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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. On 5/27/2021 at 12:32 PM, sirineou said:

    I did not mean they made it to the end of covid line, I mean .making it  to where major vaccinated countries were vaccinated to the degree where some of their vaccine would become available to other countries, Increasing the supply , an decreasing price. All they needed was for their luck to hold on for a couple of more months than it did. 

     In a way it did, do you think they would had been able to negotiate the same price and numbers 6 months ago where the producing countries were desperate for every dose they had?  

    Of course the money they were trying to save was not for the taxpayers...

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  2. At 66 and having chronic asthma all my life I would have thought I qualified under section 3, only to read further down and see I'm in section 8.

    Despite this latest timetable coming from the PM I would bet we get another story emerge on Monday, and on form nothing will get done until the brown envelopes are safely secured whatever we are told.

    This situation is what I imagine it is like sat on death row.

  3. On 5/15/2021 at 2:11 PM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    Once an official announcement is made to signal the opening of the walk-in vaccine program, foreigners, in principle, will be able to use the walk-in service, Mr Natapanu said. 

    Same old B/S this time from a "deputy" spokesperson. I will believe when someone sticks a needle in my arm and I hope the bill is not outrageous...

  4. 1 minute ago, Brierley said:

    On this occasion, residence will be proven by visiting immigration and obtaining a residence certificate, in order to get this you'll need to show your Thai drivers license, if you don't have a Thai drivers license you'll need to get a residence certificate fist in order to get one. Next, you'll need to take your residence certificate to your embassy and get it stamped and approved, your embassy may ask to see your Thai drivers license in order to verify your identity. After that you can take your embassy certified, Immigration certificate of residence to the hospital where you will be asked to prove your identity by showing your Thai drivers license. Prior to be given the vaccine being administered you'll need to show your pink ID card and your yellow book, along with your Thai drivers license. Is that clear?

    Hilarious. If I was to try to do that I would be stopped for entering a red zone several times for a start. By the time I have been to all these offices if I didn't have covid before I would most likely get it in this process.

    I hope we don't need all that to get it done at a private hospital, although the nearest one of them is 75kms from where I live.

    Thanks for nothing.


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  5. 17 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    Indeed - better to be an equal and respected partner with 27 other countries than one forced to go cap in hand to its neighbour for permission to do the most fundamental of state activities, especially when the neighbour has a significant number of people who show such disrespect.



    You seem to be a bit pre-occupied with the printing on the banknotes, but it won't be an issue for you; that said, we can always use BoE notes, which are the majority in cirulation.



    This is the most ridiculous of all claims - can you actually point to how Scotland is being destroyed by Sturgeon? Give me examples; don't just parrot the daily express nonsense that your TVF cohorts are incapable of expanding upon. If she is destroying Scotland, why is she so popular? Are we masochists? Why do the SNP continue, after a decade in power, to walk all over the opposition if they are so bad?  Might it possibly be that you have no idea whatsoever about that which you type?



    I know that economics is not readily taught in schools, but surely even a few moments thinking about this would help you see that what you wrote totally exposes your lack of knowledge about how countries finance themselves? The UK is in debt to the tune of 2.4 trillion pounds, rising by £5,000 a second. English taxpayers cannot even fund themselves, let alone anyone else. Drop your sense of benevolent superiority because you are not entitled to it - your country is a political and economic basket case, and my country benefits not one iota from being in a union with it. 



    I have no idea what you are trying to say, but I appreciate your closing statement. 


    Hey, you could take over from Billy Connolly. Farcical.

    More nonsense, you accuse me of not knowing the facts when you seem to understand little/nothing about Westminster funding for Scotland or much else that resembles reality. Stop dreaming and stop listening to SNP lies.

    That said I hope your dream comes true, I won't miss the Scots and I doubt many English will.




  6. 17 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    Scottish fish and shellfish exports to the EU are down 83% 

    Whisky down 63%

    Meat exports down 59%

    Dairy down 50%

    EU exports overall down 63%


    All because another country demands that my country must follow their path of misguided xenophobic isolationism. 

    As I said, get on with it and declare UDI and put up a border. Bye Bye and good riddance.

    See what you get from your precious EU if, IF they let you join.


  7. 21 hours ago, Rookiescot said:


    Yeah right. There have been no problems at all because of Brexit.

    Its just sunny uplands and unicorns all round.

    What fishing industry will be left in five years?

    The lies on the bus were clear for everyone to see. Pretending now that the words "Lets fund the NHS instead" didnt mean anything is pure deceit. 

    The City is desperately trying to get a deal but the EU is going to take all that business.

    Liz Truss is doing such a good job for the UK that Japanese car manufacturers are pulling out of the UK.

    Did QAnon or the Daily Mail not report that?

    Yes yes yes yes, lots of <deleted> nonsense. Facts you deny are staring you in the face.


  8. On 3/28/2021 at 2:42 PM, Rookiescot said:


    This from an ardent Brexiteer ????

    As an English Leave voter I have to say that by now we can see who was telling the lies... Doom, gloom, food shortages and disaster they said.

    The number on the bus were gross not net, which was a silly mistake and the press/media said it would all go to the NHS nobody else. Fishing has been fudged but should sort out over the 5 year transition. The City can turn there noses up at EU loans so they will have to settle soon. Liz Truss is doing a great job, or didn't the BBC/Guardian report that?.

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  9. On 3/28/2021 at 6:48 AM, RuamRudy said:

    Is it? I hope not - it is much quicker to type than 'misguided xenophobic isolationist'. 

    And what does wanting to leave the UK to try to join the EU make you exactly? A Globalist, with British money in his account printed by Scottish Banks that exchanges for less than a US dollar in Asia.

    A dreamer is about the politest way I can put it. Face reality, Scotland is being destroyed by Sturgeon, and things will only get worse without hand outs from the Westminster government, funded by English taxpayers. You have maybe got a case of amnesia on our previous exchanges, or possibly something worse that prevents sentinent  (Adjective 1. Capable of perceiving by the senses; conscious) reasoning by now.

    I hope you get your wish.

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