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Everything posted by NE1

  1. I am also pleased that Maguire is on the bench , I still think we need another decent centre back and above all else, a goalscorer.
  2. or you could just pop to the hospital and ask the girl.......
  3. I think I know what colour the paperwork will be , but not sure how many.
  4. I couldn't believe this when I first heard it. I think she has one of the best voices , love to listen to her . Especially the live performances.
  5. No need to shout , it has already been pointed out on numerous occassions.
  6. But if you already have insurance , why should you pay for somebody who hasn't bothered .
  7. The next step will be trying to charge as people leave. I think it was 50 baht the last time they did this.
  8. We missed it as well.....
  9. Because , like smoke , smog , floods , crash helmets etc. Bangkok is all that matters.
  10. Just check that the money did actually leave your account. I had the same thing happen to me , same as you and the answers they give you , then I checked my account and because it was cancelled so quickly , the money never left. It's worth a shot.
  11. That is some title .????
  12. Works for me , first time in a long time.
  13. What about Villa's " second goal " . How was it offside ?
  14. But who published this . My contribution was from Thailand's Land Traffic act.
  15. Land Traffic Act If there’s no traffic signal or sign installed at a circle (rotary), a driver must give way to vehicles coming from his right. (500B)
  16. It was a fact , read the report. as is your post is about " maybe , possibly , speculate ". So like the rest of the posters , you don't really have any facts apart from you used to live near that location . Maybe it was you they were after......????
  17. Obviously they hadn't drunk them , cos' nobody I know puts empties under their seats.
  18. It is a sad state of affairs that the excuse for police here will not do anything until the press get involved. They should be ashamed of themselves.
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