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Posts posted by sipi

  1. I have been putting this off for a while (oh no, not another "in-laws" thread).

    But I would like to ask just one question.

    There have been so many topics about the father-in-law who drinks to much, the sister-in-law who talks too much (or doesn't talk at all), the weird brother-in-law, the lovely mother-in-law. . And rightly so.

    But how does your family stack up?

    My family don't know the difference between Chang Beer and Chiang Mai. They think "sticky lice" is a sexually transmitted parasite. "Khao pad" is what dairy farmers do. A "dtot" is a fart, but only if you push to hard.

    Did, or does your family treat you, your partner and her family with "Thai wife syndrome"?

    If you want to hear my boring life story then read on, otherwise feel free to hit the reply button now.

    . . . . .

    When my wife and I got married in Thailand it was a three day celebration of eating and dancing. When we got married in Australia my family didn't even bother turning up.

    When I arrived at my wife's parents place for the first time it was wai's and food all around. When my wife first went to Australia, we picked up my car at the airport and went shopping. We passed my mother and brother coming the other way. They stared vacantly ahead, not even a nod.

    Things have changed over the last 10 or 12 years. My now widowed mother thinks my wife descended from heaven, and my now divorced brother has asked me to help fun him a good Thai lady (not a chance)

    So back to the topic.,

    What does your wife think of her in-laws?

  2. sipi darling,

    I understand and predicament and sympathize with you.

    ‘J’ and I wanted children but I was unable to conceive (compatibility problems).

    In the great bathroom of life, the females pluming system is not my area of expertise.

    However, I do have a high level of skill when it comes to the art of rubbing, I once spent an entire day in York carrying out my rubbings in old and decrepit buildings.

    If you are shy of being rubbed, we could opt for the marigold handshake.

    Failing that, I do have an admirer on these boards who is a world renowned expert on the art of milking, so with the help of my friend, a cup, a test tube and a pippet, I’m sure that we can bump start your wife’s tummy bump.

    Anyway ducks, keep us informed about how you get on with the conception.

    If you need any help in practicing about where everything fits together, I would be very willing to help you in this.

    I’m sure ‘J’ won’t mind.

    "The marigold handshake"?

    Oh Dear, now I am suffering from high blood pressure.

    Thanks for the offer. Yes, I will keep you informed.


    What is a marigold handshake?

    "Hold me like a flower"


    "No, by the stalk"

  3. sipi darling,

    I understand and predicament and sympathize with you.

    ‘J’ and I wanted children but I was unable to conceive (compatibility problems).

    In the great bathroom of life, the females pluming system is not my area of expertise.

    However, I do have a high level of skill when it comes to the art of rubbing, I once spent an entire day in York carrying out my rubbings in old and decrepit buildings.

    If you are shy of being rubbed, we could opt for the marigold handshake.

    Failing that, I do have an admirer on these boards who is a world renowned expert on the art of milking, so with the help of my friend, a cup, a test tube and a pippet, I’m sure that we can bump start your wife’s tummy bump.

    Anyway ducks, keep us informed about how you get on with the conception.

    If you need any help in practicing about where everything fits together, I would be very willing to help you in this.

    I’m sure ‘J’ won’t mind.

    "The marigold handshake"?

    Oh Dear, now I am suffering from high blood pressure.

    Thanks for the offer. Yes, I will keep you informed.


  4. OP, you are completely wrong. According to the universal rules of Thai Visa Forum, you should complicate everything as much as you can (apparently).


    Where you been?

    I agree: who does this philosopher-king wanna be interloper think he is?

    Take as little seriously as possible, my ass.

    Step off peoples! Sipi's in the house!

    Keep it Simple!

    Good morning my little green friend.

    Sorry to disappoint, but I haven't died from old age.....yet.

    But I'm working on it.

    Yes, keep it simple. Breath and wake up every morning; that is a good start.


    • Like 1
  5. He is weird.

    Talk to him, via your wife through your wifes parents.

    It sounds complicated; but what I am saying is: Get the wife and her parents onboard, in a non-confrontational way, and talk about it.

    He needs to be put in his place; and your wife and her parents can do it better than you can.

    • Like 1
  6. "I have got his name and address".

    Sorry Costas, but no you haven't.

    She has lost her money. Western Union can trace where it was cashed, and I am guessing neither Scotland or Nigeria, but for sure "he" used a fake ID to collect it.

    Yes, report it to the Police. There is a (small) chance it was cashed in Thailand.

    Most importantly, she must cancel her passport immediately. I'd be more worried about the passport that the money.

    And let the "website" know immediately. If they are a legitimate site they often employ their own investigators and will certainly help out.

    Cancel her Passport immediately, and tell the cops!!

  7. There are many different cultures in Thailand. The past ten years I've never seen or heard of anyone pinching a nose to make it grow. I saw it a lot in Vietnam to stop headaches. What part of Thailand do you folks see this happening?

    Bangkok to Udon. Not sure about in the South.

    You make it sound like you know a lot of people. How many women have you observed doing this and were they all Issan or Lao?

    No, I only know a handfull. My Isaan family.

    They possibly do it in Laos also, but don't recall seeing it.

    I have seen people from Bangkok North doing it to their babies, but I don't know them personally (on the bus, that sort of thing). I certainly didn't walk up and ask where they are from.

  8. There are many different cultures in Thailand. The past ten years I've never seen or heard of anyone pinching a nose to make it grow. I saw it a lot in Vietnam to stop headaches. What part of Thailand do you folks see this happening?

    Bangkok to Udon. Not sure about in the South.

  9. OP is actually onto something, nothing to do with headaches.

    My mother-in-law was constantly squeezing the bridges of my kids noses when they were babies to make them bigger; until I asked her politely to stop it.

    It is common practice, and has nothing to do with "making fun of Thai women".

    • Like 2
  10. Sorry. Well done normally.

    WD 160 degrees F. should kill most things. Pressure cooking is the next step up and that kills botulism. Maybe try pot roast as an intermediate step.

    mate i have to agree with your points from a hygienical stand point- but culinary wise,c'mon.

    I'm happy to have a good beef stew, without spending the next 3 days on the toilet. It'll be the first time in 3 decades.

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