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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Costas:

    Looks like defending yourself on this thread might be turning into a full-time job.

    Don't worry Gecko, this particular member always throws haterage towards me and my country.

    Don't know why........but who cares?

    You know why Costas.

    I visit your country, get drunk, throw up, make a nuisance of myself; and you don't return the favor.

    I've send you 400,000 compatriots to Australia and you still complaining?

    What does it take to satisfy you?

    Yes I have noticed.

    Here is one of your brethren doing an Australian weather forecast..

    • Like 2
  2. Costas:

    Looks like defending yourself on this thread might be turning into a full-time job.

    Don't worry Gecko, this particular member always throws haterage towards me and my country.

    Don't know why........but who cares?

    You know why Costas.

    I visit your country, get drunk, throw up, make a nuisance of myself; and you don't return the favor.

  3. Ok Ladies and Gentlemen.

    If you are viewing this from the Public Gallery, and you probably are;

    I apologize on behalf of the Thai Visa Forum members for the responses about screwing dead women, avocados and whatever else has been bought up.

    If you require genuine advice on Thailand from an experienced Forum; Please visit...


    With regards. Phil Smith (TVF alias "sipi")

  4. I can't decide if this is a wind up or if the OP is for real?

    I don't know if I should be impressed with the clever caricature someone has created - or depressed that there's really someone like this living in Thailand?

    Looking at the photo I'm leaning towards the former - nobody would choose that as an avatar - even if they looked like that.

    At this very moment I look like his avatar.................w00t.gif

    I hate to ruin a party and a good joke. Please forgive me Rang, OP. I sent him a PM and recieved an incredibly funny reply.

    I look like his avatar too....


    • Like 2
  5. I can't decide if this is a wind up or if the OP is for real?

    I don't know if I should be impressed with the clever caricature someone has created - or depressed that there's really someone like this living in Thailand?

    Looking at the photo I'm leaning towards the former - nobody would choose that as an avatar - even if they looked like that.

    He is playing a game, and is a lot smarter than he pretends.

    A "clever charicature" words it nicely....

    Come in passifier.gif

    • Like 2
  6. Where does Thailand stand on your priority list?

    It is purely co-incidental that I have close ties with Thailand. I wandered through as a back-packer in the early '80s, then forgot about the place for nearly 20 odd years.

    As fate would have it, I met the right lady who just happened to be Thai; and started a whole renewed journey with Thailand. If I had met the right person from Grenada, then Thailand would probably be one of the last things on my mind.

    Even now, with a house, wife, son etc here, Thailand is just another interest; albeit obviously a close one.

  7. You guys ever seen the movie Harold and Maude? It's a really beautiful love story about a young man and an older woman. I've seen this movie dozens and dozens of times, and I recommend it to everyone.

    Just because I'm attracted to a 100 year old woman doesn't mean I've thrown all my aesthetic standards about female beauty out the window. I can't show you her picture out of respect for her privacy, but trust me, this woman is hot for her age.

    I really can't understand why my interest in an older woman isn't getting more support. After all the stories you read on TVF about guys chasing after younger women, I would have thought my story would be a refreshing change of pace. I'm starting to feel like I have a big blind spot in the self-awareness department. What am I missing here?

    I was waiting for the OP punchline. Clever.

  8. Gecko, I'm sorry to say that I'm very disappointed in you.

    You are really thinking of giving a 100 yo a roll in the hay as you put it?

    What are you thinking about?

    This is the lowest of the low I've ever heard.

    For a BJ....may be she is OK...........no teeth, after all.............for anything else................Noooooooooooooooooo

    Costas. Didn't you read the thread yesterday about TVF abbreviations.

    What is a BJ?

    Why do I get the feeling that you want me suspended?

    No way. I'll have no-one to pick on.

    • Like 1
  9. Gecko, I'm sorry to say that I'm very disappointed in you.

    You are really thinking of giving a 100 yo a roll in the hay as you put it?

    What are you thinking about?

    This is the lowest of the low I've ever heard.

    For a BJ....may be she is OK...........no teeth, after all.............for anything else................Noooooooooooooooooo

    Costas. Didn't you read the thread yesterday about TVF abbreviations.

    What is a BJ?

  10. My son has Thai and Australian passports, both issued in Australia. The Thai embassy in Sydney got his birthday wrong on his 2nd Thai passport. We rang them, and they told us not to worry about it until we got back from Thailand (after several months). We left Australia on his Aust passport and entered Thailand on his Thai passport, which had a different birthday to his original Thai passport and his Australian passport.

    We expected a shit-fight on arrival at Swampy; but no, in typical Thai style we told them what happened and they let us in without delay. Looking back, what else could they do? Let Mum and Dad in, and deport a Thai minor back to Australia on his own?

    Don't worry about it...

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