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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. 23 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Soon Bangkok and Pattaya will not have open windows or balconies anymore. If you going to kill yourselves, please do not jump. 


    1. You can hurt somone pshysical

    2. You can hurt somone emotionally

    3. You can damage property

    4. You tie up resourches

    5. There is solutions to your problems



    I guess it was your car and no insurance on falling bodies.


    5. You have a solution to someone with the prospect of several months/years of excruciating pain ahead and inevitable death?

    Well please let us know.

    If all the windows were locked and the balconies caged, what about the roof, bridges etc etc?

    If people are so desperate they will find a way to end it.

    Animals are put down to stop the suffering...



  2. If you have the audacity to call yourself a "journalist" you should have, at the very least, apologized in the first paragraph for the "Click Bait" headline.

    As billed "The Week That Was" and highlighted "editors pick" it doesn't make the grade.


    I very much enjoyed Suthichai Yoon's take on the sad state of journalism today, but if that was the point the rest of the article didn't make it with any conviction. It does however highlight the sad state of reporting and editing readers have to endure these days (If that was intentional I applaud you).

    This is hardly a "roundup" of the week's news, just a personal rant with reference to some incidents.

    I have read many of your scribbles and enjoyed them, but this is most disappointing.


    We all have stories about lost friends, funerals, marriages and domestic other troubles  in the LoS.


    Well Rooster, I think you just laid an egg!




  3. 19 hours ago, rickudon said:

    Still some prices going up. Wife runs small shop and both lao khao and a beer she bought last week from wholesalers were up 10-20 baht a case. But sometimes prices go down (price wars between suppliers?). If Archa goes up again (hasn't for us yet) try Beer U - it is a bit of an acquired taste, sweet, but cheaper than Archa ...


    On the wine front yes prices are now not just high but extortionate. Very little selling anymore, but homebrewed wine now readily available from a friend of a friend ..... also grape juice for under 50 baht a litre, wonder what will happen if some yeast gets inside .......


    I think the wine tax hike will backfire, home brewing is so easy.

    I went to the local BigC today and Archer is down to 44.

    Wine seems to be targeted, as anything drinkable is imported.



  4. On 5/1/2018 at 3:14 PM, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    I haven't read the link (my drivel software filter does not allow me to access the Guardian) but from what you have written, this must be an appallingly pretentious article, class discrimination of the highest order.


    It obviously implies, or states, from what you have said, that well educated people voted to remain and that anyone voting to leave was of  “low income and education levels’ ….. and without any sense of irony, you have underlined it and written it in red, how crass.


    However, I was not aware that the electoral register, contained details of everybody's average educational attainment, median income and social class. I must update my details immediately, they only have my name, address, national insurance number and DOB. These details would of course be necessary as well as knowing exactly how each individual voted in the referendum to establish any verifiable demographic as to the education, income and social class of any voter.

    Maybe they bought the info from InstaGoogFaceTwit...?

    It is just statistics built on other statistics and defined by algorithms.



  5. On 4/30/2018 at 10:48 PM, Megasin1 said:

    This is not new news, neither is it newsworthy, its just the last gasp of a dying breed that killed themselves off and amen to that !!

    It is valid opinion from someone that has great experience of the work of a genuine journalist.

    SM has given "J. Nobody" with little, none or unreliable information the platform to express a view.

    So called "Millennials generation" (often taken as born in the late 80s) are not aware of anything other than the crap on Instafacetwit,

    Targeted news cuts out anything you should read from the argument of the opposition.

    It is as good as both censorship, propaganda.

    The irrelevant obsession with half baked celebrity nonsense also shows how meaningless it has become since SM started to collect and sell all your private details...




  6. 10 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    The Thai excise tax system is outrageous- The system is a type of Tariff on foreign products- including alcohol; pharmaceuticals; and virtually everything imported.  most US made products cost 5 times more in Thailand and I would imagine the same for Canada, Australia and Europe.  Yet, Thai products are hardly taxed at all in other developed countries.


    How about some reciprocity. I am always quite surprised that the Australian-Thai trade agreement did not lower the prices on Australian goods in Thailand to include wine.

    They don't tax importation, just tax retail prices. I bet that isn't in the agreements.

    Thailand doesn't do reciprocity...

  7. I posted a similar topic about 6 weeks ago and it was completely destroyed by the "PC bleeding heart mob".

    They were not interested in tax on beer and fags all they said was "give up" basically.

    So much for the freedom of choice for adults. Good luck with this thread.


    All the announced tax hikes on new stocks should have been introduced by now.

    You don't say what your normal tipple is but around me Archer is 45 (in Seven/11) and a baht more in MaxValue/BigC when they have stock.

    All brands (except for the awful Chang) seem to run out from time to time so we will see what happens.



  8. 19 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    The bigger metal shops usually put a lot of effort into tying lengths of metal down whenever I have picked up a load. Local shop or self loaded stuff is a different issue though. Amazingly few people know how to secure a load here. I have had to reconfigure a few.


    PS, girders are main support sections of buildings and such. The objects in the photo are simply lengths of tubing.

    Yep another unsafe load. How many times do you see it here, every day...

    Well, his brakes worked, but was he on the phone as he had to pull up so sharply at traffic lights?

    (Not girders, but not tubing or conduit either, just flat lengths.)


  9. On 4/28/2018 at 1:25 PM, wpcoe said:

    +1   I've been using Mr.T for a while now.  For Songkran Exodus he was booked up, so I used Cherry's taxi.  All drivers have seemed satisfied/happy with a B100 tip.

    Good you use a regular taxi service.

    You must live a fairly long way from the airport though, and it's a long return journey don't forget.

    100B on a 1000b fare isn't over generous, but if you book in advance and agree a non-meter price it is enough IMHO.


  10. On 4/30/2018 at 7:15 PM, robblok said:

    These numbers are useless if they don't compare it to people from other countries in relation to visitor numbers. 


    It is a misleading (and bad) headline that implies the British are the worst behaved tourists in Thailand, when the article is not about that, as you say, since it gives no comparisons with other tourist groups.

    It should read:

    Thailand: most frequent place British tourists get arrested.




  11. 12 hours ago, tropo said:

    I don't wish to be negative about this, but I can't see any tenant taking any landlord to court over 1 month's worth of security deposit. In my case, it's 30k. Am I going to go to court over that? Hardly. Most people are paying less deposit than that, so it's not a viable option to take this matter to court. In my case, the deposit will most likely be returned at the end of my lease as it was for the past 2 rental contracts I signed, so there's nothing much to gain by pushing the issue.


    My prediction is that this law will soon be buried and forgotten. If they made the law valid for ALL landlords, that would be different... but making it apply to landlords with rental stock of 5 or more is just plain dumb IMO. Also, landlords with stock have money and can afford good lawyers. Good luck fighting them in court LOL.

    It is true those already renting will likely have given a two month deposit, and would expect to get it back when they decide to move, so that should not be a major problem.

    Unfortunately, as I said, the law is badly drafted/translated so is it the number of properties letting agencies have, or the owners that become liable?

    There cannot be a single agency that has less than 5 properties available, so it must be down to the owners.

    How can a tenant find out how many properties they let?



  12. 8 minutes ago, tropo said:

    I'd say all will ignore it until they're taken to task over it. It will be a matter of the tenants pushing the issue, rather than the landlords offering deposit refunds. There will need to be some test cases to scare landlords into compliance.

    Excellent point, I am in the same position.


    Trouble is the courts take years to get a case settled here.

  13. Yep, it will not be the Management Company, it concerns the owner of the apartment/s they let.

    Something that has not been considered.

    The letting agencies should be aware of those clients that have more than 5 properties let or on their books and tell their clients they have changed the deposit requirement.


  14. Well, it's an open question for all renters.

    For my own situation, the electricity bill I pay comes directly from the MEA so that is no problem.

    It seems to be another Thai law that has not been thought through. They say how many rooms are let out, but translation should mean how many individual apartments (studios, 1 bed or more) the landlord lets in total in Thailand.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out and I will contribute with my own experience.

    Thanks for the posts, all angles welcome.



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