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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. I meant as far a shopping at a market or small shop. Besides it helps lessen rip offs . The Thai understands your not a typical stupid foreigner being pulled around like a water buffalo by your bar girl girlfriend.

    For the two of us i average about less than 600 baht a day. This includes house rental, meals, travel, hotel, gas for bike, misc. Totally possible and it is a good life. Learning to speak Thai can save you a great deal of money.

    How would learning to speak Thai reduce my rent/electric/water/shopping at foodland/car repayments etc etc etc ?
  2. 50 baht for fried rice ? yikes

    5 - 600 a day on average.

    That would include my 110 Baht breakfast, 4 or 5 large beers at 60 Baht each and a packet of ciggies. Sometimes I even go overboard and buy American fried rice @ 50 Baht!

    Other days, depending on where I go or what I need maybe 1,000 Baht. My needs are simple and the g/f only ever drinks one beer when (if) I take her out laugh.png

  3. i understand that there are numerous pot heads on your mystery island that live off in La la land (The Beach) . Without the weed most tend to be dumber than bricks already. Like many foreigners that arrive and live here believe that they should have the freedom to do what ever they wish. Tends to get most of them like yourself in trouble with the law or the Thais in general. Not sure what you expected and hopefully next time you forget where your at the Thai government will jail and later deport you. Keep On Smoking cheesy.gif

  4. Sadly foreigners like this are becoming the norm in Thailand. Wish the Thai government would make it much more difficult to visit or stay here. Perhaps the riff raff would slime its way over to Cambodia lot of these types are there already likely deported from Thailand and elsewhere . One of the many reasons i give the tourist slums a wide berth.

  5. Oh God forbid say anything positive about the Thais. I ask myself this question everyday. If the foreigners that live and visit here hate the Thais so much. Why do you stay ? Two reasons. And if you look deep and are honest with yourself i think you already know the answer. I would have done the same for my girlfriend without a second thought. Sacrifice your own life for another should be honored.

  6. Not again. The old "Friend Of Mine" story.

    In answer to many of the replies, where have I stated that it is me that wants to marry a Cambodian girl. In my case I have just married a Thai girl and I am very happy with her. Also where have I stated that the Westerner is older than 50 years old. So now that we have got that out of the way can I please have some sensible answers to the questions I have asked.

    You may have got better responses had you explained that in your initial post.

    Probably too late now.

    Yes you should have started your post with

    "A friend of mine wants to know"

  7. your joking right ?

    ......With all the kook, GF problems, money problems, alcohol related problems, mental disorders, its no wonder why Thailand has

    become a trauma center of the world for tourism.......an elephant ride before you slice your wrists?

    And for all the slagging that Thais take in these forums, one can only imagine (and be sympathetic with) the views they must hold of westerners.

    If there wer eno westerners in Pattaya................ There more or less wouldn't be a Pattaya worth anything!

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