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Posts posted by bapoboy

  1. I will arrive in Thailand in November, but I booked a one-way ticket there only, the plan is to be in Thailand to 29 days after that I will go on to Vietnam, do I need to show return ticket to my home country (Norway) or it is enough to show the ticket to a third country`?


  2. i understand why the police are corrupt, if you probably earn only 15.000bath a month, that 300pound =nothing.... it`s not the police fault, it`s the cheap charlie goverment.

    The way for them to stop corruption, is to have an anti-corruption investigative unit that does undercover stings on these cops taking the bribes. However, that would actually take some thought and organizing to do. As we have seen the Koh Tao murder investigation take many twists and turns, we all know that these guys could organize a piss up in a brewery with the taps wide open.

    Here is an example for the police to start with and show everyone that they mean business-

  3. I'm curious did you get a 30 day visa on arrival, or already have a visa, if so what kind of visa?

    First I've ever heard of them making you sign any document other the the arrival and departure cards. What was the document you had to sign?

    I would presume it was the document we are all signing now regarding the penalties on overstaying.

    yes it was that.

  4. I'm curious did you get a 30 day visa on arrival, or already have a visa, if so what kind of visa?

    First I've ever heard of them making you sign any document other the the arrival and departure cards. What was the document you had to sign?

    i got a visa extempsion, a paper for not overstay anymore, the lady was smiling to me, and we have a laugh togheter,i say sorry and everything okei.

  5. i have just spent 10 days on samui and believe me after many years of going to Chaweng 3-4 times a year I wont be back ...there are very few tourist centres here in thailand that are even of interest anymore ...sick of all the touts, (ridicules loud promotion pickup trucks in chawang) footpaths that are a waste of time, dirty and really how they promote thailand as a paradise i have no idea......thailand really dropped the ball , too much greed and could not care less attitude

    okei bye bye

  6. "If Thailand no longer wants money from tourists like me, I can afford to holiday in any country in the world."

    "The Filipino lasses can have some of my money instead."

    Why is it ALWAYS about the money with you guys? Do you not have any other socially redeeming values? Perhaps that's why Thailand doesn't want you.

    What a totally stupid comment. It is all about tourist money Which keeps this country running. Don't believe me? Check it out.

    same as europe, if the tax was lower in europe, europe will be same as africa, high tax and vat is the reason why rich countries running in europe.

  7. I accept that if there is a large direct contribution to the cost of a service by the Government there are a case that different charges are reasonable for non residence but based on residence not race. These could be in areas such as Education where the cost is paid out of funds raised by Income Tax, VAT, Customs Duty etc all of which are paid by a resident but may not have been by a visitor. In the Casse of services such as reduced bus fares for categories of people such as students it is also reasonable to limit those to actual students in Australia. If there are discounts for buying several trips that discount should be available to everyone. In all other cases I have seen I would consider it total discrimination.

    What sort of Thai government educational services do visitors use?

    I can't think of any.

    95% of Thais don't pay customs duty, they don't have the money for foreign travel.

    80% of Thais don't pay income tax.

    Everyone pays VAT, Thai, foreigner or visitor.

    Why not think a bit more before posting?

    i dont think only 20% pepole pay tax, i read everyboy earning more then 15.000bath a month have to pay tax.

  8. Had a little trip in bangkok, lived in thong lo, my friend of mine took a motorbike taxi from Ekkamai, she had agreed price with him for the stretch, it was 40bath, she came forward then, as she would to pay then 40 bath, he saw she was going to meet me, no no 200bath for taxi he says to her, he seemed quite sure that I would pay so then it was okay to raise the price i thinks, but he was wrong, because it was not I who should pay, so all ended with a great discussion between, ended with her paid 100bath ...

  9. I travel a lot throughout the world and I find BKK taxi fares to be very cheap. Also, I think a driver should be able to choose which customers he wants to drive or not drive. If I were a driver that's what I'd want.

    Yeah, I get a bit annoyed sometimes when a driver won't take me, but there's plenty more down the road and I'm inconvenienced very little. Definitely no need to take it as a personal insult and get all hissy about it.

    But that being said, however, there are indeed some a__hole drivers who should be banned from driving. But even there, I'm ever so slowly trying to learn to just shine it on because my getting angry will never change it and I'm the one who suffers.

    yes bangkok taxi is cheap, but another countries are to expensive.

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