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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. I have to say this is badly reported. There is little about what the dispute was about and how the altercation began. There is nothing about the case against the Thais. Whoever wrote this is expecting everyone to look it up online or read the reports in the UK press. Only by reading the sensible replies do we get an idea of what has happened and what is likely going forward. The court cases will sort this out when they are eventually held.
  2. What is that supposed to mean? The government of the UK he is talking about so who and what country are you talking about?
  3. Not everyone lives out in the sticks. In urban areas most of what you call Mom & Pop stores are now a "convenient" store with an electronic till.
  4. Typical, why don't we just forget about the ban every afternoon??? When will someone in Thailand show some common sense and logic?
  5. A rather stupid left wing comment. "A hitler shirt", would that be a picture of him or a reversed Chinese sign for good luck? I doubt many young Thais would know his face and in general the population are mostly immune the US politics and western history.
  6. Yes indeed, the report is much like all the Income Tax reports, speculation and presumptions but nothing of any factual nature.
  7. Will he ever "apologise" for the 2,500 that perished during his period as PM?
  8. Horrific but not unusual in Thailand. I survived a similar crash in 1990.
  9. I seem to remember from reading the Lonely Planet Guide about 40 years ago that hitchhiking is illegal in Thailand. How people have the gaul to go on "holiday" and expect others to pay is beyond belief. This person should have been escorted to the airport and waved goodbye to.
  10. I totally agree. Anyone who doesn't know what Trudeao did to the striking lorry drivers in Canada should take the time to read about it. Going cashless is madness and will most definitely encourage an underground currency to emerge.
  11. Another misleading headline that is one step from click bait. The article is more to do with tourists than retirees and other expats.
  12. Leaving 800k in a dead bank account doesn't appeal to any investor. If people were allowed to use an investment account there would be little reason for the agents other than to smooth the journey through the admin. Just another nail in the coffin for retirees in Thailand. Still, if farang don't have Thai bank accounts then we cannot provide the information for the new tax regulations. Just another shot in the foot by the wonderful Thai bureaucrats. Thought should come BEFORE speech, not after.
  13. Incorrect shelf pricing is often a problem.
  14. That may be true, however in the UK the socialists (Marxists-woke) got voted in with a huge majority by a record low number of votes. We can only hope their term is cut short before the country sinks beneath the waves.
  15. Almost every time I get or I am asked if I want the receipt, but I have been over charged quite a lot, usually by accident, and have always got the money refunded without a fuss. Stay calm and point out the problem and if necessary they will check the CCTV. Some of the Seven/11 (and at other "convenient" stores) staff are just out of school.
  16. Yeah, there's always someone with a crack pot idea. The last one, The Kra "Land Bridge" was a real humdinger of a waste of money.
  17. This has been proposed several times over the last 30+ years. One time the idea was dropped because the Revenue Department were going to charge import tax on all the cars. And we are worried about income tax...
  18. More hot air! I have said this all through the last 18 months or so since it was announced as "proposed new tax regulations". Unless I missed something and despite the dates being quoted for this to commence being banded about, the change to the tax laws need to be announced in the Royal Gazette. I have never seen anyone say more than "if, might, when" on this subject and to "collect your data just in case". To quote: "Carden admitted such matters remain unclear. He acknowledged the Revenue Department’s intent to widen the tax base, with small earners inadvertently caught in policies aimed at wealthy Thais" is significant as it shows this was not intended to include foreign nationals who reside in Thailand long term. If your country has a mutual Tax Agreement, unless you are moving LARGE amounts through your Thai bank account it is unlikely to effect you.
  19. If you lost your wallet you would know in a few minutes. If your bank account is frozen because the government don't like a Tweet you made 5 years ago is a different scale.
  20. A worrying thing about this is my UK accountant asked me for bank details including statements to provide ID verification to change brokers recently. The 'do not do' and the 'must do' are becoming indefinable. The push to have digital money gets scarier by the day as it seems to be very easy to lose it unless you are VERY careful. Beware!
  21. What is a "10" in one man's eyes could be a "6" in another's. Looks can be important, but personality is essential if you are looking beyond a holiday fling.
  22. How many innocent lives will it cost this time?
  23. That must be the most biased "article" I have read in a week. Jimmy Carter was a failure as POTUS and he should have stuck to peanut farming. With the exception of Biden and Clinton he must be the second worst President in the last 50 years. Ask the hostages.
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