She was either racing the train or her mind just filled in something that wasn't in reality. This does happen. Our brains can just fill in a detail if we are so to expect an outcome. Maybe for most of her life, she crossed that spot when it wasn't train time.
Using these shortcuts probably worked millions of times without incident. We only hear about it when it doesn't work. Because someone was too careless or just had a mental lapse.
What I am saying is, I do take shortcuts and things like this. But I am fully aware of the dangers every single time
With your so called western education , you should have known the bare basics of what Buddhism is.
Buddhism is a non-theistic tradition, meaning that it does not involve a belief in God.
Solar won't power marine ships and diesel transport. So it is a clueless narrative that Thailand shouldn't maximize it's domestic oil production because hey, solar.
Bringing up religion and education in a situations like this is pretty dumb tbh. Westerners like to delude themselves into thinking they are higher beings and they really overrate their highschool.
This idea that education between a place like the US or Thailand is the difference between how people perceive reality is utter nonsense. Buddhism barely even counts as a religion. Yet here you are claiming it is something hardcore like Islam
Last I checked , the article said 15 days. Everyone has different norms of communication with friends and family. Just because the dad thinks something is off doesn't mean he was being coddled.
But if it makes you feel tough to post that , go ahead
Ketamine is like getting slightly high from marijuana and drunk at the same. You get the laughs and are a bit disoriented.
It isn't much of a party drug to me. It's more like a sit in your living room with a couple friends drug