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Everything posted by NE1

  1. What I was suggesting George was the date the topic was started. When I open up the " Unread content " there is no indication of how long the topic has been posted , it would be more user friendly . But as you suggested , I have to open a topic to see if I have read it. See " Unread Content " screenshot , no dates.
  2. I thought this was another 3 died. It would be handy in the Unread Content if the original post had a " date when started " on it.
  3. I recognise a few of them. Ben Dover , Gerald Fitzpatrick, Patrick Fitzgerald , Phil Macrackin.........😀
  4. TAT boys and girls Justifying their jobs . Positive figures for their bosses to read about.
  5. He had the choice , Chair , Injection or Firing squad. Hiis victims David and Gladys Larke didn't have that choice , they just got the Baseball bat .
  6. I see this one doing the rounds , anybody using this ? https://www.bufferless.live/epro?utm_medium=paid&utm_source=fb&utm_id=120216968639970430&utm_content=120216968639680430&utm_term=120216968639610430&utm_campaign=120216968639970430&fbclid=IwY2xjawI7olBleHRuA2FlbQEwAGFkaWQBqxiyNbEKfgEd8XaLm_WcGv6cyv3dwtwpvHMfCAb29ElXrORoA5a1ZlPeGKkwFgHNBKQT_aem_vb5AU8amHa_WV7GXF1lzMw
  7. They are a pain on the arris , we had one outside our bedroom window , and it was keeping us awake through the night , noisy sods. We drive them off when we see them.
  8. I also like it , I ate it once in the S and P shop in Tukcom , it wasn't Chiang Mai good , but it was acceptable. That was a few years ago .
  9. Does that mean the USB A was plugged directly into the mains and the USB C into the phone ?
  10. After watching the Tattooist of Auschwitz based on a Heather Morris book , I found another book by her " The Three Sisters ". What a story.
  11. Standard answer , just keep changing the date at the end of the sentence.
  12. I wonder If the PSV license test here in Thailand is anything like the Car license test . Virtually non existent.
  13. I am still using my Iphone 12 mini from 2020. Not seen anything in the Iphone range since that would make me want to change it.
  14. All a big Misunderstanding , he had arrested a smuggling gang ( but they got away ) and confiscated their ill gotten gains and was transporting them to his police station to book them in as evidence. 🤣
  15. I wonder if Europeans forget that they are driving/riding on the opposite side of the road to their homeland ?
  16. Doesn't look like brake failure. Looks like he has his foot down to enable him to drive up the steepish slope then fails to do his u turn quickly enough .
  17. Did you have to provide a Marriage certificate , or is the wife's I.D. card sufficient for proof of marriage ?
  18. My Mrs got one Tuesday morning , called her by her full name , stating he was from the Electricity board and they have installed a new metering system etc. and she needs to download an app. She hung up on them , and popped down the road to the local Electricity office. As she was explaining to the manager what had happened the scammers called again , so she put it on speaker so the manager could talk to to them . They quickly hung up and she blocked the number.
  19. Lucky last night , Harry was well offside when he headed in the winner.
  20. Follow up to this. Yesterday and this morning , some locals are trying to get the Head of the school removed. The Police have arrived as things are getting heated. The locals are worried that their kids are not learning and that the Head of the school is only there for a few hours a day . Apparently he lives an hour or so away , he arrives late and leaves early .
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