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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. Funny how inconsistent it can be though, I got charged an overstay for not getting the retirement extension (visa) transferred to my new passport when I did the new extension (a week before it ran out). That was at CW not the airport.
  2. Lao Khao you could buy on the streets most anywhere usually from a trolley bar. It was served in shot glasses for 5 baht a pop. Not seen any for a while though, last time was under the bridge at the Petchaburi end of Thong Law and another in a similar position at the Sukhumvit end of Ekamai in 2015. Mekhong or Sang Thip were the brands, one I think is where Thai Bev made its money.
  3. If you have been here any length of time then I would be amazed if you have never experienced the IO with a hangover or another problem that just makes it up as they go. I had a similar thing at the border post from Lao 20 odd years ago. I refused to give him an overstay fine because he couldn't count. His superior eventually came over after 10 minutes arguing with a long queue behind building up and after a look at my p'port told him to stamp me in. The agent was wrong to tell me to wait, but it isn't against the rules. They just crumbled and I had to pay him extra and the fine. After this year I will go back to doing it myself I think.
  4. They did this to Alan Turing in the 1950s and he committed suicide. If you don't know who he was do a search.
  5. "You need to have Stamps transfered prior to new extension. Even that can be done on same time as extension." See my reply to Daffy. It is the same old story, if they see an opportunity to make some money they take it.
  6. No! I saw a United team play there in 2001 against the Thai National side and still have the T-shirt. Most of the stars of the time played in the game. The current United side are a shadow of that team, and I doubt either side will send many stars for this game since the season will start early this year due to the World Cup being held during the English winter. Don't waste your money and beware of fake tickets.
  7. Good question. I have used an agent while we had travel restrictions over the last couple of years and they made a mistake that cost me. I got my new UK passport 4 months before the retirement extension (RE/visa) expired in my old passport and they told me they would make the changeover when the RE renewal was due. I gave them all the documents including the proforma but the immigration refused to do it saying I had to pay "overstay" from when my old passport ran out. They reduced the fine after an appeal but it still hurt.
  8. Another billionaire ex-RTP General. Remind me, what is the salary for an RTP General?
  9. Police should check his mobile phone records. If a tyre did go he was too busy with something else to make a saving maneuver. These buses often have a TV too, normally where the driver can see it.
  10. First, will we ever find out how this happened? Will justice be done? BUT the other question is: how do these cops earn so much money? Why is it ignored that people on relatively small salaries become billionaires in 20 years?
  11. Ah, I love comments from those that believe what they read in the Grauniad. Do you ever read the list of weekly mistakes and retractions? I suppose you think the Guardian represents the majority of British newspaper readers, well for your information the BBC is their biggest subscriber and the bill is paid by the TV Tax payers. You should stick to the "Little Red Book" while the communists invade Ukraine. Nanny will change your pamper if you cry long enough after reading this like the other snowflakes in London.
  12. If you had read to the end I said the laws must be reformed, so if you want to buy this product you are welcome to, but don't get smug about it. I have to say you seem to misunderstand just who is the "snob" here. Those who want to pay exorbitant amounts of money for fashionable products usually constitute to the "snob" value of something, coffee, clothes and shoes or now what they call beer but tastes of everything other than hops and barley. You sound like a whino to me... Sour grapes from the south side of the hill.
  13. Ah, now we see the saviors of the high class hotels and restaurants arriving just as the TAT and the other tourist departments had predicted. The sex industry will stay closed down, Pattaya will become the family resort and the carnage on the roads will end. What next, Red Bull boy in jail? Planet Thailand...
  14. The Guardian is a notoriously left wing British newspaper mostly famous for its mistakes. I personally do not like the so called "craft beers" as they have very little to to with traditional beer or larger as most customers think of it, in fact they are more akin to crisps (chips in American English) and the multitude of flavours available. This "craft" beer is also "fashionably" very highly overpriced even before tax is added. Thai Bev made its fortune as a distiller of Lao Khao rice whisky (which is actually more of a brandy) but gained a foothold in the beer market when they went into business with Carlsberg to build a brewery and make Carlsberg for the Thai market. Anyone interested in what happened to Carlsberg and where Chang sprang from should look it up. There are several choices of beer (larger not ale that is) these days that can be found quite easily even up country, but they all taste of beer in the traditional sense. I do agree though the laws need reforming for smaller brewers, but there must be strict control on ingredients and alcohol level consistency. I will not be buying any myself though, even if it is durian flavour.
  15. The last departure tax was included in the ticket costs so why not an arrival tax. They are quite mad in this obsession to squeeze every last satang out of foreigners. The "delay" should see this stupid idea fade into history with little loss of face, which won't happen if the press don't let it.
  16. Typo, 30 Day "holiday" policy. Update is the insurance companies are now reluctant to issue any Covid-19 cover policies.
  17. The guy was a dick head for pouring a beer on her head, a waste of good beer. The female. or whatever they are called these days is a hot head, even when it's been doused with cool beer. 1000 baht fine each is about right.
  18. The Who, the band, would be more sensible than WHO has been in all this. They were the "authority" that said deaths "with" covid must be recorded not deaths "from" covid as it should have been. WHO have just been enjoying the limelight for two years by scaring the population of the world. For a change I think this is the right move by Thailand (if they stick to their guidelines) and my only complaint is the government were slow off the mark to get the jabs started.
  19. I hadn't seen the survey but I put a similar question on another thread last week. I got two answers about Health Insurance for returning retirees. Both said I should get a 30 policy as Thai Immigration are letting long stayers in with that. I replied to both that it seems a bit risky, and you are relying on the person on the desk being in a good mood that minute when you turn up, or they don't look too hard at the policy.
  20. Have you got in with a 30 day policy on a yearly extension/visa reentry stamp?
  21. Okay, but there must be a risk of refusal. You can get in with a tourist "on entry" visa with that but what happens if they say "NO" for 9 months plus renewals on a retirement reentry stamp. Does the law say the insurance needs to cover the length of stay, or you just need a health policy for US$50k to enter? I guess we are in the hands of who is on the counter on the day as usual. Sorry to ask, but I don't know where to look for better info than you have.
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