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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. Has AN gone woke, this is another theft by a "Ladyboy" in one part of the story then a "woman", a "trans gender woman" in another and as "her" in the story. Why don't we stick to Katoy as it rhymes with Kamoy in future.
  2. You are the only poster on here that has compared Motor bikes and Scooters for the purpose of the article. Technically scooters are motor bikes but should be called motor scooters as they are of a different design. I have owned and ridden many of both.
  3. My next door neighbour got a white Vespa just like that last year. It's nice. I saw somebody on a "Mod" scooter a few weeks ago wirh loads of mirrors and lights, he didn't have a "Parker" on though.
  4. Whoever named the article is wrong too, it is about scooters.
  5. Second hand market is not popular in Thailand. I've seen many "used" shops in Bangkok, some selling Japanese workers in Thailand's home contents and things not worth paying to move. They don't last long, partly I suspect because items are mostly far to highly priced. There are market areas though with stalls and people sat on the floor, but not furniture. Most stuff seems to get passed down the family until it is junk.
  6. It is not clear they are on the right hand side of the road system, but the eyewitness reports say they were in the outside lane (what some refer to as the "fast lane") so are traveling on the left side of the system. What is clear is the picture was taken from a vehicle following DANGEROUSLY close behind.
  7. We don't want these things on the footpath, we have enough with scooters and other 2 wheelers never mind the pot holes, vendors and low hanging wires. Turning right at the next junction is the only excuse to be in the right hand lane though. Are e-wheers banned from the roads, or is that discretionary like everything else?
  8. I wonder how "British" this person was. The UK Home Office give passports away like confetti.
  9. They are motorbikes not scooters, or don't you know the difference?
  10. I have been looking at replacing a scooter too and last year I went into two shops ajacent to each other to enquire about a Honda Lead. The shop on the right quoted 57,000 and the other shop quoted 52,000. The recommended retail price is only a guide and they have gone up since I last looked, last month I was quoted 63,000 at another shop a mile away. TIT as Trink used to say. Keep shopping around.
  11. The headline is wrong. The article states, 'the sales figure is expected to mirror the previous year'. That is hardly a surge.
  12. Mike is obviously trying to make sense of this but I fear we are as usual talking about Thai administration that never work out the details before implimenting a new law. I doubt any of the district areas or even the main office knows what to do even now with 10 months to go before this hits the fan. I need better details on all the allowed deductions for instance. Nobody can live here on 120k a YEAR???
  13. I agree about Taksin but Biden should be in a care home. Trump will stop the woke and stand up for America. If he makes money while he is doing it is will be no different to any other POTUS. The UK needs a leader, not another "Human Rights" lawyer and a bunch of half wits.
  14. Anyone notice the irony in this? After MFP were isolated despite getting by far the most votes in the election Thaksin's renamed old party get leadership of the government enableing his return from Dubai. Then, just when he is nice and comfy in a hospital suite he is charged with the very offence that MFP have been villified for wanting to reform. You couldn't make it up - Amazing!
  15. I know what a screw driver is but what is a bolt driver? A Nissan Triton is a pick-up truck as far as I know.
  16. One thing is for sure there are a lot more fatties in Thailand than 20 years ago, thanks to US fast food mostly. Isn't it funny how you see fat people eating while walking and not thin people (except ice cream)? It takes all kinds to make the world go around.
  17. There was a fancy guitar shop in Promenade (next to Fashion Islend) in Yaowai, Ramindra Road on the pink monorail line. If you are a long way away you could ring the information desk and get the shop phone number.
  18. I find it hilarious that the very next article from Asia Now was about how Thailand aims to be the airline HUB of SE Asia.
  19. I took two flights last week but as a UK citizen I always have to show my passport since we have no ID Cards.
  20. Income earned from businesses in Thailand should be taxable, just like all the 49% "owned" companies in Thailand that pay tax here.
  21. Well that's a bit of a surprise as I didn't think he had one!
  22. A good and informative bit of news that we have been waiting for. I need to study this more carefully but it seems harsh to say the least at first glance. Where are expats retirees suposed to get the money from if not abroad? All of this money goes into the Thai economy and it looks like another bullet in the foot for Thailand. Who can live here for US$4,450 a year when 600,000 baht less 15% tax looks like a life of minimalist sobriety and thrift.
  23. What an utter load of nonsense. Ask the families and friends of The 2,500 from Thaksin's "war on drugs" what they think of this dreadful crawling to man who should have been in jail for life from the day after the coup.
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