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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Sipi, I do apologize. I really thought you were much older. Yes, you do look happy, but really your topic has nothing to do with your post. Thai Culture has nothing to do with anything that you have talked about.

    Sorry to come across so judgmental but you did say that you were old and I do have a slight bias against men over 60 having children.

    Your title doesn't really go with anything that you wrote though. You don't really give any suggestions on what you do specifically just some vague sound bite.

    Are you divorced and this is your second marriage or first? I have met quite a few older guys who are on their second marriage and have it much easier because they learn to detach from things but also chose a more submissive younger wife that doesn't challenge them. Is that your secret?

    No need to apologize Z, I have a very thick skin. You are entitled to be judgmental, as we all are; within the 'rules' of course.

    Yes, I left the topic and OP vague on purpose hoping to flame some healthy debate; but it turned in the wrong direction almost within the first or second post.

    As for me. First marriage. We (pardon me for saying this again) kept in simple right from the start.

    The reason for posting this topic is because I have seen a lot of confusion creep into relationships (I am talking specifically about inter-racial here for a minute, especially Thai) almost right from the start, possibly with the consequence of ruining what could have turned out as a beautiful relationship; and that was the reason alone. It just saddens me to see this. We really must remember that, as confused as we are about Thai ladies and their customs; they are possibly (and normally) twice as confused about us and ours.

    I personally found that by side-lining the majority of distractions (yes some need to be addressed), it actually made our marriage.

    Thank you so much for your kind reply. Sorry I didn't open the first post up a bit better. And a shame your last post wasn't the first.

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  2. Yeah simple. You have a child that most likely won't see his father at his high school graduation. That is simple minded of you nothing more.

    As for marriage it is never simple nor is life. Simplifying what is important takes a lot of work but that I will agree is necessary for prolonged happiness.

    Being as old as you are, I guess you have already had all of the arguments, difficulties and achievements. Now you are on the down spiral of life so you have less attachment to things. I doubt that is the best role model for an equity relationship. Just not caring anymore to the point you are just happy with any "Thaiwife" and starting a family isn't my idea of something to emulate.

    But go on bang your drum how great your marriage is and how great of a person you are to start a family in your twilight years.

    I'm in my late 40's, so I'll be around to see my sons graduation. I adore my son.


    Wish you the best of luck, but you look like you're in your late 60s at best. Perhaps something to be concerned about?

    Actually Grindting. Some people on these forums are so highly strung; they will give themselves a stroke or heart attack. We have never laughed so hard....


  3. Yeah simple. You have a child that most likely won't see his father at his high school graduation. That is simple minded of you nothing more.

    As for marriage it is never simple nor is life. Simplifying what is important takes a lot of work but that I will agree is necessary for prolonged happiness.

    Being as old as you are, I guess you have already had all of the arguments, difficulties and achievements. Now you are on the down spiral of life so you have less attachment to things. I doubt that is the best role model for an equity relationship. Just not caring anymore to the point you are just happy with any "Thaiwife" and starting a family isn't my idea of something to emulate.

    But go on bang your drum how great your marriage is and how great of a person you are to start a family in your twilight years.

    I'm in my late 40's, so I'll be around to see my sons graduation. I adore my son.


    Wish you the best of luck, but you look like you're in your late 60s at best. Perhaps something to be concerned about?

    Thanks. Not at all. My Doctor congratulates me each year when I have a thorough check-up. smile.png

  4. It's a bad photo, trust me. I'll race you up Doi Suthep tomorrow.

    You're on

    7:00 am at the start of Pilgrim's Trail.

    Don't be late, you won't be able to catch up.


    Before you head out the door - - some parting questions:

    Who won the race between you and AnotherOneAmerican this morning?

    He was a 'no show' so I won by default.

    It was hot, and I struggled up to Wat Doi Suthep in just under an hour.

    Sorry about the "no-show". I couldn't fly in before 7am, so we took our yacht for a run instead.

    Maybe next time we keep it simple and just catch up over a beer. wai2.gif

    • Like 1
  5. A very big "Thank-you" to everyone who contributed to this thread. There are some wonderful people out there. The few negative posts had my wife rolling on the floor in laughter.

    I wanted to sign off with something from the band "Simple Minds", but couldn't find anything suitable. So how about this...

    Mai Bpen Rai. Take care

  6. Yeah simple. You have a child that most likely won't see his father at his high school graduation. That is simple minded of you nothing more.

    As for marriage it is never simple nor is life. Simplifying what is important takes a lot of work but that I will agree is necessary for prolonged happiness.

    Being as old as you are, I guess you have already had all of the arguments, difficulties and achievements. Now you are on the down spiral of life so you have less attachment to things. I doubt that is the best role model for an equity relationship. Just not caring anymore to the point you are just happy with any "Thaiwife" and starting a family isn't my idea of something to emulate.

    But go on bang your drum how great your marriage is and how great of a person you are to start a family in your twilight years.

    I'm in my late 40's, so I'll be around to see my sons graduation. I adore my son.


    Good god, you look 60, get some exercise.

    Kid looks great though.


    I'm the age you look, but look the age you are, and have a 3 year old boy.

    It's a bad photo, trust me. I'll race you up Doi Suthep tomorrow.

    • Like 1
  7. ...until the sh*t hits the fan.......

    That is when you keep it simple.

    In the 11 years we have been together we have:

    Had a still-born baby, our first. My Dad dropped dead, literally. We built 2 houses, one in Australia, one in Thailand. My wife and son have both been diagnosed with Thalassemia. Bla bla bla.

    When the sh*t hits the fan..

    Keep it simple.

    • Like 1
  8. Ok I apologize. I'm not an electrical engineer, but I am a mechanical engineer that did his "time" in a power station with a lot of other electrical engineers (Callide...google it).

    I didn't say a 110v appliance plugged into a 240v supply will "brown out" . Read my reply again. And I repeat, voltage is the potential between supply and earth; full stop.

    Hey anyway, plug whatever you want into whatever supply you want, and learn the hard way. Die or burn the house down, or simply fry some of your stuff. Up to you. I have better things to do.


  9. Voltage is simply the potential between supply and earth. If you put a multimeter between the active and earth on a 240v system, it will read 240v. A 120v system will read 120v. A twin 120v supply will read 240v between supply and earth (single phase of course. 3 phase is another story ie 440v). Hertz in directly attributed to the speed of the alternators. At 50 hz the alternators spin at 3000rpm, 60 hz they spin at 3600rpm. A 110v appliance plugged into a 240v supply will "burn out". A 240v appliance plugged into a 110v supply will "brown out", or as we call it in either circumstance, "shit itself".

  10. Follow the instructions to the letter. My instructions that came with our unit were in Thai, but very explanatory. My wife deciphered them for me, which meant installing 3 earth stakes 1.2 metres apart. If it means running a dedicated (conduited) earth wire 4 floors, then do it. You only die once.

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