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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. 18 hours ago, nauseus said:

    Nah. If you can't be bothered then neither can I. Don't jump in with responses to post replies that were not to you without looking at the history/context. If you had truly read my last few posts you would not have posted like that.   

    Okay, but are you pro or anti Brexit and what is your own interest in it?

    A line or two might give me a better idea what you have an objection to in my comment/reply.

    Did you read all my posts on this thread? All 229 pages, and you never missed one?

    Your recent posts suggest you are pro-EU, is that not correct?

    Please clear this up.


    • Confused 2
  2. 22 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:



    I have often wondered just as to why they kept the Battle of Britain flight in such tip top condition and now I know..


    With a Spitfire,Hurricane and Lancaster at England's command you should fear nothing from the foe..:smile:

    Well you never know, all the computer controlled weapons could be disabled with an EMP.

    The fact is history is repeating itself by stealth and misinformation unless you keep aware of what the EU are up to.

    This is no conspiracy theory, just a look at the demography of the last 50 years and make a comparison.

    I can go on, but is it necessary?

    Those outside of the equation might not fully understand.


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  3. 7 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    "The tragedy of Europe has socialism at its core. Europe has flirted with socialism since the late nineteenth century. Nineteenth century Bismarckian socialism produced two world wars. Leninist socialism slaughtered and enslaved hundreds of millions until it collapsed, mercifully without a third world war. Yet, not to be deterred, in the ashes of World War II, Europe’s socialists embarked on a new socialist dream. If socialism fails in one country, perhaps it will succeed if all of Europe joined a supra-national socialist organization. Oh, they don't call what has evolved from this dream “socialism,” but it is socialism nonetheless."

    Yep and socialism of a kind that is akin to the Communism and the none democratic pursuit of power and wealth for the elite.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Justfine said:



    150 years of failed socialism.


    Amazing that some poms still don't get it. Talk about slow learners.



    Brexit is not about party or political allegiances, it is about self determination and freedom.

    Unfortunately not all UK voters can see this at the moment.

    However they should live to see it and their offspring will benefit.

    That's politics...


    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, nauseus said:

    You didn't, I did. Meaning that the preference of most Labour MPs was/is to remain in the EU, whatever the Lab party line may be. 

    Err... and your 35 year long Euro skeptic backbencher that now leads the party?

    A huge number of labour voters supported Brexit too don't forget as they are the ones getting screwed.

    Read some background before you comment.


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  6. 14 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    If I may politely enquire: Of what history are you concerned?


    If I'm not mistaken, is Honey Hotel famed for being an R & R place for GI's to bring back the hookers? - well, I suppose that's still history... 


    Concerning history, it is disappointing that some of Bangkok's architectural heritage is being or has been removed, examples such as the original Siam Intercontinental hotel... others seem to have a colorful history, but are otherwise concrete blocks...


    Siam Intercontinental Hotel, well it was a shame to see it go.

    The rooms were in the low level concrete blocks behind the main and rather lovely building.

    I spent a couple of nice evenings there.

    As for the Honey, yes many people must have memories.

    Only a few survivors of the old haunts from the 60/70/80s left and most of those have been renovated.




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  7. 17 hours ago, transam said:

    I think colour fade is a bit of a myth with modern day paints regarding the sun ..


    A respray in LOS is cheap compared to farangland..

    True, but you would not pay as much for the car. 15K on an 80-90k car is a big expense.

    In the west rust is the problem, depending on where you live of course.


    I see many older cars here with paint damage due to the sun.

    The OP only wants transport, not "face".


  8. 3 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Nope. Try again

    Another glass of the cheap stuff is in order I think.

    Fact is, negotiating the split will take time. The UK fishing industry is now depleted and needs time, plus the financial sector deal is not done.

    To quote the Frenchman: "Nothing is settled until everything is settled."

    An extra 21 months under EU rule in a transition will give the UK the most important thing; time to get trade deals done.



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