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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. That sounds a bit excessive. Are you sure it all went into the cremation oven? As a point of interest, where did you get all the containers from?
  2. They are not designed to be a BBQ. Used with a brass cooking plate, there are very efficient and long lasting. We had a take away package from the Thai French Beef restaurant recently and had a great family home cook off.
  3. I've used my 'Privileged Member' Krungsri debit card many times for on line purchases both here and in the UK and yes, you can get authentication codes even when using it abroad. Just enter your name when filling in the card details.
  4. Let's all hope that it's a long way from Thailand.
  5. Any poster who gives the O/P sympathy will go straight onto my 'ignore user' list, along with the O/P!
  6. Before I say anymore, a confession. I borrowed this from a book review on Amazon. 'What's great about it is that it gives you an excellent foundation practice that you can then continue to expand with other qigong forms you learn elsewhere. The author has a massive amount of knowledge and experience and, through this book, teaches you what you really need to know and tells you what isn't actually necessary that you may learn elsewhere'. There are 3 key skills to learning this branch of Qigong, all of which are taught in the book and the accompanying videos, plus a few physical exercises. As the reviewer above says, 'you can then continue to expand with other qigong forms'. So yes, you can learn from the book and the videos and then follow up on line as you feel fit. There is a massive amount of information in the Flowing Zen web site alone. An indication of how good this book is, is that despite having practiced Qigong myself for 10 years, I've read it 3 times already and I still keep learning from it. I'd suggest you go visit Amazon and read some of the book reviews there. Take care. Have a nice (enlightening) day. ????
  7. I've been in a similar situation to you @Grecian over the years, including, at one time having to crawl to the bathroom to use the loo. Like you I eschew all types of medication, herbal or modern synthetic. I prefer to use exercise and have also practiced yoga. But I've now found a better way. Start by watching the 97 sec video here. If that catches your interest move on to this website on pain It's by the same guy. I've been practicing Qigong for 10 years now and I keep fit, healthy and pain free and I never need to visit a doctor. And guess what. You can learn the basics of this method for around 7 GBP if you buy his new book. Let me know what you think.
  8. Because there is a plethora of ways in which money can be deposited from abroad, there is no fixed method that immigration insist upon. The onus will be on you to prove that the money deposited into your account came from abroad. Can you do that? If the documents provided by Moneygram show that you paid in dollars and that they then paid out in Thai Baht into your account, then there's no reason why immigration shouldn't accept it. Thousands of falangs here are using Wise and many of them rely on the Wise transaction confirmation slip to do exactly that. Strange how they don't want your business. It would be better of course if someone popped up and 'yes, I use Moneygram and it works'. Keep your fingers crossed.
  9. If I could just get this damn Truemoney Wallet to work, I'd be happy to join them. It keeps rejecting my selfie but doesn't explain why.
  10. There's no point in arguing with a troll.
  11. Would you like Thailand to be a safer place to drive in?
  12. It could of work of course and some countries do do it that way Egypt is one that I know of. But in doing it that way there's a mental disconnect between the crime and the fine. If you just have to stump up a sum of money at the end of the year, you would tend not to associate it with the offences. In your mind it would simply be added to the cost of motoring. There's no real punitive punishment involved. However the threat of arrest, handcuffs, jail cells and court appearances. Now that has a whole different ring to it. More complex, but hopefully much greater impact. Something certainly something needs to be done about errant motorists who just jerk 2 fingers at the authorities.
  13. You don't know how to reply to someone's post. Very easy. Scroll down to the bottom of their post and click on 'quote' at the bottom left of the post. Then start your reply below theirs, just as I have done here. Reply to me now so that I can see you've got the idea.
  14. I know that you used a non imm O-A to obtain your extension (you said so above) and there are others, but the vast majority use a non imm O to lead them into an extension, be it married or retirement and it is the one issued by IOs in country for that purpose. Also it is always a non imm O that Ubjoe refers to when talking about obtaining an extension. Would you care to let him know that he is wrong too?
  15. If you look up the Wise account sort code 23-14-70, you'll find that its assigned to TransferWise Limited in London. So I don't think your statement is true. TransferWise does still exist by the way. Wise is only a trading name.
  16. Yes quite so. Wise make their money by moving your money, not leaving it to stagnate. I noted that the Euro zone has negative interest rates at the moment, so this move by Wise should be no surprise. It's obviously a move to discourage holders of Euros from parking their money in their Wise accounts and thus avoiding paying interest to the banks.
  17. I tend not to use the word 'fact', as, in the past, I've had several members pounce on my posts calling for proof, which I cannot provide beyond anecdotal evidence. But actually I agree with you.
  18. There's a lot of evidence mounting that the 'long stay' option does indeed slow a transfer down. As mentioned in my earlier posts, I stopped using it about 6 months ago and my transfers have been instantaneous ever since. There's some information on this Wise blog about transfer speeds that may be of interest to you. https://wise.com/gb/blog/mission-update-q1-2022-speed
  19. The WIN was riding a Honda Wave. The motorcycle in photo with no number plate is definitely not a Wave, not with that small, fat rear tyre.
  20. I was doing more or less the same as you except that I was starting the transaction a little earlier, usually around 07:30 Thai time and always using 'funds for long term stay in Thailand' and I was getting the same result as you. Then around 6 months ago, following something I read right here on the forum, I switched to using 'Monthly Living Expenses' (or words to that affect) and that was the day I received my first instant transfer into my Krungrsi account. And it's been that way ever since. My conclusion is, that unless you need to use it to get an FTT code in your passbook, stay away from 'Funds for long term stay in Thailand'.
  21. Free shipping often applies to local delivery only. When you place an order and the system becomes aware of your post code, then a delivery charge may well apply. Quite common on many on line shopping outlets and not a scam.
  22. Good for him. It's time more people began to let it be known that masks are yesterday's fashion item. Thailand, in case you'd forgotten is the 'Land of Smiles'. It's time we started seeing more of those smiles. A lot more!
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