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Posts posted by sipi

  1. ...while I was wearing a top showing a bit of cleavage, nothing really extraordinary. It was a cotton top from French Connection...

    A tank top?

    Anyway, arriving at a resto in a (Buddhist?) Temple, showing cleavage is not the right attire.

    Maybe she thought you would like them touched by the way you presented them?

    As an one eyed, she may have mental issues as well, don't stop to be nice to her, could be you are the only person who recognize her.

    Yes I was trying to reply politely but couldn't word it correctly. It wasn't sexual. She was possibly trying to tell you subtly to wear the appropriate attire. Cover your tits at the temple.

    • Like 1
  2. My life is not ruined,I just need to know what's what's.

    When you get to my age Dear:.....

    You will rock back and forwards in your hammock, stare at the fluffy clouds in the sky;

    and reminisce about the time you met a one eyed, Buddhist, quiet, restaurant working, friendly, young, tit-grabbing Thai lady......

    And it will put a smile on your face......

    • Like 2
  3. I'm not sure about "Murphys moments". But for plain stupidity.

    I spent hours trying to tune my reversing camera before realising the tailgate was up and the camera was pointing at the sky.

    I unloaded the entire contents of a 12 gauge pump action shotgun at a cobra in our shed. I hit the grass trimmer, workshop fittings, tools. . . The snake slithered away.

    • Like 1
  4. I love bum guns, cleans well, I had Hemorrhoid issues before moving to Thailand decades ago, was 15 years with out a Hemorrhoid, or bleeding butt, until I went back to Australia last week, already major issues from paper, son has same problem.


    Call into Masters Hardware. I have fitted them to our house in Thailand and in Australia. They are worth their weight in gold. It is very easy to fit; and come complete with tee-piece and regulating valve. About $20.


  5. Okaaaaaaay. And the OP has just left the stage.

    Yeah, I can't blame you. Why back away slowly from a bunch of weirdos when you can turn and run?

    Seriously, I have met more centipedes than any other threat. I have seen the odd snake, but didn't feel threatened.

    Actually a funny story. I was swinging in a hammock when my sister in law came over and bashed a cobra to death right under my ass. Each time my butt swung past it, it raised it's head, but didn't strike. Imagine being admitted to hospital with cobra bite to buttocks?

    Centipedes....Shake your boots before putting them on. Check you bedding...

    better in your lower back than front,innit?

    Depends. Does it induce swelling? Maybe in the front isn't so bad..

  6. Okaaaaaaay. And the OP has just left the stage.

    Yeah, I can't blame you. Why back away slowly from a bunch of weirdos when you can turn and run?

    Seriously, I have met more centipedes than any other threat. I have seen the odd snake, but didn't feel threatened.

    Actually a funny story. I was swinging in a hammock when my sister in law came over and bashed a cobra to death right under my ass. Each time my butt swung past it, it raised it's head, but didn't strike. Imagine being admitted to hospital with cobra bite to buttocks?

    Centipedes....Shake your boots before putting them on. Check you bedding...

    • Like 1
  7. I have nothing against backpackers, but do not envy them either. I've traveled the world with only a carry-on since I was 20. However, I always had a job; so I always had money, hotel, airfare, and perdiem.

    A much better way to see the world.

    You miss the whole point of backpacking. I had a friend who inherited 30 million Aus$ and travelled round asia for 6 months on $3000.

    Why don't you contact Neeranam by private message? His friend had $30million to spend and traveled around all of Asia for $3000!!

  8. And I will add, just briefly...

    Why even think about Thailand at all?

    You have been here twice, don't like bars, but do like (and good on you for this) adventure and sports.

    Either go overland somewhere (Africa, South America), or fly directly to Queenstown NZ and do a skydiving/ scuba-diving/ hang-gliding course....and chill with the crowd. I'm sure (actually I know from experience) if you become a qualified pilot/ diver or whatever, they will take you in. And it isn't as expensive as you think. Do some google research. A student skydiving course is about $1500.

    There is no way I would blow 14000Eu in Thailand over 12 months just hanging around...

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