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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. I think it's time you went back and put your correct age in. ????
  2. So you were born in 1997 were you? Now that IS a surprise!
  3. I think you comment is a bit unfair in respect of the mods on AN. I'm very anti Thai bashing and if I report a Thai bashing post it is nearly always removed. But the mods can't be everywhere at once, so a bit of 'community policing' does help.
  4. Well done you! I'm 76 but came in at 47. We must be doing something right.
  5. In open spaces the mask is now optional. But in private enclosed spaces they can still insist on mask wearing if they wish. That would include shops, malls, government buildings and transport systems including planes of course. Such a ruling makes sense as it's as much about protecting their staff as anything else. I'm not saying I agree with this, but that's the way it is for now. So when someone out there moans about the staff in 7/11 insisting on mask wearing, please just show them a bit of respect. They're just following orders from on high.
  6. Look up the sequels in the 'Kingsbridge trilogy', World Without End' and 'A Column of Fire'. They follow on almost seamlessly from Pillars. I followed that up by reading his 'Centuries', series, another great Follet trilogy. I think I was reading Ken Follet almost daily for 2 to 3 months. A new author for me is Alex Gerlis. He used to be a BBC journo but has now moved on writing spy thrillers. First up is 'Agent in Berlin'. Good read so far.
  7. Dummy! I didn't think of that. ????
  8. Well, judging by the immobilizer, which I presume was prescribed by a doctor, your wife has a broken shoulder rather than a broken arm. If your last doctor did not refer your wife to an orthopedic surgeon, I don't think she has much to worry about. I have to say, she looks cheerful enough. 80% of shoulder fractures do not require any medical intervention beyond immobilization and a few pain killers as necessary. Ice packs can be useful in the early stages. I had a heavy fall on my right shoulder about 3 months ago. It was very sore and stiff for a while, but it's healed now without any medical treatment at all, beyond what I've said above. I'd suggest that you give it a bit of time and see what nature can achieve.
  9. Madam Moon walks a lot faster than me when we're heading for the shopping mall or supermarket, then slows down to the usual Thai snail's pace once we get there!
  10. The announcement was made by the PM on the 14th June and it was said at the time that it would be about a week before the formal announcement is drafted. You obviously arrived before that happened.
  11. Here's a different take on this from a journo in country.
  12. And here's the link to the afore said news column.
  13. Oh dear, oh dear. My pet hate! You go out as a group for a meal, order your meal and then chat away until it the food arrives and then it starts. Out come the phones, everyone jostles around to get a good 'shot' of the food, then we're called upon to jostle around to get good group shots. Then there's the inevitable selfies with each over. I HATE IT! I've become decidedly uncooperative with this palaver and refuse even to look at the camera and smile. Smiling implies happiness. And I'm not!
  14. The average conscious reaction time is around 0.2 secs, so yes, at 0.4 secs could be considered slow (although it's not exactly sluggish it) But note what I said. 'The average conscious reaction time'. Reflexive reaction times, the ones that kick in during 'fight or flight mode' are much quicker because they bypass the brain. They are around 0.08 secs and they're are the ones that react in an emergency. When an old lady pulled a U turn in front of me a while ago my brakes were full on before I'd even thought about how to react. Everyone who has spoken about 'reaction times' on this and other threads are probably not aware of this. http://www.scifun.ed.ac.uk/pages/exhibits/ex-reaction-timer.html
  15. Rubbish! Enough of this damn agism! I'm still riding here accident free after 7 years precisely because my reflexes are still as sharp as they ever were. Regular riding actually serves to keep them sharp. I've avoided several potentially nasty situations because of that. Use them or loose them.
  16. mask vs no mask - feeling naked vs feeling awkward? The only feeling that I have is: 'About bloody time too'.
  17. That very aspect is mentioned in the article I referred to earlier. I've made some direct comparisons as well. If I do even a short journey, 2 or 3 hours, by car I feel drained and sluggish. Make the same journey by motorcycle and I feel alive and alert.
  18. Jeez, talk about being pedantic! That's the 1st in my life I've encountered that word and probably the last time as well.
  19. Exactly! I'm 3 years behind you and I also feel in good health, both physically and mentally and I have no concerns about my reaction times. Use them or loose them is my attitude and so I ride as often as I can. And here's some back up. Why motorcycling is a good form of exercise.
  20. What it says about me is that I obviously look into topics more thoroughly than many. Theos 1 was build in Europe by a team which included a number of Thai engineers in a technology transfer arrangement. Theos 2 is being built in Thailand by a Thai team and was developed by more than 20 Thai satellite engineers. So I think that Thailand can quite rightfully claim that it is their first satellite. You may dispute that if you wish, but please don't bother me with your concerns.
  21. Yes I agree with that.
  22. That's an interesting comment that you make about the attendance ratio at the meditation retreat. It's line my observation that the majority of men in this country have no interest in spiritual matters. (unless the spirit comes out of a bottle) The older women of the village are certainly the most active when it comes to attending the temple, but that's no different from churches back in the UK. The O/P's comments about relating temple attendance and sexual matters are IMO complete nonsense. A bank manager of my acquaintance owns a BMW as does our recently retired Pu Yha Ban, so I don't regard BMW owners as particularly Hi-so.
  23. Not so, there are private spaces and are covered by the last paragraph in the article. 'TPN media notes that private businesses and events have the ability and right to make mask wearing at their establishments and venues required, however'. Go and try it out if you wish.
  24. Theos 1 is already up there and has been since 2008. You can read the details here if you're interested, although your facetious comment would suggest that you're not.
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