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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Ok leaving now for Bangkok will post later

    Weegee will give us a followup. Remember, no final confrontations, pack lightly, if somebody is in the house, otherwise, grab all you can put in the car. You will not be going back.

    ph34r.png Be as one.

    I would also suggest on getting to BKK go the hospital and get checked out, as if she was trying to poison the OP the shit will be in his system and proof he has been slow poisoned will be useful in the divorce court or if the op decides to lay charges with the BIB

    He will definitely need a blood and urine check for that. Also check blood pressure/heart rate. No sort of medication should be taken, until he knows he is clean. He does not drink, that is a good thing, as well. At least until he gets some results. A good rest in a safe place, some healthy food, and some friendly advice...while waiting for the lab results.

    If he does need something to calm down, make sure it is something mild..with no risk of interaction. The clinic will ask him what, if any, medication has been already consumed... at least any that he knows about. He may want to tell them he suspects something that he does not know about (drugged).

    His anxiety of personal danger will go down, but depression may set in. Watch him close.

    I can highly recommend the mission hospital on Pisanulok Rd for a check up. But up to you.

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  2. My wife and I agree on everything Thai, from tipping a good cab driver to eating, to building our house.

    But one thing we just can't agree on is building "temporary" things like garden beds, trellises, those outdoor eating shelters.....

    If we had it my way everything would be made once from industrial grade stainless steel. The wife is happy to make them from bamboo and sticks, and do it all again next year.

    This seems to be the Thai way.

    We manage to somehow compromise. Bamboo and sticks with a coat of varnish.

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  3. He is full of himself. I call all my wife's brothers by their nickname, and they are in their 30's. They call me by my first name.

    Sipi you are lucky that they call you by your first name.

    They call me Farang.......w00t.gif

    At least haven't heard them calling me Buk Farang.......but who knows what the say behind my back.

    That's another secret to extract from my wife......whistling.gif

    It actually took a while to figure out that they were addressing me by my first name. They would call me "Pillif", and when I asked my wife "What is the English translation of the Thai word "Pillif?" She replied...."They are calling you by your first name...Phillip"

    And yes, I get called Farang (normally in the third person); but I love it. It is their country and I find it a term of endearment.

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