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Posts posted by sipi

  1. I am an Aussie, married to a Thai and living in Australia for most of the year.

    Right now, I am at the computer obviously.

    The wife has Isaan music on the wide screen surround sound whilst she is out tending to the naam-dok-mai and keow-savoy mango trees. We have the bahn-noi in the pergola. For tea we are having something Thai as usual (I don't know what, but it smells good). Our house could be picked up and dumped in Thailand and no-one would notice.

    The fact is, I am not particularly patriotic towards Australia and enjoy my little piece of Thailand.

    So, should I put another shrimp on the barbie? Should I turn her music off and put Jimmy Barnes on Instead? Maybe we have bangers and mash for dinner for a change?

  2. Sometimes it is easier to just go with the flow and try not to make sense of it.

    Yes...but remember, the flow always goes downhill. smile.png

    Find a new wife. The crap the falangs put up with is ridiculous !!! facepalm.gif

    I wouldn't call releasing 9 fish and 2 turtles at the temple ridiculous. Giving a tenth of ones wages to the church is ridiculous; but each to their own.

    Can you provide some personal examples where your wife has made you put up with ridiculous crap?

  3. Mrs SiPi made this brew yesterday, and it was really refreshing.

    4 ltrs of water. A fistful of pandan leaves. 10 teabags, or your favorite tea leaves. A green paw paw skinned and cut into cubes.

    Put in a pot and boil. Strain and cool. Serve on ice.


  4. I am not sure where to put this, so the pub will do.

    So, after twenty something years I have finally seen "Return from the River Kwai".

    I thoroughly enjoyed the first River Kwai movie, as inaccurate as it is.

    But I really didn't expect the final scene from the latest movie to be a bunch of POWs heading to China in a paper mache sub-marine.

  5. In the event of a tie with Nance I will gracefully withdraw because from reading her posts she needs the accolade more than Trans.

    For sure the best TVF posters are not in this years contest and I am just happy that I got where I did in the contest, shows me that there are folk out there who appreciate my input on TVF year round and l will continue to do so next year if still breathing.

    Just ROCK ON folks.....intheclub.gif

    It's tied now. Wait to the very end to withdraw (wink,wink)

    Can I do my vote swap sooner. I really won't make midnight.
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