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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Gambling is horrible, and when a person gets into too much debt, sometimes it costs them their lives. I knew a Thai fellow in Phuket, whos wife gambled away their savings, and even stole his mothers savings. Then she borrowed from the local mafia, and one day she ran away to the north of Thailand. No one ever heard from her again, and many years later I heard that a mafia member spotted her in the north and she basically disappeared for good. Robbing a gold shop was pretty foolish. Geezer
  2. The Thai police should only be called that, with all their corruption that is showing up so much makes me think that the R in the RTP is not being considered at all. At least not with out the respect that the R should represent. Just my humble Canadian opinion. Geezer
  3. This expat is just a cheap Charlie, who was being a jerk over 10 baht. I have had many drivers tell me that they took a bit longer because of a few reasons, most being construction, and one, the drive pointed to lots of smoke, rising up from a fuel truck fire. I have paid extra tips for the drivers honesty and good explanations. It is ignorant to be cheap, but there are people all over the world that are. I have met a few grumpy old expats in Bangkok and other places who did not have many friends, and they were ignorant enough that they did not understand why. Sad state of affairs. Geezer
  4. Considering that Thailand makes a lot of money from tourists during the Winter months from November until April. I would say that the conditions and restrictions in the tourist areas of Thailand may get a bit more relaxed if the Thai government and TAT want to really see more money coming to Thailand this Winter. It is just a feeling that I have, as I believe that there are some rich people in Thailand who are heavily invested in the tourist industry. In Thailand, Money talks and other stuff walks. Geezer
  5. The storm that hit Pattaya area was wicked. The flooding in Jomtien which caused the street collapse had a ton of rain fall in a short time, and it would have overwhelmed the best prepared place in the world. My cousin said that the hole was massive, and it will take a few weeks for the repairs to get done. That is my favorite place on the beach and I spent many hours there just across the street from the Jontien Palace Hotel, guess I will have to consider another location along the beach for a while. Geezer
  6. I feel sorry for those young party people, who cannot get out and party, like I could at that age. This COVID pandemic certainly has not been easy to deal with. By the picture is looks like there is lots of good ventilation, and space for them to be fairly safe while they enjoyed themselves. Too bad it is only September and not the High tourist season. Too bad that in the Samui sandbox no one is allowed to party or enjoy them selves except for a few restricted activities. I am sure happy that I do not plan to go to Thailand until all these restrictions are just a bad memory. Geezer
  7. When the number of Thai people who have had their 2 shots is 75 percent, including teens and children, only then we should be satisfied. Only then the number of people getting sick and dying will become less. Only then the General PM and his gang can start to brag that they have finally gotten the Thailand population mostly vaccinated. In the year 2022, I hope the vaccine program is finally successful. Geezer
  8. Thanks for a great memory lane article Rooster. I have seen Soi Cowboy a few times, and Patpong, as well as the bars that used to be near the train tracks and Sukhumvit and of course Staying at Nana hotel and Dynasty I got to visit Nana Plaza a few times. I have visited Pattaya a few times and stay at Jomtien beach when I am in that area, as it is quieter and had lots of good restaurants and bars. Hua Hin with Soi 88 and good eating along Soi 94. plus some pool nights at Soi 99 and of course Binta Baht. Phuket gave me good memories of Kata and Karan beaches as well as a few visits to Patong beach. Those early years of the 70s and 80s were a blurr, the 90s are still good memories, and with lifes changes, marriage, etc. I still enjoy travelling to Thailand for the break of a cold Winter and to just wear a loose shirt, shorts, and sandels for a couple months or so. I do believe that by next year, there will be some of us tourists returning to Thailand again for pleasure and to see just how badly the COVID pandemic has affected, the places that we have all visited in the past. I am sure that there will be a lot of places that have closed and there will be less people that we knew, because sadly some of them have died either of old age or COVID or some other ailment. Keep up the great work Rooster. Geezer
  9. Another American who is scared of needles. Another person who only thinks of them self. The world is full of self centered people. I have a few less relatives and friends who thought like this poster and they are all dead. The vaccine man not stop you from getting infected, but if it stops you from dying, is it not worth getting? Maybe growing up is very difficult for some of us, but that is what is required for this present World situation. When I hear of another unvaccinated person who has caught COVID and has died, I have no sympathy except I do feel sad that their family and friends have to suffer from them being so ignorant or stupid. There are people who are desperate to get themselves vaccinated, then we hear from some selfish person who claims that they do not need to get vaccinated. Pathetic. Geezer
  10. I hope that most people who want the vaccine, will have their 2 shots by early next year. It is September, and it seems that many people each day are getting vaccinated, so by December the number of double vaccinated people should be nearly 50 percent. The numbers of Delta variant are spiking in Canada and the USA. In Alberta masks have to be worn in public places again. It is only the fools who think that this pandemic is over. It is on going. Stay tuned. Good luck to all those people who are still waiting to get their jabs, I hope that Pfizer and Moderna will be available for you soon. Geezer
  11. Hey Bobsuruncle, I do not understand your question. Getting vaccinated with any vaccine will not prevent you from being infected by COVID. All vaccines are to prevent you from dying, if you do get infected. The sandbox of Phuket is one good way of going to Thailand and not just being stuck in some hotel room for 14 days. At least during that time you can see the beach and ocean if your hotel is near them. Plus I understand that you are not confined to your hotel for the entire time. My cousin in Pattaya is like that as his hotel room faces the ocean as well. Plus he lives nearby, so when his quarantine is over he just gets picked up by his wife to go to some other restaurant and enjoy his freedom. The pandemic will be with us all for a lot longer, but I am glad to hear that people are getting vaccinated everyday, and soon most of the adult Thai population and teens will have all been given their 2 shots. Africa, and a few other places in the world wish that they were in this situation. Geezer
  12. This is why China has not yet, gone out to invade another country with its military. China just buys many assets of another country, and basically owns that other country indirectly. Pretty clever. I am impressed with the Chinese military, and the fact that their spqce industry is very advanced as well. China will have its own version of a space station soon, as it likes its own control, and not some other country. A bit scary, but this is the world we live in. After all the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan again. Just more to think about. Good Luck Thailand. Geezer
  13. I doubt that Vietnam is all that open. There would be advertisements all over the place if that country was open. Thanks samjaidee, if you live in Saigon, you would know more than most of us. My Vietnamese family members all say to wait until next Winter to try go to Vietnam for a holiday. Geezer
  14. Considering that COVID is a world wide pandemic, it is not only Thailand where all the hotels motels, and guest houses are suffering. Good thing that the hotel owners are a huge group of very very rich people. Even these rich people may not be as rich as they were if they want to keep their hotels from ruin. That is why other places in the world are opening up even though the COVID cases are still high. Money rules. Geezer
  15. I winder if the guy got towed by some tractor before the tide did a job on his pickup? Geezer
  16. Well since the rainy season is almost over, it is refreshing to see a storm come in and help fill up the reservoirs around Thailand. I am hoping for drier weather in December and January, when it is High Season for tourism. and some international travelers will be wanting to escape the cold Winter of Europe, Russia, North America, and such. Geezer
  17. Hey Mike, I was wondering about this General PM, and how he came to power? Who is the top of all the military departments, Airforce, Navy, Army, etc. ? The un mentionables. I think the answer is maybe why the military is back in power, or are at least leaders of the present form of government. Just my thoughts as an outsider. It is understandable to see this China ASEAN expo as the countries are neighbors, and when China finally get COVID under control, they may even let some of their population visit places like Thailand again. Geezer
  18. Wow, since people are not supposed to feed wild animals, the bears must be very intelligent. Eating an omelet is surprising. Amazing Thailand indeed.! Geezer
  19. Lot of cheaper Hotels and guest houses to stay at, than the Hilton or Marriot, which are among the most expensive places in Hua Hin to stay at. I am wondering just how many of the guest houses are still around, since COVID, I imagine that there are many that have closed at least temporary. Geezer
  20. Buddhism is serious, however the Thai government is a total laugh... Imagine, a monk with a humor, that is refreshing. Geezer
  21. I do not mind if Thailand is open to tourists from October onward, but I do hope that by December. or January, at least 50 percent of the adult population in Thailand will have had their second jab, and even some with a third booster. I have a few old friends that do not want to spend a frozen Winter in Canada. So go with the step by step open method, and hopefully by January more people will only be mildly sick with COVID and the rest can get on with life. I would like to go to a tropical country to avoid the cold of Winter, but I am young enough that I will be waiting for at least November 2022 before I get on a long flight to go anywhere. Geezer
  22. I know that this is not an Asian thing, but when I was sick with a cold or flu, when I was working at a job, I stayed home during the contagious stage as not to spread the disease I was sick with. Any of you remember being told to do that? Well it is the people who get sick with COVID and continue to work and be around other people, who are spreading this disease. The ones who are not getting vaccinated are getting sicker, but they were scared to get a vaccine and now they keep spreading COVID around, as well as those who get feeling like they got a normal cold or flu and still go out among other people. It is high time that every one smarten up and treat this pandemic and other diseases seriously. That would be the grown up thing to do. Geezer
  23. Well I have a few friends who want to go and stay 3 months at Hua Hin, so I hope that by November, the situation will have improved a little. at least by January, the numbers of vaccinated people should improve. I just hope that a few restaurants have survived along soi 94. and 99. Geezer
  24. Anutin, must have read the Trump book, and speaking the truth is only when you are trapped in a corner like a rat and there is no escape. my opinion of reading his comments. Geezer
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