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Everything posted by bkkcanuck8

  1. Yes, but he probably feels betrayed because he thought she was supporting him (can be searched for, he bragged about it once)... so he is feeling betrayed that AI Taylor Swift is backing him while the non-AI Taylor Swift has decided to betray his AI Taylor Swift by backing Harris. I feel Trump's pain...
  2. Oh dear, that will be bad... when her looks fade... she will still have billions of dollars more than you (last tour alone brought in over a billion). (personally, I don't know her music - have not paid attention - maybe I have heard it, maybe not...).
  3. She is actually a bit more than that... she is actually a very smart businesswomen. But that... is not indicative of whether she will have an affect at election time.
  4. Both these numbers are soft and relatively irrelevant (and badly reported) numbers... Is that 8% or 20% now going from "not voting for x" to "really not voting for x"... and is that broken down by states that are potentially in play (states that are not in play or have no chance of flipping are also irrelevant). I highly doubt those numbers indicate anything... just useful for playing a game in the media. The question is - those hundreds of thousands of (likely mostly young women) that she has motivated to get registered to vote, actually going to go to the polls. There is a reason why the GOP is actively trying to make sure abortion questions from state ballots, because these newly registered voters in potentially swing states - in combination of having the abortion question on the ballot... could make a difference.... but time will tell.
  5. They should decrease the upfront cost of the visa and give an option to pay in annual subscription fee based on the current price (i.e. pay over the lifetime of the visa in installments - but allow for significant savings paying for it upfront). 50K baht is not going to give any more people any incentive to do so... They can lower the price by having core features (i.e. visa + handing yearly admin work for you) - then have addon benefits for those that really want more benefits.
  6. Even in Thailand, you legally require a warrant to to seize stuff... The question is whether they have applied for such a warrant... or just through their hands up and say... we cannot do it for legal reasons?
  7. ETA is pretty well universal in the western world, not a surprise that it is coming to Thailand... and to be quite honest using automated immigration gates as a tradeoff for having to get an ETA... I would take that exchange any day of the week.
  8. Definitely not the same as going into when it was 2016 election and he was new on the scene, bombastic projected anger at the other tribe - so they loved him.... now he is declining and boring... and not so new... On the other side, Biden was declining and it was looking like an electoral failure... so people were so depressed when it came to the election... then he was pushed out that was not mentally declining and there was exuberance and it is showing - in large part because she was able to speak coherently and they their tribe seems to be in ascendancy... I was sort of hoping both of them would keel over dead during the early campaign... because it was always a possible outcome. Trump will not pull out... it is not in his personality... so that is going to help Democrats.
  9. Official crowd sizes done by officials are also estimates based on something like a photo or a police officers rough guess... and even if it was official, you would say you did not believe the them... which is basically says you... have your opinion and anything that does not agree is rejected.
  10. Oh, And I think Biden needs to be investigated for mishandling classified information before he was President... classified information in an office where any cleaner could access it... there seems to be a very lax approach to handling classified information these days... yet they lock up people who do the same... and are not connected politically... two standards = corruption.
  11. I would have thrown Hillary in Prison... and I would throw Trump in prison... I would have impeached Bill Clinton, and I would have impeached Trump... hmmm... maybe I just hate corrupt behaviour.
  12. Inflation is a trailing indicator of economic mismanagement...
  13. The inflation went out of control because both the Republican Congress and the Democratic Administration has been throwing fuel onto hot coals and it finally ignited. (hot economy but still throwing tax money to push it beyond - with 1 trillion dollar deficits (3 Trump term in last Trump term/ 2 trillion related to COVID), then the COVID issues with supply chain and throwing more money, and not pulling back spending... lots of inflationary movements by all politicians. I am just surprised it did not ignite earlier.
  14. He will have to borrow some watches to keep track of time...
  15. This is not a rule of law country, this is a law of rulers country.... the law only applies when it comes to the 'wrong people' and Prawit is... not one of those.
  16. She would lose and be found guilty directing spittle and the good and proper Prawit... and that Prawit was only protecting himself.... Then she would find herself taken off to serve her sentence.
  17. You don't arrest or imprison politicians - or even remove them from Parliament if they are 'good people'. It will be quietly dealt with and they will go around threatening news organizations to remove all content about the incident...
  18. This is how I pieced the story in my head... trying to make it fit the facts. The man got drunk and on a bet/dare he went out into the woods to compare his privates to the local bull... (yes, he was really drunk)... the cow seeing a drunk man naked coming towards her, panicked because she thought her virtue was going to be stolen from her - and decided to fight back... 🤣
  19. If he was getting on the songthaew he would have been leaning forward and usually grabbing a rail to pull yourself in. It takes at most 2 seconds to step up and in, and it does not look like that person boarded at that point. The video shows the vehicle moving forward at a constant speed at the time it records the person in question. The person is not facing forward as he would be if he was getting in at that point, the person is facing away from the driver when he exits and his feet go down and he falls towards the driver backwards as the vehicle moves forward (and he is not in a spinning motion). The back of the persons head hits the ground hard... One person is who saw the person fall on the ground ran to him, there were no other people responding to the incident.
  20. Watched the video, he was facing the direction of stepping off but my gut reaction is something was wrong... to me he did not seem to be in the motion of stepping off a moving vehicle... so I have lots of questions, was he having a medical episode that disoriented him, was he dangerously intoxicated,... I have so so many possible questions that may never be answered... I won't make the assumption at this point it was the passengers fault, just know it is not the driver's fault... in any case it was a freak incident.
  21. Most foreigners cannot afford paying the Thai government 50 million baht... please don't suggest it... 🤪
  22. Not to mention, I doubt he was facing forward... and there was no centrifugal force according to the photo... it was a straight section... and he was not spun - so he must have been facing away from the truck and that would not give you the same sort of grip against the flow of vehicle.
  23. This type of transit for me is preferable to the large buses that stop at every stop and take time waiting for people to board and leave. I find the Songthaews to be better actually, they have good flow of air - so I don't feel I am overheating. I can stand along the route and board by putting out my hand, boarding quickly - when I see my exit coming I hit a buzzer and it stops where I want and I deboard... quick and efficient... especially for low volume routes. I don't know how you can tell if it is friendly service or not (not that you get friendly service in most western buses - the only time they communicate is when you mess up or don't pay). Your normal interaction is stop - walk up to passengers side and give them a coin or two or a 20 baht note and get change (change is not an option in the west). Are you expecting them to get out and wai to you and say - great to see you again... etc.? We have 24 routes of Songthaew in Khon Kaen, and a couple of really nice buses that do one or two routes... buses are normally empty, and I find the wait too long and not as quick or easy to board and leave... I prefer the songthaew..
  24. Probably because where I am, you don't have a bunch of inebriated foreigners getting on and of Songthaews and then going splat. I use them often where I live and I have never felt unsafe on them from being flung off the back... but then, I don't drink and ride on them. Maybe the songthaews in Pattaya should just forbid foreigners from taking them - and force them to call a grab cab.
  25. Yes, and that is why the foreigners estate should pay Thailand for loss of tourist revenue... 🤣
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