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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. Can we have an update on this story concerning the assailant please? Is he in jail, being extradited from Germany to face a murder charge, or just left to roam free and do it again?
  2. Looks like they were told to stand in opposite corners of the room and face the wall. Torsak retires in September so he will be out of the way in a few more months. As for Big Joke I hope he gets the blame for everything and is exiled to a desert island (inactive post) until he retires too. Royal Thai Police Farce is full of rogues, but nobody is capable of doing anything about it.
  3. Whoever wrote this needs to stay off the weed for a week or two.
  4. I would strongly advise you do and get the visa 'moved' into the new PP. I was advised to do it with my next extension a couple of months later and got a 60 day 'overstay' fine (two years ago). Of course it depends on who you get on the day and which office you deal with, but don't give them an excuse do it ASAP.
  5. I said last year when this all began that they don't know what they are doing. Now we have another "brain wave" that disregards the international agreement Thailand has with very many other countries on double taxation. The same old story of no thought, research or plan, but don't lose face... If they don't get this put right there will be hundreds of planes full of expats leaving and nobody filling their place. As Bernard used to say: TIT
  6. The only problem with not spending 180 days anywhere is accommodation. You're only going to get short term lets or hotel rates, visas and the like will be the same hassle as Thailand. The same applies to here if you have a house or live in a long lease property. Will the extra be more than the tax (if they ever get it to work).
  7. If anyone is interested this is a link to an article in Sunday's Telegraph (02/06) about the reciprocal tax agreement the UK has with various countries around the world, including Thailand. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/double-taxation-works-countries-uk-060500245.html
  8. He's an opportunist that has taken little regard to the laws of employment for foreign nationals to make a lot of money. I hope they confiscate every penny, put him on a plane and ban him for 20 years.
  9. Not breaking anything never mind news there is nothing new here. There is another thread about this which has been going on since it was announced last October. The Thai authorities haven't released (worked out) the details of how this will be implemented yet. Don't hold your breath for news updates.
  10. Who is Mayor of Chiang Mai, Sadiq Khan? At least the police are making an effort in Thailand.
  11. Yes there are many "Holidays" here and some can come as a surprise or interfere with arrangements you might make. Songkran often clashes wit Easter in the west and you can get a run of Bank Holidays that mean not only the banks are closed here but followed by or preceded by western banks being closed and other "official offices" like immigration departments. Sometimes the "dry days" on Buddhist celebrations can also catch people out too when booking a holiday. I'm not sure all the holidays are a good idea for the Thai economy and I know workers don't get double time payments for doing a shift on what would be a holiday either. As Bernard used to say "TIT".
  12. So is it the fault of the tourist or the scammers? The headline is as bad as the lack of any point to this story since he was refunded and paid a real price for what he actually wanted elsewhere. Is this a "story" from the Pattaya Mail?
  13. Yes, I have said for years: They would prefer you just send your holiday money but don't come yourself.
  14. How many tourist authorities are there in Thailand that they need a federation to oversea them. Maybe if there were less or, heaven forbid, only one the 700m baht would not be spread so thinly and be more than enough for their needs. Considering this is an effort to limit tourism, while the PM is busy building an F1 circuit one minute, the World's Tallest Building the next and dishing out free visas with both hands it seems to me Adith Chairattananon isn't listening to the push for "more tourists" by the government. Tourists are already cheesed off by all the scams and legal double pricing that another 300 baht will only help to ensure they won't come back.
  15. And you say "Most" with what proof? I would say there are few compared to other nations, and a tiny percentage of the numbers that come as tourists and workers or retired here.
  16. "Big Joke requests time" is a great headline, he might get 20 years... We will see, but he likes to push the boundaries and he might get his wings clipped seriously this time.
  17. Only the third ferry/tour boat to catch fire this year...
  18. Taxi waiting, jewellery shop, I hope he got his tip for bringing them foreign tourists before they left.
  19. It is too easy to find out who is likely to be included by asking for the information from the Immigration Dept. What they might find more difficult is checking how much you have transferred and when. The Thai authorities are notorious for not thinking things through before introducing a new policy so I would bet they are still busy trying to write the form. Of course, they will delay any announcement until 180+ days are up so the net is cast before we can find a way round it. From what I have seen so far what you will have to pay will depend on the allowances you are entitled to.
  20. It is interesting that being the most promiscuous also seems to earn you the title of "best shaggers". Considering the birth rate has dropped this title seems a bit unwarranted but there is a logical reason: Given the number of casual encounters that go on, plus the visit to the massage parlour, seeing the latest "Kik" (girlfriend), and a night out with the Mia Noi, not forgetting the 19th hole at the golf course in the afternoon before going home to the current wife could leave one a little tired. If I had that schedule I'd be looking for an inactive post at work so I could get some rest.
  21. That is one of the reasons the UK is now being overwhelmed by economic migrants and bogus refugees and asylum seekers.
  22. I checked this myself and you don't even have to be paid to be arrested and charged.
  23. In today's world of digital money it would be wise for the young and daft to be wary of fraud by or errors by AI programmes. This is just a start.
  24. And you worked with a permit as a nightclub M/C and DJ?
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