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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Parking in a flood risk area when it is raining, just seems a bit foolish to me. Is there not some higher ground in this area? Why would people do this to their cars or trucks especially if they are still paying for these vehicles. Geezer
  2. Good to hear, and |I hope that the other bus company starts up again when the high season begins and some real tourists start to arrive to escape Winter. Geezer
  3. Another reason is that High Season is fast approaching, and Thailand does not want to miss the boat on any chance to get some international tourists to come to this country. Geezer
  4. I agree, I lost some old Thai relatives, who were unable to get their shots, before they contacted COVID. The PM and his cronies have a lot of lost elder lives on their hands. Shame on them all!!! They got their shots, including watch man, and likely all of their elderly relatives, but forget the rest of the elderly population in Thailand. It may be a developing country, as some do not like me saying third world country, but they seem pretty backward to me. I hope that the Pfizer, Moderna, and J & J plus AZ vaccines all arrived and get into lots of arms before this year is over. China should be ashamed that it does not have a better vaccine developed, to fight the variants that are all over the world. I guess it would be foolish to think that China would be able to have anything so advanced. Yes that is sarcasm directed to China. Geezer
  5. Fine, but what about the COVID that you breath in through your nose? As one poster says, do you have to snort the mouth wash? Keep trying, there are some people in North America that are trying a horse de worm pill and shot, how desperate and stupid can some people be? Questions, questions.. Geezer
  6. If the picture is the Porsche, then these cars do not do very well in an accident. Glad the doctor does not get special treatment, as in being sent to a special jail with luxuries, as where the rich go when they are bad. Geezer
  7. Considering that Russia has been hit hard by COVID just like most countries in the world, I doubt that there will be that many people willing to risk their health for a trip to anywhere in Thailand. Just another TAT fantasy story. Likely the only thing that may see some Russian travelers is for Russia to have a real cold Winter, for a long spell, then maybe in February there may be some travelers coming to Thailand. Geezer
  8. Placing 6 bags over anyone's head, is a deliberate act of murder, not just some accident, or for keeping them from looking at you. Joe Ferrari and the others are murderers and I hope the Thai public, and the elite also get involved and make these police men face the justice that they all deserve. Just because some of them may have rich relatives should not change the fact that they all were involved in the killing of this man. My opinion anyway. Geezer
  9. Maybe they only went into the forest to have some wild activity, then returned to their beds in the field hospital. After all, no hanky panky allowed in the field hospital, right? just my thoughts as it looks like a young couple. Geezer
  10. Of course all of you posters can afford to replace your phones or tablets, but how about the Thai person who has his stuff stolen? Think about it, you senseless jerks. Some people do not have the money to live like you do. Of course I see so many newbees on the forum, that I guess many of them have not been to Thailand a lot of times so do not know the difference of how they live or how a lot of Thai people live. Geezer
  11. Mr Meeseeks, you forgot about how many people speak Chinese language, and even some of them talk more than one dialect of that language. I think it may be on the list of international languages, as there are a lot of Chinese speakers who live out side of China as well. I am glad to see that there is some king of transportation getting opened up so Thais and travelers can travel around the country again. Just wear your KN95 or N95 masks when travelling and you will be okay. Right? Geezer
  12. I think that the dine in restaurants that the Thais go to will do okay. After all there is a ton of people who do not like to cook, and they are the younger crowd, so I can see success for those restaurants. The restaurants that only get foreign tourists would be wise to wait until High Season to open up. If there are expats who do not like the Thai favorite restaurants, well stay home and enjoy your own cooking. I hate cooking and would be one of the people sitting at a Thai restaurant in a flash, as long as I felt safe enough with social distancing. I have a few Thai relatives who have restaurants and will be going to support them. At least here in Bangkok there are some places open as well as a bit of shopping places to go to as well. Thankfully I have my relatives to take me around to these places. I am a fortunate one. Plus lots of my relatives cook very well so I am spoiled whether I stay at one of their places until I feel that my welcome is wearing out and I move to another relative for a week or so. Geezer
  13. Hey Spidersmike? The Egypt leader got a quick retirement several years ago. It seems that in some parts of the world, that is the only way the country gets a new leader. I do hope that the Thai population can get another election, that is monitored by the world for fairness and honesty. That is how much I trust the present Military government. Geezer
  14. Extend the restrictions all you want TAT and Thai government, and there will not be a lot of tourists coming to Thailand. Ban all alcohol sales, and keep the bars closed after November and only non drinkers from a few countries will come. If there are other destinations in the world that do not have any restrictions, well that is where the world travelers will be headed for, and Thailand will be left in the dirt. I do understand that there are some people who cannot handle their liquor and and get drunk and stupid, but if they are tourists, they can catch taxis back to their hotels and guest houses. The local Thais are another situation, and maybe that is what the bans are for. High Season for tourism is coming soon. Get the people vaccinated so less will be as affected by COVID, then some restriction can be lifted. Geezer
  15. Hey, maybe some of these Thai adults are out of work and just trying to make a bit extra on the side, wink wink, nudge, nudge. or Maybe it is an example of how many adults just can not keep to them selves. Maybe some places could have a married section, but again that is not the purpose of these field Hospitals, now is it. Amazing Thailand.. Geezer
  16. And I thought that the Muslim religion was a peaceful one. Surprised, no not really. Geezer
  17. Yes if the police force in Thailand, and the lowest levels of the police in the USA were better paid, and all had security checks, and were charged if they broke any of the laws that they are supposed to be using to protect the people of society, maybe things could improve a bit. Corruption is all over the world, and we get to see examples of it almost every day. I just hope that Rooster keeps us all informed on the Jo Ferrari future developments. This and many other high level police and Military generals should all be exposed with their many houses and cars, (Watches) etc. To show the world just how corrupt they all are. Thanks, Rooster for another weeks worth of news. Geezer
  18. So 30 million shots have been delivered to arms in Thailand, How much longer before these 30 million will have had their second shot? That is when Thailand can start to feel that the COVID pandemic is starting to be under control in that country. However it seems that TAT and the government feel that they should brag even today. Third world country indeed. Keep up the vaccines, that is the top priority to keep people from dying or being as affected by this virus. Geezer
  19. If you have a salt restricted diet, do not eat any of the veggie meats. Instead go to a local super market that has burgers, hot dogs, etc. , that are made of veggies, and read the content labels. You may be a bit shocked. Sodium and salt are the same stuff, but yes I had an argument with some lady until I googled it and showed her. That also includes the stuff at A & W. Geezer
  20. Tropical rain storms can be very wicked, and there is hardly a tropical place in the world that does not have damage after a major storm. Some posters show their lack of knowledge though, by pretending to talk about the results of this latest storm. Just saying, better to be quiet , than to open your mouth and show your total ignorance on a subject. Oh oops, I forgot what forum I was on, carry on. Geezer
  21. Careful ronjomtien, the Mayor may have mafia family who may not like your suggestion. Just a thought. Geezer
  22. I carry my Canadian drivers license, and a color photo copy of my current Passport with the Thai visa page also photo copied. Only had to show my license one, and i asked if the officer wanted to see my passport, and they did not even want to see it. I had an international drivers license as well and when the police seen both it and my Canadian license, they were more than happy to let me get on my way. Thankfully I have found that most of the police in Hua Hin are very polite. I always enjoy a large part of my vacation time in the Hua Hin area, and ride a rental motorcycle around the area. Geezer
  23. I do not believe for one second, that these young travelers do not have relatives that could help them out financially. They are just trying for sympathy, and there is none coming. Next news story please. Geezer
  24. Considering that children spread pretty much any disease that they get in school, to their parents siblings and others. Why does anyone think that children should not be getting a vaccine? The children may be able to survive getting the COVID virus, but they certainly can spread it, especially to their grand parents. I guess some posters here are only children and have not got any of their own. thats my logical conclusion, when I read some of the posts on this forum. I have seen may people around the world who were younger than 40 die from COVID, as well. And one more time the COVID virus is not like a normal flu, although the normal flues can kill people, the COVID corona virus certainly has proved that it kills lots of people. Just saying.. Geezer
  25. With all those fans blowing the air around, I sure hope that none of the people there have any variant of CIVID. I would be happy to spend a lot of money for a hospital room with only 3 other people in it than in a place like that in the picture. Geezer
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