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Everything posted by NE1

  1. I sent my application off , and like HappyExpat57 I received the e mail. I noticed they did not ask for the TM 6 number. Will that be a reason for refusal ?
  2. Why is there no " Quote " under the Original post ?
  3. My first post states Imac. My answer to your " Sunspots " solution ........When I unplug and insert again nothing shows on my desktop or disk utility .
  4. Two different external disks in Two diiferent ports using Two different cables in Two days I am just waiting for tomorrow to see if it happens to the Third disc . I have had these 3 discs plugged in for just over a year now without a problem. Updated to Monterey when it first became available , this is the first time I have had any problems like this.
  5. i don't think that is the problem today. When I unplug and insert again nothing shows on my desktop or disk utility .
  6. Last couple of days my external discs are disconnecting themselves. Yesterday it was my Seagate , and just now it was my La Cie. No recent updates on Mac to blame , could it possibly be the cool weather ? at the moment it is 21deg c in my computer room.
  7. Well , received my e mail with password. Tried to do my 90 day report....Http failure response for submitId=kwq6prx4acclse6t06: 504 Gateway Time-out Shut down then opened up to log on .....Http failure response for submitId=kwq6prx4acclse6t06: 504 Gateway Time-out Just tried aagin , got logged on Whoooo Hoooo I am half way there. Will try to do my report tomorrow.
  8. Will this make this https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do obsolete , Or is it the same system under a fancy name ?
  9. I see there is an English option on the updated version . But when you press the Post Vaccination Symptons Survey it is all in Thai. Oh well.
  10. But not like filling forms in as previously posted by a couple of people. Like I said , different regions , different ways of doing things.
  11. They are like Immigration , different ways of doing things in different regions. I have had dealings with my bank since the new passport. They just photocopied my old and new passport and that was it.
  12. Once again , it depends on the BBL . Mine never bothered , as Kwasaki said , your old passport number is in your new passport.
  13. They have to be ordered from a higher authority to stop illegal activity ?
  14. I took my new and old passports to the Bangkok bank and they said no problems , will just use your new passport when anything needed. Driving license people said they will change the passport number in 4 years when I renew my license.
  15. I am stood in a bank for 30 mins before I go to Immigration. How is that more work ?
  16. a lot of my friends went to Greece , Spain and Italy this year. No hoops to jump through or quarantine etc. and a couple of hours flying time They really enjoyed it.
  17. I usually update my bank book once a month or twice as I get nearer to my ext. My branch of BKK bank issues a letter " not been under 800,000 from xx xx xx to present day ( one year total ) Signed and stamped. Then I ask them to photocopy the last year of my book and sign and stamp the copies. This has always been good enough for immigration for the last 10 years. I have never ordered a bank statement .
  18. I hope some of them are placed inside certain offices in city hall , that might save some money.....
  19. Don't know to be honest , I thought get it while I can just in case.
  20. My passport number and nationality were wrong when I zapped the QR code on my cert. I returned to the IT department of the hospital where I was vaccinated . They fixed my passport number and my nationality and also supplied me with the 50 baht Yellow Passport thingy.
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