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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. I have no time for this person, I do not rate him in any way and am amazed the press build him up like someone special. I think the header should have said "floated to the top".
  2. Sadly I was so pleased to see the back of the Shin tribe I thought Prayut would be a good guy. Considering he has done little in keeping his promises in the last eight years it is time he went, but not just a swap for The Watchman. 2014 to 2017 was his 1st term and his second full 4 years has come to its end. It is time for an election.
  3. I just read this headline on a website (with no byline): With the exit fee included in ticket prices this will be another No Entry sign for tourists to LoS. With all the double pricing in restaurants and even for government run parks, the endless scams from jewellery to taxis, to say nothing of the increasing amount of street crime, people will not stay long if the come at all.
  4. This is "part of a 20 year strategy to address crime and get the public to respect the police again" and this is far as it has got? Now that is the joke. The old saying here was: You can spot the mafia because they wear uniforms, and you can spot the mafia bosses because they wear suits over the uniforms.
  5. That would be unusual since Thais do the opposite all the time. So you become Mr John and Smith is forgotten.
  6. This not really very similar to my own case back in February, but it shows that using an Agent can be troublesome and expensive.
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