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Everything posted by NE1

  1. I have the same problem , apparently the search engine doesn't work.
  2. Be honest , road markings are not really understood by many here. Even the " educated " ones who map the markings out do not understand them. We have broken lines in the centre of a road on blind bends , crest of hills. Solid lines where the visibility is good in both directions. We have a T junction near our house , and bikes approaching never stop , they just coast onto the hard verge into on coming traffic until it is clear.
  3. I did the same thing (Ratchaburi) , they asked me last time , so I complied , copy of updated bank book and bank letter , which they just looked at and returned them to me. This time it wasn't mentioned , so I like you I didn't bother.
  4. So the driver of the truck is not getting fined for having an unsecured load..... Them Police are just one lazy , ignorant futhermucking outfit.
  5. Thanks CharlieH , I will try that see if it works Good to know Admin are on the ball and helpful.....
  6. Every time I try to use the search engine , the " checking browser " Tick for Human , pictures with Buses on etc come up.
  7. I changed my timing belt on my Ford at a 100,000 klms. Not because of a problem , it is something I do with new vehicles. If the Timing belt does go , then you will need a new engine.
  8. It was mentioned Two days ago that the final decision on whether Songkran will go ahead will be made on Fri. 18th March. That is if anybody can afford fuel by then.:)
  9. I believe that you have to do your first 90 day report in person. Somebody with a little more knowledge will explain why
  10. I think that it is a common occurence. As your 90 day report has nothing to do with your yearly extension , so UbonJoe tells us.
  11. Keep the e mail they sent you and copy and paste the password when you need to use it again.
  12. I bet their hearts soared on hearing this news. No work , no food , no electric, flooded out at the first sign of rain . Pathways and roads full of holes and missing bits. But wait , we might be getting a monorail.......????
  13. You are not telling me something I don't know . We had a change of immigration officers a couple of years ago , what was good for the old officers , was not good for the new ones. Every year I go to do my extension , I take 3 copies of everything i need and everything I think they might need. Sometimes they want stuff and sometimes they don't. I don't argue with them , I just give them what they want.
  14. Different offices , different requirements. Been that way for years.
  15. Our immi. told me . if you do not leave Thailand and you return to the same address , no problem. If you leave the country you have to report regardless.
  16. We have them blowing round from time to time , I am just waiting for one of Thailands finest to stop and pick one up , look at the telephone number and investigate the loan shark.
  17. Just got my second 90 day report approved on this new system. Very Happy.
  18. That means they have received your application , now you must wait to see if you get approved. That will come in a seperate e mail.
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