this is your reply.
  4. Yet another person on a motorcycle that doesn't understand counter steering. Its not a coincidence that it happened on a curve. If you steer a bike like a car, you will crash in a curve. Like this(rider survives) :
  5. Nope. I meant a night club or something How times have changed. I am 40 years old. I can only imagine what Pattaya was like in the 80's. Bottom slapping was probably happened all the time and nobody thought anything of it
  6. He's too insecure for that. He just needed to validate himself.
  7. I thought maybe they met in the bar and he followed her up. But maybe they left out those details. How much trouble is he going to get for giving them a squeeze ?
  8. ^ She is 21 ? The no bra hipster style makes her look 51
  9. No surprise , you are getting into more catty fights online
  10. Lol this guy is still calling on his review of Pattaya from the 1990's, in the year 2024.
  11. It is a panacea compared to Chiang Mai. Gotta laugh at all of these ppl who talk down to Pattaya from CM or BKK. And you are perpetuating the same kind of prejudice that people outside of Thailand have for the whole country. As the prejudice goes, Thailand is the Pattaya of the world and you are inside of it.
  12. How many of them did you get pregnant ?
  13. How would you know that its made up ?
  14. That sucks. I like counterfeit goods
  15. Let's google it How long can the average person stay afloat in water? In average conditions most people would be able to tread water for up to a maximum of two to three hours. So my skepticism is well founded. And your lack of it isn't.
  16. I am rather skeptical that she was out there swimming for 7 hours. They do look like a good couple.
  17. I'm sure all of our resident Thai bashing comedians had a field day with this one. The old myth from the 1970's that Pattaya has no water treatment plants
  18. According to US biased Wikipedia , Russia has 3000+ active military aircraft. This is my first time paging through Ukraine war topics on this forum. I knew it would be insane but not this insane
  19. I thought it was a case of the unknown penis
  20. Funny how ppl think everyone with a nice vehicle is rich. When most of the time , it is someone living beyond their means , struggling with debt
  21. And..... how is this Thailand fault. I'm about to find out
  22. You are seething with hostility for the country that you are a guest in. You must not be having a good time yourself and should move away. What's stopping you ?
  23. So the tourist deserved it. And yet we get the Thailand doomer headline
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