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  1. Ms. so I assume it was a female , not male.
  2. Worried about scratching the glass
  3. Can anybody help please , I have a dozen of these to remove on a tinted glass door , and I have tried WD40 , Nail polish remover , Heat but I am scared of cracking the glass. I have just spent half an hour , but getting nowhere really. Any quick fixes known ?
  4. Not if the chimes are going I won't.......😀
  5. Not if it is already disabled it doesn't . Because you don't hear the chime at all.
  6. I disabled mine in my Ford because it is annoying. But I still use my seat belt when leaving our village and meeting Tarmac roads.
  7. I think Thailand takes the attitude " as long as they are locals , it won't upset TAT's figures. "
  8. What I was suggesting George was the date the topic was started. When I open up the " Unread content " there is no indication of how long the topic has been posted , it would be more user friendly . But as you suggested , I have to open a topic to see if I have read it. See " Unread Content " screenshot , no dates.
  9. I thought this was another 3 died. It would be handy in the Unread Content if the original post had a " date when started " on it.
  10. I recognise a few of them. Ben Dover , Gerald Fitzpatrick, Patrick Fitzgerald , Phil Macrackin.........😀
  11. TAT boys and girls Justifying their jobs . Positive figures for their bosses to read about.
  12. He had the choice , Chair , Injection or Firing squad. Hiis victims David and Gladys Larke didn't have that choice , they just got the Baseball bat .
  13. I see this one doing the rounds , anybody using this ? https://www.bufferless.live/epro?utm_medium=paid&utm_source=fb&utm_id=120216968639970430&utm_content=120216968639680430&utm_term=120216968639610430&utm_campaign=120216968639970430&fbclid=IwY2xjawI7olBleHRuA2FlbQEwAGFkaWQBqxiyNbEKfgEd8XaLm_WcGv6cyv3dwtwpvHMfCAb29ElXrORoA5a1ZlPeGKkwFgHNBKQT_aem_vb5AU8amHa_WV7GXF1lzMw
  14. They are a pain on the arris , we had one outside our bedroom window , and it was keeping us awake through the night , noisy sods. We drive them off when we see them.
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