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Everything posted by bkkcanuck8

  1. I usually buy my cloths from Marty's New Fashion at 178/1 Sukhumvit Road, Between Soi 8 and 10. It is a family run shop that was opened up more than 40 years ago (maybe back as far as the Vietnam war) at that location (before all the madness). It is run by two brothers (I have not seen the father there for a while so I am guessing he is retired). The cloths are well made and will last a very long time. I don't think they use a factory (though they use a seamstress somewhere nearby I think), all the material that they use to make it is sold in shop (and I seem to remember them going on business trips to find quality material). Usually they like to have you come back for a second fitting to make fine adjustments (after the first fitting and initial tailoring) -- though most times I have not needed further find adjustments.
  2. I don't think Thailand has jury trials - so there is no jury to taint. That is the main issue with fair trials is that they can make it unfair if you cannot seat a jury that is unbias... in countries with rights to jury trials you have to be more careful. I believe Singapore has a 3 judge system... here, I am not sure but I have not heard of juries.
  3. Message is irrelevant, courts are a different branch (in this case not co-equal but in many ways superior to the legislative branch).
  4. The best he can hope for bribes is to quietly leave and bribes be paid for him not to be blacklisted and the charges eventually dropped, then in a year or so he would be able to quietly enter... this was too public and too many people are watching for that to happen the old fashioned way.
  5. I heard him say he wanted him to LEAVE - not anything about the outcome of the trial (assuming he stays).
  6. You don't need to be tried and convicted to be declared undesireable and deported - you/he (generically) are not a permanent resident nor a citizen with a right of abode.
  7. You don't need to be tried and convicted to be declared undesireable and deported - you/he (generically) are not a permanent resident nor a citizen with a right of abode.
  8. Only if the settlement is to settle a CIVIL lawsuit without any intent to interfere or facilitate with anything criminal. Civil lawsuits are typically settled after criminal proceedings have completed -- not before. If it is intended to prevent or influence an outcome in criminal proceedings it could be considered 'obstruction of justice' or equivalent.
  9. If she does not keep it in the spotlight, the incident will be 'disappeared'... justice does not happen without pressure... I commend her and her father of refusing to be bribed.
  10. [I am by no means an expert in anything -- in this area]. I would think the issue could be that the hotter than normal weather meeting cold fronts - could produce stronger and more turbulent weather than average ... just a guess.
  11. The issue is that some visas you get in your passport still require a full page... if IOs take up part of all the pages, if you run into one that needs a full page... I am guessing you would need to get a new passport.
  12. This is a society that values face over free speech... this is not the west... Criminal Code: For those that do not like it because free speech is not as high a priority as the west, you may return to a country that values free speech.
  13. Not to mention he effectively confessed in a way (IMHO). In response to the charge that he kicked her, he said he slipped (i.e. it was caused by a slip)... but the video shows no indication of a 'slip'. I have slipped often enough to know that you do not maintain a normal stride, your body automatically does a quick corrective movement - your arms go out... etc.
  14. The phrase you would use would be something like 'as well as [Thais who act in a similar manner]'. However, since this is a 'first offence' (officially) -- and if he confessed to it... jail/prison would not be warranted for a minor assault charge. I think the deportation is more than enough punishment in this case.
  15. That is not the way it is in this new world.... he might have started being Scottish... but now he might 'identify as' Thai 🤣
  16. Thanks for the correction, it does seem that Thailand excludes the ability to get a work permit on a retirement visa. I had made the assumption there was not an exclusion from another post on IO saying you could work in Thailand on a retirement visa.
  17. I would disagree, you can (if not precluded by contract or law) be retired in one jurisdiction but work in another. (of course you would be ineligible to collect any pension nationally). This is similar to the military as well, you retire at age 50 with a military pension but you can make money in other endeavours. This is sort of similar to how it works when you get a retirement visa here, you could be working outside of the country part time, but for the purposes of the retirement visa you cannot work in Thailand.
  18. No, the section you quoted was in response to working after retirement (not specific to Thailand). There were two parts to it -- two different things... The first part of that that you did not quote talks about retirement visa not conferring onto you the right to work. In fact I don't think any Thai visa does that. A visa confers a right to reside in Thailand for the term of the visa... and a work permit confers onto you the right to work... you need both to work in Thailand. I believe they are issued by different ministries.
  19. To be clear, for the retirement visa all they require is that you will not be working in Thailand... it does not prevent you from getting a work permit though which would allow you to work in Thailand, but the retirement visa does not... People retire and work at the same time... in fact my father did... he retired from head of a public Technical College in one province - and was able to collect his pension and start working at another collect in another Province (colleges are provincial so outside of their domain). Others start businesses after they retire. BTW, every time I go to extend the retirement visa (or the 90 day report - but it is one of them) they give me another form that says - you are not allowed to work in Thailand etc. to make sure you understand it - and you must sign it.
  20. The only thing Thailand needs for retirement visa - is are you old enough to retire -- and you will not be working in Thailand (and you can support yourself without working). Adding a lot more rules only ends up with more red-tape and often you get into exclusions that were not intended because they did not think of everything. The age being 50 makes sense since if you are a police officer or military, you can retire at the age of 50 at full pension (assuming a certain length of service). They could add other classifications, but that is up to Thailand to determine if they want to (hopefully after an investigation on whether it is beneficial to Thailand).
  21. And that right there is why they say in the legal profession... self-help is fraught with peril...
  22. No, but first he has to have the record magically disappear since while he is a danger to society -- no immigration officer is going to let you in since you can not say how or when he is no longer a danger to society (that will cost a significant amount of money if he can find the right people). The incident has to be out of people's mind as well (might have to have authorities going around requesting the incident to be forgotten - i.e. deleted news stories from the web)... at least that is how I see it.
  23. I would fathom to guess it is a combination of: status, visuals, and loss of face by the dummy being so arrogant that he did not take the opportunity to apologize and move on when he had the chance. Also there were no Thais involved in your incident... (the 20K fine would be a bonus for the police fund).
  24. Especially when it is not really 'racist' but a matter of the odds, which leads to making assumptions based on those odds. English is still at this time considered an international language - one that is often taught to people as a second language because it is used as a common denominator in international communication (eg. Airline communications). The odds that any person seen as a foreigner speaks Thai at a minimum conversational level.... is still rather long odds...
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