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Moonlover last won the day on February 27 2021

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About Moonlover

  • Birthday 01/24/1946

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    A village near Sakon Nakhon

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    Near Sakon Nakhon

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  1. Why would any office want to block a marriage based extension?
  2. Well, I slightly disagree with what you say @rough diamond. It's possible, just possible that Trump was being genuine, after all he has said so many times that he wants this war ended. The meeting fell apart when that Pit Bull, otherwise known as Vance let rip and from there on it was all down hill. Afterall we cannot possibly have the POTUS and his Vice disagreeing in public can we.
  3. This is the only sensible answer so far. We are from different countries, having a variety of DTAs, each with their own nuances. We may have become knowledgeable regarding our own situations, but that doesn't mean we can offer any meaningful advice to others. And that's been the problem all along on this forum, too many pseudo 'experts', throwing in a bit of advice here and a bit more over there, until it's all become total mishmash. I've sorted mine out now and I feel confident in the knowledge that I do not need to file a tax return and I won't be doing so. But that's me, You, @John Hansen are in a completely different situation.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 16/100 My Time 178 seconds  
  5. That could give the World a glimmer of hope, except for one thing. We've now seen the 'nature of the beast' that's waiting in the wing, just one 'heartbeat away' as they say.
  6. How Trump’s compulsion to dominate sabotages dealmaking, undermines democracy and threatens global stability. A very thought provoking and scary article from 'The Conversation'. (apologies for the length of the link) https://theconversation.com/how-trumps-compulsion-to-dominate-sabotages-dealmaking-undermines-democracy-and-threatens-global-stability-251210?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest from The Conversation for March 4 2025 - 3284533518&utm_content=Latest from The Conversation for March 4 2025 - 3284533518+CID_8634f8a1a4f866a515339ae0fb4425b9&utm_source=campaign_monitor_global&utm_term=How Trumps compulsion to dominate sabotages dealmaking undermines democracy and threatens global stability
  7. I'm quite sure that if they bring the right experts in, that building can be dropped using explosives. Plenty of Demolition videos on Youtube.
  8. Bike is short for bicycle, which rolls off the tongue quite nicely. Trike is short for tricycle, which likewise also rolls off the tongue. But Quadickle? No, it just doesn't work does it. Hence the universally accepted term 'quad bike'. Paradoxical, but that's they way it is. And no, not quad ATVs. They are designed to be 'off road' vehicles, as many others have pointed out. ATV would imply otherwise.
  9. Suit yourself, but I can still bring it up whenever I want to. And I've even tested it to see if it works. It does!
  10. @rough diamond That menu bar appears if you use the 'magnifier' function on Win 11. Press Ctrl+ until it appears. Press Ctrl- until it disappears again. I've never actually used it.
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 223 seconds  
  12. There, fixed it for you. All you have to do toggle over to English in the top righthand corner. (I can't do that for you) http://air4thai.pcd.go.th/webV3/#/StationDetail
  13. Try getting a bit adventurous with your mouse!
  14. Simply look at that the situation map on Air4Thai. http://air4thai.pcd.go.th/webV3/#/Home
  15. It's probably down to the availability of a forensic pathologist to carry out the autopsy. It's a legal requirement in most countries when a 'suspicious death' occurs, why not Thailand?
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