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Posts posted by EmptyHead

  1. Yep - they love to give 110% & think that they are doing their upmost for you.....

    They don't realize the value we inadvertently place on independence.....I get all the free space and time I want around the house - no problem.....And she (& daughters) handle/manage the house so well while all catering/contributing to all that I seldom notice or mind....It's much smoother & symbiotic than with western gals.....

    But when away from the domain the "backseat driver" is in full force....Turns, parking spots, lanes are all in play.....

    It's part & parcel to the umbrella of their/her commitment & they really are doing/trying their best for us - - in spite of how WE perceive it....

    We/they are 180' from one another....That's what draws us (and repells us - within us).....

    It's not love/hate thing as it is an appreciated difference thing that we don't completely understand.....And they don't really care if we "don't get it" - they're doing their best for US.. ....

    And I semi-appreciate-understand-treasure-welcome it ------ I think.....

    I'm happy, so I must......

    I'm pretty happy with it too. But she is 20 years younger, so I have got to compensate somewhere.

    Oooooh...I am so lovey dovey :)

  2. I can't seem to type anything in the above post, so I shall just type it here.

    Eskatonia, would you please tell us where OP talks about their market value??

    The OP talks about being harassed and even violently threatened to buy EVERY girl in the bar a drink. There is no mention of their rates or what they are worth. Unless, of course, you think every girl in the bar deserves at drink bought for them by one guy. I can't imagine what all of them had done to deserve that. Maybe you could enlighten us?

    The think he said the bar was empty, except him, then he walked out after being irritated, which would have left a bunch of hookers sitting alone (at which point they would have begun sent messages to their friends boasting about their really high market value...according to you).

    Really excited to hear your response to this. The only sensible response is, "I don't know what OP means".

  3. Sorry but you're older, uglier and poorer

    Not only that, but the OP is bemoaning the fact that the girls are now aware of their market value due to the fact they all talk on LINE and facebook to each other. I suggest the OP takes off to some backwards part of Laos or Cambodia where the village girls are too poor to even be able to afford a mobile phone. Maybe you'll find "value for money" there. Expecting things to stay that way in a mega city like Bangkok is not only selfish, its denying reality.

  4. Hello Keto Diet Members,

    I would like to know what exactly you eat here.

    I am new to it and I am just eating what I normally would minus the carbs (rice, bread, noodles). And I don't scrimp with fat. Though I don't calculate exactly my exact intake levels.

    So what does typical meal look like for you here?

    • Like 2
  5. My dad married my step mum more than 35 years ago. There was a 15 year difference in age. I don't know of anyone who thought it was ridiculous, and this was in the UK.

    Things were different back then.

    The men being older was more common in the west, as it is here now.

    My grandparents only had a 9 year age gap. No big deal. And it probably wouldn't turn too many heads now (in the west), though it would be uncommon to see a 20 year-old with a 29 year-old.

    But imagine if a 20 year-old married a 35 year-old? A few people would be gossiping about that. Or a 25 year-old and a 40 year-old?

    It depend where they are in life too. Once you get past 30 and definitely 40, there ain't much difference in 15 years, unlike when you are still a teenager or in your early 20s.

    My GF is 10 years older. Did my family gossip? Well, not too me. I dunno. But my GF, being Thai, has aged more gracefully and is younger-at-heart than the average British girl 10 years older than myself, with whom i wouldn't be seen dead with.

    Most of my family said, they couldn't believe she was that much older, and that she appeared a more similar age to myself. I would agree.

  6. I would say:

    • The woman can be up to 5 years older (any more than that and sexual compatibility is likely to become a problem)
    • The man can be up to 10 years older (any more than that and her desire to be with you is more likely to be based on security, rather than attraction)

    Of course, there will be exceptions to this, but I think this is a decent guideline.

    You could maybe add 5 years to each other those in some cases, but not more than that, except in rare cases.

    The reason why a man can be a little older is due to the fact that women are attracted to different things in men, than men are i women.

    Women are attracted to strong leaders, who are mature and confident, and who have a good social standing and are respectable. Being able to provide and protect also comes into it. Often, older guys have more of these qualities than younger guys. Our appeal can actually increase as we age.

    Men, on the other hand, are only looking for the most fertile female. Hence, why most of us love long hair, big boobs and curvy hips. And hence why we aren't sexually attracted to a 90 year-old women...ever wonder why that is? A woman's appeal generally goes down as she ages. This is why women get insecure about there age, whereas men don't.

    We have been wired this way since the caveman days. We look for the best mate. For men, it is simple: fertility. Women look for more complex things, so age comes into it less, but it is still a factor (to all of you guys who are old enough to be your wife's father).

  7. Well, I wouldn't be very please with the prospect, but then again I would not really be pleased with her getting a boyfriend at all, lol.

    I suppose an old guy who treats them right is better than a young guy who treats them badly.

    But, yes, it would still be really weird if he were ages with me, or older.

  8. Hello ladies,

    I am sure you don't mind me using your forum. smile.png

    I am trying to grow out my luscious wavy locks and now I am at about 5 or 6 inches in length (approaching on medium-hair) and I am realizing I can't just use any shampoo anymore and have to start "hair care".

    I have quite fine, delicate, wavy (almost curly at parts) hair and would like a delicate shampoo.

    I read this article http://expandedconsciousness.com/2015/12/16/9785/

    Very interesting.

    I would like to know if any of you have gone "No Poo" and if you found a delicate "shampoo", not containing most of the bad ingredients mentioned in the article above.

    I am struggling to find such a shampoo. I have spent hours and hours reading the ingredients on different shampoo bottles in Tesco and Big C, without luck.

    Any help? Heaven forbid I should have another bad hair day (in the Land of Sulfate) lol. smile.png

    P.S...I have found and tried some "Silicone-Free" ones, which are not too bad, but still contain a ton of other bad ingredients. I also tried Bergamot Extra Delicate shampoo with doesn't contain SLS, SLES, and couple of other things, but still has many other bad ingredients and was very drying on my hair.

  9. Either you own Bangkok or bangkok ends up owning you

    Bangkok owned me. I am now recovering in Isaan, sort of.

    Thankfully, I never ended up walking down the street naked.

    Why is it always MEN. tongue.png

    I saw a cute woman on Sukh. Soi 11 once and her skirt blew up.

    She had a nice booty!

    Thank you Buddha!

    You mean she wasn't wearing shorts under her skirt? She must be mentally unstable.

  10. Good for her and good for her girls. They will have a better future.

    As for you? When life gives you lemons, make a lot of lemonade.

    She has basically broken up with you (and in incredible style). Maybe the reason is because she wanted a better future for her girls over "stateside" and you didn't care enough about that. I am sorry if I sound harsh, but maybe now she is considering your feelings as much as you considered hers. You say there was no discussion about it. Is that entirely true, or do you mean when she mentioned it, you didn't want to discuss it?

    The no sex thing may indicate that she is being faithful to a new partner "stateside". After 3 years, it would be surprising if she hadn't met anyone else.

    There is nothing for you to do but be happy for her and the girls (stop being selfish), change you avatar, and start enjoying your retirement. Forget about the house for heavens sake.

  11. The mental age of a teenager + hot weather + hot pants + mai pen rai + selfishness + no shame + little education (underdeveloped neural pathways ) = adultery

    Aren't Thai men number 1 in the world and Thai women number 2 for admitting adultery?

  12. Ok, spend as much time in Thailand as possible. You have to be here continuously enought o get rid of that honey-moon period, allow culture shock to sink in, wallow in despair, drown for a while, and them come out the other end.

    I only joking. Sort of.

    Ok, but seriously.

    • Stay here as long as possible at a stretch (20 years of holidays will not help you learn anything)
    • Don't marry for the first 5 or 6 years (preferably 10 years) at least....just date and whatever.
    • If it seems like your money is the only thing she is interested in, then it probably is. Then you run.
    • Don't move in with her for a year or more.
    • When you do hide sharp objects (only joking)
    • Trust your instincts...none of this.."I could be wrong BS"
    • Realize this: Thailand is not a poor country and Thais are not poor. Drop this standard (first time visitor) attitude at the airport.
    • Try to get involved with something where you can meet people (I studied at university in BKK...met lots of amazing chicks).
    • Important: Don't be tempted you pick a life partner significantly younger than yourself. Up to 10 years is enough. Only do this if you don't mind her screwing around and you fancy screwing around yourself. It probably won't be the traditional thing you are imagining. It'll probably be, very much so, based on money and problems.

    There are, however, exceptions.

    • My EX was a decade older than myself and a school teacher. She and her family tried to rob me blind. So it ain't just the young hookers at it.
    • My wife (sort of), I met in a bar in the main tourist area in BKK (not a prostitute kind of bar, but still). She asked me to move in with her the day after we met and I did. She is pretty great, apart from being far too skinny and looking like a boy. Which brings me to another important point: just look for fat girls. Once you get over the petite/skinny Asian girl thing, you are going to want a girl with some curves in the right places (and it usually ain't the skinny girls). Sorry for that. Forgive my resentful humor - I have had a few Leos. Anyway, we have been together 6 years. She has her own business, which she started at her own cost and the inlaws are decent people. I only give her 3K a month (I can't believe some guy on here gives his girl 16k) to buy stuff mostly for our daughter.

    Uhh,...what else do I have to say...uhm...yeah, do not take her back to your home country. I know a Thai girl married to an American. She is over there working while she waits for her green card and citizenship. She works in massage, takes her wedding ring off when she goes to work, and boasts how she loves her job cos she, "gets to wash lots of naked guys in the shower". She never worked in massage in Thailand, but seems to enoy it over in the US. She also says that if things don't get better with her husband, she will leave him when she gets citizenship. But to be fair, she was dating all the guys while they were engaged in Thailand anyway so.....

    Anyway, good luck mate. Just take it slowly, ok? Though, you may get lucky quickly, it usually doesn't happen.

  13. What terrifies me is that his photo and real name is now publicly exposed without any process or maybe even an evidence. That would not happen in civilized country right ?

    His life in Chiang Mai is finished even if he is not guilty.

    He owns several businesses and is easy to have enemies just because of that. He could be simply a victim of some threat.

    I wish him all the worst if he is guilty, but I would wait before I throw stones on him.

    ... wait a minute. Two boys went to the police, admitting that they are providing illegal sexual services, and all of this just for 500 baht ? Something is missing here ...

    It happens all the time in western countries. What are you talking about?

  14. The OP has raised a

    valid issue. It's easy to

    say the girls are

    consenting adults but

    everyone knows that 17

    or 18 year old Thai girls

    have the mentality of 13

    -15 year olds back home

    - they're not really adults

    so they can't consent.

    That's a bit of a generalization, so therfore not really a valid issue.

    I have observed plenty of 17 year-old Thai girls who are way more mature than their western counterparts. Not all of them, of course. But then again in some cases a 27 year-old Thai girl is as immature as a 13 year old western girl.

    It's not about saying: this nationataily are a bit slow and can't make proper decisions, but this race are developed and can. Its about finding the right age to balance it out across the world.

    I personally think 18 should be the world-wide age of consent.

    And after reading your post again (sorry, I have had a few Leos and am a little slow....you are ridiculously condecending...."18 year old Thai girls have the same mentality of 13 year olds back home....what planet do you live on to make such a generilization???)

    So you think it is OK to have sex with a 14 year old western girl but not an 18 year old Thai woman?

    What exactly are you saying?? I demand an answer.

  15. Presumably he is already living in Pattaya.

    OP: to deal effectively with your problem (which is not one but two issues: getting off valium and also getting the anxiety/panic disorder properly treated) you need a combination of medical care from a psychiatrist specializing in addiction disorders and anxiety and also short-term therapy from a psychologist. These two things together work far better than either one alone does.

    Gettting off valium does indeed involve a gradual tapering, but to be successful this needs to be accompanied by the use of a non-addictive medication for the anxiety -- of which there are nowadays several that are quite effective. These do take time to work, and also the selection of drug depends on a number of physical and psychological factors, so expert advice is needed both for the selection of a better, non-addictive drug to control the panic attacks and for the timing/sequencing of weaning off valium.

    I do not think you can get the medical expertise you need in Pattaya, but there is an excellent, US-trained doctor specializing in addiction disorders in Bangkok, see below. You won't need to travel in to Bangkok all that often - maybe once a week for a week or two, then progressively less often, and once completely stabilized then just when and if needed (the non-addictive anti-anxiety meds can be bought without prescription at a pharamcy once the right drug and dose have been established for you).


    For counseling, again Bangkok has the widest selection but the following man has hours in Pattaya and there has been positive feedback on him from TV members: http://bangkoktherapy.com/contact/contact.aspx

    If you don't "click" with him (the interpersonal chemistry between patient and therapist being at least as important as the therapy technique used) then see the various Bangkok alternatives listed in the pinned mental health thread.

    Therapy is extremely important as an adjunct to medical therapy because, among other things, while drugs can control panic attacks and reduce overall levels of anxiety, you will still have to deal with a certain amount of anxiety from time to time -- everyone does, it is part of living. Unfortunately, people who use benzos become not only physically addicted but also pyschologically addicted to the absence of some normal (though of course unpleasant) temporary emotional states and that is something you need to "unlearn" along with new ways of dealing with temporary unpleasant emotions. In some cases there are also underlying emotional conflicts which contribute to the anxiety and working those through at your own pace will help.

    Lastly I don't know what has been done for your GERD but what needs to be done is to first of all test for heliobacter and if present, treat it; secondly lifestyle modifications (elevate the head of the bed, avoid eating for 2 hours before lying down, greatly reduce caffeine intake). In some cases even with these measures long term use of a PPI may be necessary -- this does not correct the reflux but renders it less uncomfortable and reduces the damage it can do to your esophagus.

    Vipassana meditation if you are so inclined can greatly help in learning to handle unpleasant emotions as well as in overall decreasing their frequency and severity but this should not be tried until you are completely off the valium and your anxiety has stablized. Courses in Thailand: https://www.dhamma.org/en-US/locations/directory#TH

    Yeah, but don't tell the Vipassana organisation you have mental health problems otherwise they won't let you attend the course. You should know better Sheryl.

  16. Yeah, being raise by the grandparents never seems to be good for some reason, though it is all too common.

    The idea is that the parents can work and send money home. That was vaild many years ago when most of Isaan had little work. Nowadyas though you don't have to travel too far to get minimum wage and most people can do it from their hometown and still be parents, yet they do the old fashioned thing by going to Bangkok for not much more than they could make (nowadays) in their hometown. Nobody questions it.

    I live just outside a large Isaan city. Lots of minimum wage jobs available, tonnes of development, yet two of my inlaws fled to Bangkok for work not long after discovering the horrors of parenting becoming parents. Their two kids are raise by the grandmother and the great grandmother, while they seem to be having a ball in BKK, or at least their Facebook shows such. The great grandmother is over 70 and hasn't stopped raising kids all her life, most of them not hers of course.

    The oldest boy is the boss, he chooses whether or not he will go to school. He is severly undergrown. He only eats sweets and milk. He has never had a diet of real food.

    This is a big problem in what we are talking about here and not really neccessary nowadays, but the lazy easy option is still available for new parents.

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