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Everything posted by schweizer

  1. unfortunately logic and sexual needs are not good friends
  2. interesting idea but the lack of a uterus would mean this utopian society would be rather short lived
  3. Ah, now I understand you are approaching this from the extremely simplistic side, unfortunately these idiosyncrasies are way more complicated than that
  4. I hope he doesn't drop the soap
  5. and you know this due to long a deep study of LB lover motivations?
  6. Seriously incorrect, a woman with a penis is a man, not a woman
  7. I am not aware of this being specifically mentioned by the tax office but yes it would probably be applicable to taxable income, I am Swiss, if I am living in GB and win the British lottery I would have to pay Swiss tax if I am still tax resident in Switzerland, So it would depend on your residency not the funds source, even worse if you are an American living in CH and won the Swiss lottery, first they would pay Swiss tax as we tax lottery winnings, then US tax, my GF who is American and Swiss resident pays both Swiss and US taxes
  8. I guess its related to the fact that most men who like LBs don't regard themselves as gay. In the same way that pedophiles who like young boys don't see themselves as gay either. I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said, "Lola" L-O-L-A, Lola Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lola
  9. Also worth noting is that Germans also cause a lot of trouble in Spain Ballerman has been a centre of debauchery for many years, there is even a German movie about it and according the recent reports a German Hells Angel is causing havoc on the island of Mallorca using his gang to control businesses and extort money as far as I can see any country that tempts cheap holidaymakers to their shore to make quick easy money is asking for trouble and shouldn't go crying afterwards
  10. No but your writing might improve 😉
  11. There you go, I put your English right Could I perhaps suggest a remedial course in English, you obviously need help
  12. Actually they do, but as you seem to even have issues with basic English, I wouldn't expect you to understand any of our 4 languages
  13. wouldn't a Toyota Camry have been enough, seems bad for a monk to be riding around in such a car when so many people are homeless and hungry
  14. Now maybe you get the reference 🙂
  15. Alice? Alice? who the f&%k is Alice?
  16. To my understanding the largest number of sex workers in Thailand are 100% for the local population not tourists, maybe that has changed
  17. Thanks for your replies, I have told him this before but he seems to have a romantic idea of sitting on the beach being fed food by young ladies in bikinis I shall give him the address for Bangkok Hospital 😉
  18. Thanks, but he is looking for one of those vendors that rent loungers and make food, 25 years ago there was one in front of Central that I used but I dont know of any that I would trust now
  19. A friend of mine will visit soon and wants to spend a few days on the beach in either Pattaya or Jomtien. He wants to hire a lounger and eat and drink there. I have bought drinks on the beach but generally avoid eating there, does anyone know a place where the food will not put him out of action for a few days. He loves Thai food chilli etc so no problem there Just dont want him spending half his holiday taking Immodium 🙂
  20. I understand what you are saying I guess they want everyone on the same type of visa as running 3 types, let alone the sub-types is not easy or fun, but screwing the customer over in the process is very typical of the non-rational thinking that I ave come to expect
  21. Many years ago the Elite visa was without an end date, when they brought out the previous visa they tried to get them to change to a 20 year limited visa, not popular now they are trying to get people to move to the new visa, shorter life, more costs I believe the Americans call this a "no brainer"
  22. Yes new series of the farm is due, plus maybe a reforming of the trio for a new Top Gear, although I doubt that will happen
  23. Wat Boonyakanchana Ram, Nongprue, Bang Lamung, Chonburi is a very long winded way to say Patttaya
  24. Surely if you are aware that you are or were on a blacklist, you would have been advised for how long you would remain barred unless you did something criminal normal overstay excetera has a finite timing
  25. i feel happy for you, today I found an idiot who doesn't understand sarcasm, perhaps you should find someone to pick on who is dumber than you, but that might be difficult
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