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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Life is a charade, no matter where you are. There are volumes of books written about the white millionaire that wandered down the street in the appearance of a vagabond, or the homeless dude that went to the poshest places in a suit and tie; and were treated respectively according to their appearance or actions.

    As for me, I just don't give a <deleted>!

  2. Why fly straight to Thailand from Northern Europe?

    Look at going overland. I have done that twice: once through the Middle East, Nepal, India; and another time on the Trans Siberian railway, and then down through Mongolia, China.

    Check out organised tours for part (or all) of the journey if you are concerned about travelling alone by back-pack.

    No way I would stare out an airplane window over country like that when you can be down there amongst the action.

    And don't forget. You have been to Thailand twice already but not for extended periods of time......Thailand isn't pleasant for 12 months, especially coming from Nth Europe. It is bloody hot and sticky and wet and possibly miserable for a Nthrn European for maybe 4 months.

  3. My Thai brother in law in Phuket has asked me about 4 times.. "why farang come thailand?" he knows..he just likes to rub it in

    You said yesterday that you were going to stop posting ... personally, I hope you don't.

    "why farang come thailand?" he knows..he just likes to rub it in

    That was funny ... thumbsup.gif

    Hey Redandyellow.

    Don't listen to David. He is just chasing desperate votes in the "Thaivisa poster of the year" thread.

    Listen to your inner voice. You are funny, you are intelligent, you have experience, you have a personallity...

    You don't belong here. There are far better forums out there......

    If you stay here too long; you will lose your humour, your intellect, your personallity......

  4. Baggage can kill a relationship. My exwife was loaded with it. Her family ignored me, spoke about me behind my back. She was blowing money.

    Then I married a Thai. Everything changed for the best.

  5. None of the above! None of the above! None of the above!!

    Have you got a stuttering, Sir?

    Don't worry, it can be fixed

    IF you

    Vote for Costasthumbsup.gif

    better yet, why dont you shut your gob for awhile.


    Don't you like my music?

    I'll put something else for you

    Vote for Costasthumbsup.gif

    And what support did you give me in "Knob of the year" Sir Costas?


    None, but I won anyway. thumbsup.gif

  6. A very interesting topic for me.

    We have discussed it with my wife and we think it will be proper for us to have a child in about 20 years from now.

    So we have already started thinking of the name.

    Me Costas, her Et.......what about Etco or Coet.

    Ahhhh mai ben rai......we call her Maria.....even if it is a boy.

    What's wrong with Ettas?


  7. As you know, My wife's name is Tuk and I am Phillip.

    When our daughter was born we decided to call her Tulip, half Tuk and half Phillip.

    I was determined to call our son Phuk, half Phillip and half Tuk; but the wife objected in-case it was mispronounced. So we ended up with Morgan.

    So what would you call your child?

    I am guessing that JingThing and NeverDie would be NeverThing? What about David48 and NancyL? Costas and...?

  8. I am the youngest of 4 kids.My much older brother told me when I was 4 or 5 that Santa didn't exist. I half believed him, because he was my older brother.

    So I went to school, and it was time to talk about Santa during my class lesson.

    I whispered to a friend that "maybe Santa isn't true" within hearing distance of out teacher.

    She grabbed my by the ears and pushed me into the corner and said :"Don't you tell anyone that Santa isn't true"..

    So folks. It was actually my <deleted> kindergarten teacher that told me that santa didn't exist whan I was 4. <deleted> bitck....

    Otherwise I would still believe...

    • Like 1
  9. Hey OP.

    I was worried you are angry at me...

    Hope you and the family had a great XMas together.

    Yes, trust Crossy on this one. He seems on the pulse.

    Mate,, please message me anytime. I am a loner on this forum too. I am near Phon Cheroen in the North east. Married with a 4 year old boy.

    Phil, Tuk and Morgan

    • Like 1
  10. Hey Steve buddy.

    You might be best off (as I am) forgetting ThaiVisaForum as a source of information, and using is best as a source of cheap entertainment.

    I use


    for practical information.

    For example: If you ask the question about traveling from Nong Khai to Bueng Kan along the Mekong River..

    Tripsdvisor will let you know in 3 posts how to do it...

    TVForum will let you know in 367 posts you are a complete idiot, and so is your wife.

    • Like 1
  11. Actually, buoyed by the fortitude of a few beers (we had some good news today), I can say that I understand the OP 100%

    Mai Mee Tongue is a great expression to learn ... laugh.png


    Hey David.

    I understand what Steve is saying also, although his OP was possibly poorly written, or at least poorly interpretted.

    Jesus, haven't I done that a few dozen times, and been subjected to the ThaiVisa Forum "detectives"? (I can think of better words)

    Obviously what Steve is saying is, ......Don't flaunt your wealth.

    I have spoken to Steve personally, and he is a real Gent. I'll say one thing, possibly to his annoyance. His lovely wife "balances the books" as they say.

  12. On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

    A message about ThaiVisa Forum from Peter Gabriel.


    "Not One Of Us"

    It's only water
    In a stranger's tear
    Looks are deceptive
    But distinctions are clear
    A foreign body
    And a foreign mind
    Never welcome
    In the land of the blind
    You may look like we do
    Talk like we do
    But you know how it is

    You're not one of us
    Not one of us
    No you're not one of us
    Not one of us
    Not one of us
    No you're not one of us

    There's safety in numbers
    When you learn to divide
    How can we be in
    If there is no outside
    All shades of opinion
    Feed an open mind
    But your values are twisted
    Let us help you unwind
    You may look like we do
    Talk like we do
    -But you know how it is

    You're not one of us
    Not one of us
    No you're not one of us
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