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Everything posted by bkkcanuck8

  1. No, you just have to put yourself in their position and figure what they would or would not do - given the negotiating position they landed in. They wanted some control over the government, and they basically negotiated with Thaksin's minions to retain some control... then figure out what Thaksin would accept or risk - given he was out of the country with significant amounts of money. Would you accept coming back and just going to prison for 8 years, or even 1 year ( a Thai prison)... no... of course not... not if you had the money to live a comfortable life in exile... The military backed government did not want to be seen just caving, but they were willing to rig it... come back for prison, and pretend you are going there... and then you will get a pardon... and then we will figure out how to have you serve the rest in comfort somewhere if it is home confinement or special accommodations... does not take much to figure out how it would go down... You would have to be an idiot to think he would come back to Thailand and risk serving a long sentence in general population in a Thai prison...
  2. No, but when there was a wiff of talk about Thaksin coming back to Thailand... I basically walked through the entire process of what would happen when he came back and told it to my Thai friend and she was going - no that won't happen... but this was exactly how it went... so my theory panned out. Thaksin would not have come back to Thailand until he had guarantees in place... and every detail agreed to... There is no way he would risk going to prison in general population for a long time or any real length of time (unless of course he funded the prison and he was the first and only prisoner during the period of incarceration). He also made sure to return before the Pheu Thai were holding the reins of power because doing it after would have only resulted in the fall of the party and putting him at risk. Doing it while other powerful military linked people were responsible for the government - mitigated it.
  3. Not likely, this whole deal was arranged under the agreement with the former military influenced regime - a deal that was put into place to keep influence over the current government.... too many secrets that may be unravelled if the deal is unravelled will leave powerful people potentially exposed.
  4. Losing face is almost like being murdered.... that gives her a good argument for self-defence...
  5. As someone who has been on a plane that had to divert because some passengers were being unruly (and then could not take off again because at that point the pilots were over the limit on hours before takeoff)... causing me to miss an important meeting... I would prefer there was just a hatch on board that they could dispose of passengers mid-flight and let them worry about the consequences. Thai's are too nice, they should have at least got out the duct tape and just taped them nice and firmly and be 'forced' to respect others rights as well... 🤣
  6. In case you missed it it was in response to a chain of messages starting with someone asking what the punishment equivalent would be "in the states" (aka United States of America), to which I was replying to someone saying it was 'federal' and only a fine. (also in case you missed it -- Thailand is not a federation. However, Earlier I also pointed out earlier what the possible charges were in Thailand and they would have more charges to apply and potentially more serious if they wanted to go that route.
  7. If the offence ONLY include smoking/vaping on the plane -- however it sounds like they also did not comply with the air crews admonishment and refused to comply with instructions. As such, I believe that the US federal law of "Interfering with a flight crews duties" which includes everything from physical interference, verbal interference, and refusing to comply with instructions (including fastening seat belts, stowing luggage, turning off electronic devices, and observing no-smoking rules) or other disruptive behavior... (49 U.S.C. § 46504). For these the civil penalties are up to $37,000 per violation (multiple incidents can come from a single incident), and also criminal penalties (up to 20 years). This is of course a lay opinion from the plain reading of the law.
  8. Depends, in this case the pluses would be (assumption) they did not tamper with smoke detectors Negative would be that it sounds like they interfered with the duties of the flight attendant... If this was the first offence and you obeyed the flight attendant and did not tamper with a smoke detector - you likely would have received a fine of less than $4,000USD. However, if you did not obey the flight attendant -- you likely would get some prison time in addition to the fine. (can be up to 20 years depending on many factors - but my guess is the end with 20 years would be reserved for those that tampered with smoke detectors - and had a less than stellar record before this). (I am not a lawyer so take it as a grain of salt). If the flight had to divert due to being unruly -- you could be on the hook for any extra costs the airline incurred (that can range from $10,000USD to 200,000USD).
  9. Well, given that importation and use of vaping equipment itself is illegal... punishable by up to 30,000THB fine and potentially imprisonment in some cases (the cap for sentencing is 10 years) -- breaking the law and being a jerk could land you in serious trouble. It depends on whether the authorities bother to care about it, or maybe just takes the easy way out of deportation and blacklisting (saving money on imprisonment). So vaping, possession of vaping equipment, importation of vaping equipment, use of such equipment covered under smoking on a flight... are all against the law and each of those are punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. Use of the equipment on a Thai flight is also punishable by deportation and blacklisting. Of course, maybe it can be made to all go away for a serious contribution to the police tea fund (but it would not be cheap - and may require family support to raise the funds).
  10. Said a Thai-English National, given the UK is made up of nation states including England - it is quite possible the terminology is correct... A person from England within the United Kingdom can be referred to as an English National or British National depending on context.
  11. They should try making some variety, maybe a nut brown, amber, stout, etc.
  12. This 'bribing' would be a grand deal that was made with the former (outgoing) administration including that Prime Minister and others with links to the conservatives to arrange the entire process to make it seem legit. This plan would have been in place before Thaksin stepped one foot in Thailand (and likely would not have needed a money component). After that, the rest was done according to the deal made... In other words, the deal is too big to fail (too many powerful conservative elements with other links).... If they want to go after Thaksin -- it would have to be something else or the prisons will be full of powerful people.
  13. When I was younger, one of my friends had 16 brothers and sisters.... if they followed the same trend as mentioned in this report he would only have 2.3 brothers and sisters (for a family with 3 children)... 🤣
  14. Given the house I live in now has 32 Amp circuit breakers (total house service is 45 ams, with 4 circuit breakers), and 15 Amp wiring... it does not surprise me that there are electrical faults that cause fires. Every wall socket on one breaker along with an Air Conditioner, every light (which is all LED - low power) on another, the 3rd is probably the 1st Air Conditioner installed, and the 4th breaker... I think that is the water heater and I am not sure if there is anything else... so pretty much all the high power items are on one 32 Amp circuit breaker (except for 1 Air Conditioner).
  15. I have a Thai Credit card and it works fine (Bangkok Bank) as of now... however, I have had issues from time to time where something gets rejected and I have to call up and ask them to allow charges from a specific site (I had to do that with Amazon Japan) - especially those that don't use the 6 digit verification code on ordering.
  16. My most watched video service (actually only one) is YouTube and with ads, I find YouTube unwatchable - especially since I am constantly getting up so I am not nearby always to skip the ads and they go on forever...
  17. Not to mention if drug smuggling conviction in a foreign country is not considered a criminal offence/record for serving in the Thai parliament, it would be ripe if they turned around and said anything about Thaksin violating foreign laws..
  18. For a poll, it is actually quite a large sample size in comparison. The average sample size in US polls are between 1,000 and 1,500 and this size will yield about a margin of error of 3% with a confidence level of 95%. Of course I am not privy to their methodology so I cannot comment on if it is a solid poll.
  19. Really? The last poll I saw from NIDA had the People's Party as the most popular party.... though I seem to remember them gathering up steam during the election last time to come out in first position with the percentage of popular vote (it was not the expected result)... In fact so much support that the Pheu Thai and Conservative Parties felt the need to get into bed together... now everyone is being stabbed in the back and there is blood in the matrimonial bed... could end up making the next election even worse... If this is the result, does anyone think that whatever party wins will feel safe getting into a bed with a psycho that is waiting for you to feel comfortable and then cutting off your 'pride' and knifing you to death....
  20. If the court is going to move against all the democratically elected parties (majority of the electorate)... then It might be a smart move, the majority of those voted into the house are running out of qualified PM candidates to take the chair... (this would be 2 Pheu Thai disqualified, 1 medical issues which would make him problematic = 0 from Pheu Thai, 0 from Move Forward now People's party)... That means no PMs to be selected from the parties that got 38% (Move Forward), and 29% Pheu Thai, leaving United Thai Nation with 12.5% - and the rest of the parties receiving less than 3% to select a PM from... that in itself is problematic.
  21. If they jail him from using his influence to escape jail, then they should jail the man who let him escape... with a minimal sentence... which pretty much would put a lot more people in prison than just Thaksin... which includes many members of the outgoing government (from the PM on down)...
  22. Secret Service were primarily negligent (and maybe local police - as well as failure in communications between the two)... not the FBI. I have to say though ... the bloody Trump ear healed faster than I thought humanly possible.
  23. Whole grain rye bread is actually slightly better than whole wheat - as it is more filling and has a more gradual effect on your blood sugar (not a big spike). Rye sourdough bread is also an interesting option. (more popular in germany / and scandinavian countries)
  24. As I said - it is a matter of pluses and minuses, but most people eat bread with fat of some sort (mayo, butter, etc.). However, many people don't have your pluses and it bites them on their big fat *ss. in America 42%+ are considered obese. Oh and those BMI charts, I learned early on how bad they can be - as it does not take into account body type.... When I was not running 10km a day and very low BMI (long time ago - knees won't allow me to do that) the chart itself would tell me that I was 'just under being obese' but the caliper would give me a more reasonable estimation. Obesity is rising around the world... and yet many people are eating or doing the wrong thing and blaming it on slow metabolic issues beyond their control... for the most part it is BS. It is as simple as calories in vs calories out and making sure you have enough of what your body needs so you don't get issues with cravings. Then they decide to lose weight and starve themselves, triggering your body into reacting to sedentary starvation and it starts to conserve and ready their body for bad times by ejecting 'unused' heavy body mass (muscle, muscle is heavier than fat so it is first to go)... which when they return to a normal diet means that they don't require the same calories and the cycle getting worse and worse. Japanese are taught from their early years (lived for many years with a very Japanese woman) to innately know and create meals that are nutritionally balanced and reasonably sized. When you grow older, they switch to a omayagy (forget - vague recollection) diet... what it means is it is 'old persons' diet - which reduces the oils and fats and is more based on things like steaming vegetables etc. In the west we have no such widely understood concepts taught to us when we are young. Being aware of where you get worthless calories, being aware of the tradeoffs... and not just brushing peoples issues off with things that they cannot control... Understanding that will help people not to become big butterball turkeys which in dire times will be great help in the soylent green factories... A good start for most people is waking up and starting with a long walk (hour or two - which I do - usually use the market that is around 4.5km away and back). The largest muscles in your body are your leg muscles and even very light exercise such as walking will use those muscles... and larger muscles burn more calories. Many people are not aware that most western sauces are packed with fat... it is what makes them taste great... other foods that are high in calories and low on nutrition..
  25. 'I' do this and are in perfect health... sounds similar to people basing their lifestyle on the guy that smokes to 100 years of age and is fine... There will always be statistical outliers (both good and bad habits etc.). In the end it comes down to pluses and minuses... and good and not so good. Bread is not bad in moderation, but it is high in calories (and is usually served with a fat which is high in calories) with little nutritional value, relatively low in fiber, higher in calories - and is not that filling in itself and spikes your blood sugar... Which leads to people tend to over indulging in bread - which if/and in combination with a relatively sedentary lifestyle -- is definitely on the minus side. Basically, it sounds a lot like desert... empty calories of little nutritional value.
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