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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. A misleading headline. Was she working in Thailand as a dentist or was she a tourist at the time? Hanging wires are just another of Thailand's ways to make you smile, like the dripping pipes and holes in the pavement.
  2. Just got off the plane? It is clean, as clean as facial tissue but not as soft usually. There are decorative containers for it so it just looks like a tissue dispenser, just open the roll from the middle not the outside. What gets me though is how much they use, half a roll it would seem for some minor table spillage.
  3. The afternoon restrictions were introduced in the 70s but revived under the Thaksin dictatorship. It really is nonsense to think abolishing this old law will create even more death and injury on the roads. It will however allow restaurants and bars to legally do what many now pay the police to ignore. Hotels all used to say they were "exempt" and give you what you wanted, even on Buddhist days. Better for business and good for tourism.
  4. You shouldn't take it out on the staff, they just do what they are told. If you want a beer or whatever find a store without an electronic till, or keep some spare in the cupboard.
  5. You need 25 years for a full pension. Higher education does not take 20 years. Working overseas is a life choice. The NHS is free for British citizens (and just about anyone these days). Benefits are the same, but it isn't much if you have blown everything else on self indulgence.
  6. I don't have duel citizenship I have a retirement visa extension. Also, the "contributions" are compulsory and you need to have 25 years worth to qualify. If you go to live outside the UK the payments can be frozen depending on where you live. The Thai pension system has nothing to do with this.
  7. That is what I said, he is the scammer. Youtube is SM is it not.
  8. Does anyone remember the Lonely Planet Guides from the days before Tictok and other SM. Tuk tuks - tailors and jewellery shops, taxis - hotels and bars etc etc. Is this guy trying to advise people how to find trouble or just get into it for his amateur travel video? Tictok must be the most moronic thing on the internet. He's the scammer on this occasion.
  9. This statement really is as clear as mud: "A key upshot of this agreement is that active talks will now focus on granting visa-free access to Thai passport holders in the United Kingdom." These are tourist and business visas for short stays (for how long it doesn't say). I do not see how this is an advantage for Thais already living in the UK. Cameron is an idiot so I would guess this is another meaningless excuse for diplomats (civil servants) to spend time flying back and forth for a chat. I can only hope it leads to getting rid of 90 day reports for UK expats in Thailand.
  10. Inactive posts not prosecution seems to follow the "Big Joke" around like a bad smell. What does he know that saves him I wonder? Still, this is another example of Thai justice like 2,500 dead people and a pardon when his party gets into power by default for another "untouchable".
  11. At least 5 out of every 6 days, some home made but mostly from the market or food stalls. My favourite is Larb Moo with Chinese lettuce and sticky rice but I like many of the soups (moo deng for one), various rice dishes like Massaman or Penang (with sauces) and barbecue etc. I am allergic to shell fish and don't like smelly fish but enjoy Tom Yam Gai. I love veg but not "veggie" specific food. Thai Fried Chicken with sticky rice I usually eat when watching football games. On the odd day I'll have pizza, burger or stew. Do I miss western food?: English bangers, soft bacon, beans and black pudding with breakfast (not cocktail sausages, rock hard crispy bacon and cake). Campbell's Minestrone and Pea and Ham soup, good mashed potato with gravy and "English blend" teabags like Waitrose own brand.
  12. Driver: Do you wish to take the Toll Roads to save time, it will cost more? Google: My nipples are bursting with excitement!
  13. For those who haven't been here very long, prices in the shops will remain the same until the new stocks (distributed from 1st March) hit the shelves.
  14. Same old story of Thailand, left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. Give free visas out to tourists and tell immigration to cut the queues at airports. Then catch a few bad guys and expect immigration to scrutinize all foreigners arriving very carefully. Why doesn't anyone engage their brains before speaking in this country?
  15. Noise pollution in Thailand? Cannot be, surely this is just a normal entertainment area. I lived in Patong during the early 90s and the bar streets were just the same as you describe Khaosan now. Amazing Thailand, nothing changes, well maybe the "music" isn't very musicale any more.
  16. Nonsense, most Thai families have push bikes. The fancy "cycles" these days seem to encourage reckless riding with riders in black clothing and black bikes, and some without working lights. Thai roads are dangerous at any time of day or night.
  17. So it's a little cheaper but you still can't (officially) get a drink in the afternoon. Stock price manipulation is all part of the game with long shelf life items. It is how the rich get richer.
  18. Tivoli chocolate wafer biscuits have shrunk by 40-50%. There is some hidden profiteering going on at the moment. Some imports have gone up with the exchange rate but other locally produced items have also gone up when gas prices have gone back to early 2022 levels. Vote with your wallet, don't buy things that have gone up without reason.
  19. Beer fluctuates due to the change in tax that doesn't come into effect until the new stock arrives. Stock change affects other items just the same in these days of high inflation. That means some cheap but "unfashionable" or less advertised brands have stock long after tax or other increased prices changes come into force. This happens between branches too and not just in the "convenient" stores. Bread went up 20% not long ago and sugar has just done the same. Many of these increases might be delayed from previous rises but some I suspect are just testing the market for better profits.
  20. I am not condoning what he did, that cannot be disputed, however if you had driven on Thai roads for as long as I have you would know the problems we see every day which would result in fines and points or lost licenses elsewhere. Maybe this guy drives like an Indonesian, somewhere I have not yet been.
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