So, are you one of those who is always taken in by the political narrative?
Imagine that you are a Politian, during the 1970s (or whatever) in Thailand, where there is a serious drink problem and what you want to do is stop people from indulging in all this daytime drinking and get on with doing some productive work.
So close the pubs and bars during the afternoon, that should help. (something they did in the UK during WW1 by the way) But what are we going to tell the public? The real reason isn't much of a vote catcher is it. in fact it could make you downright unpopular.
So you sell them a nice warm fuzzy narrative instead. 'It's for the good of all our children's future who are our country's future'. Now that should catch a few more votes, or at least not be as politically damaging.
That, to me is a far more likely reason.