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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Next tour of phuket ill be alone and im not gonna bother befriending boring barflies i meet .

    Im just gonna befriend jack jim and jager if hes around.

    It is encouraging to have an ambition.

    Something to look forward to........................


  2. Thailand or England?

    What a difficult decision...


    Depends what's important to you, I suppose.

    If rule of law, standards of service, abundance of professional

    workmen, an absence of overt corruption and women who aren't after

    your money are important to you, it's a no-brainer.

    There are as many obese men in England as there women - something

    to bear in mind next time youhear heavy-set men whining about fat

    women back home.

    Finally, I don't believe the OP was born in Australia - I simply don't believe that

    the educational authoritieswould have let him leave school with English

    as bad as his.

    Yes, I have been to the UK many times as a tourist; and have always had a much enjoyable holiday.

    • Like 2
  3. At a recent visit to Emporium I was paying at the checkout when a Westerner was asking the same checkout girl for directions... Usually I'd ignore the issue, but I was there.

    The guy was stressed and irritated, the checkout girl didn't know the answer to a simple question (it was clear she understood it).

    The guy was asking if there was a bookshop nearby... The shop assistant had no idea...

    I offered that there are two on either the floor below or two floors below..... The guy then berated me for not knowing exactly where a book store was, then went on to complain to me that the staff at Emporium had no idea.... Quite, I thought... In the West we are used to all staff at a shopping mall being a mind of information, living here I am used to the fact that the Staff have no interest in anything outside of their immediate world.

    I pointed out to the guy that he won't get any further help from me or the staff if he has an aggressive attitude... he walked off in the direction I'd pointed....

    I was left wondering why I'd tried to help, but realising that a simple issue was right there on the tip of my nose and it was so easy for me to offer a simple assistance and directions...

    So... In answer to the Ops Question: Should I butt out?... YES - Unless people ask directly for help or need some form of medical attention... Butt Out - there are too many weirdos, whack-jobs and self-centred miserable gits out there... Those who are happy are less likely to need help anyway...

    You did a good service in trying to help. Some people seem to be beyond help.

    Helping others, for me, is trying to be of assistance and not worrying about the outcome.

    My Uncle once told me "Phil,l if you see a kangaroo in distress after it has been hit with a car and it is injured, do not stop to help it. It will turn on you".

    So what happened years later...

    I hit a kangaroo with my car. I stopped to see if it was ok. I then ran back to my car in fear of my life.

    Some people haven't evolved yet....

    • Like 1
  4. A relationship can end as quick as it started, anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.

    Everything in the garden may well be rosy right now but it can change very fast and anyone with a degree of common sense would make arrangements to protect themselves if it all turned sour.

    As the guy was heard to say as he fell off the roof of a tall building, on every floor they heard him say "so far so good"

    So do you have a parachute or just "hope" you wont hit the floor ?

    Oh yes, this is a hurtful lesson I learnt from my farang wife.

    • Like 2
  5. 100% either way. Any more questions?

    I might even add that my wife often looks over my shoulder when I am on this forum and sees these bloody annoying advertisements that keep popping up about single women.

    She doesn't ask, has no reason to, and I don't tell.

    Absolutely nothing for either of us to hide.

    • Like 2
  6. I've seen this story before.

    I too have been there done that and find geckos, altho very useful in that they eat mosquitoes, to Have little in common with humans.

    While I will turn on the light in the carport to attract dinner for you, I have no interest in Reptile or is it amphibian issues.

    I will try not to run you down with my scooter . If you are an exceptional Amphibian & play the violin I will Listen. Unless , of course you play country!

    If your Violin Bow needs to be rehaired and you ask for advice, I might even locate said bowhair & install it for you, or repair your cracked soundboard.

    No matter how well you anunciate Ge coe, tow keay, where can I get a pizza, any good hamburger around here, yaaaduh yaaaduh yaaaduh.

    Am I bored yet. Did I travel halfway around the world to meet reptiles, or people that have less in common with me than the birds in the trees.

    No O look a white dude I am white I must have found a new friend. Hi white person I am white will you be my friend..

    I will tell you how much I love jesus

    AAAAAAAAHhhhhhh No...

    I take it you are having a go at the OP's avitar name.

    And how would you reply if her name was "wet-pussy69"?

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