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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. 8 hours ago, jaywalker said:



    Gotta say the Long Gun on Cowboy had some kick-ass talent last time I was a soi dog, dogging around.


    TWINS on stage together.


    Then again this is about Pattaya, not BKK. My apologies.


    Best pole dancer I ever saw was the one that bellied up to the bar next to me and smiled real big. We kinda hit it off for an entire week!


    Tahitian Queen. I like that place.

    TQ, wow Yeah! I used to like that place. Is Kim (owner) still there?

  2. 19 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I must be imagining my sons Thai and British passports then.

    And his Thai and British birth certificates.

    Thais are not allowed dual nationality. Law changes make little difference, just confuse the issue.

    My son has both too, but if the Thai authorities get chance he could have his Thai passport taken away.

    When he enters Thailand show one only. Be careful to have visas if he enters with UK.

    Coming in on a Thai passport is he liable to conscription?







  3. 11 hours ago, citybiker said:

    Excuse my ignorance on not following Eire updates, does Dublin still have 6 part-nationalised banks?

    As to the European medical agency eat al, IIRC nothing has yet been confirmed & seeing as Dublin got challenged by the EU over state subsidies towards Apple, do you have any updates on this legal situation?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    And of course Eire voted out in the 1st referendum don't forget, but were given a few worthless promises and made to vote again...



  4. 18 hours ago, taipeir said:

    Nasty piece of work. The Brits aren't ignoring their long lost Irish relatives anymore and willing to pay good money for the passport too. Maybe the Irish should get them to sing Amhran Na Bhfiann while are applying.  


    Meanwhile please keep up this Brexit lark they'll take those jobs and investments lovely jubley.




    And County Kerry is paradise compared to most of the blighted post industrial overcrowded UK you gobshite :).



    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk












    You missed the point as usual.

    I am realist not delusional, it is you that needs a reality check.



  5. 7 hours ago, ronrat said:

    For the last few days and in the next couple evry time I go to Tesco Lots etc I buy a couple of beers and put them in the fridge. I have enough contingency stock unless the girl friends family lob and drink me dry. I might secrete a few large Singha bottles with the bloke across the sub soi. I trust a german more to safeguard beer than a Thai brother in law.

    Box is much cheaper???



  6. 7 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Went to visit the GF's family a week or two ago when the last dry day occurred, end of Buddhist Lent I think, 5th October rings a bell, so didn't travel on the Thursday 5th and made the trip on the 6th, got settled in to the place we were staying at and then decided to pop into 7/11 to get a couple of cans for later only to be told that no cannot sell, the day after ? 


    Drove around the corner and found a Tesco Express, bought 4 small cans no problem, it seems that 7/11 have their own rules on this sort of thing. 

    They have their own rules for sure, my local 7/11 stuck ฿10 price increase on all large beers last week. Everywhere else no increase at all (they did the same on cigs the week before and everywhere else was the same a usual).



  7. 10 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Admittedly, I've only 'skimmed' the OP - but it sounds as if the EU is finally accepting that any 'divorce settlement' has to be agreed in conjunction with trade terms?

    I read the OP and various other reports about the meetings and dinners last week. Some have made out May was on her hands and knees begging, which is a huge stretch of the imagination, and more likely a damned lie.

    It does sound for now that they are realising you can't split the divorce settlement from the future trade deal.

    It has to be a two way street. Fishing rights for instance will need to be included.

    The EU is well known for deadlining, so anyone who expected this to be done in a couple of months needs a reality check.



  8. 10 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    ITV shows the England matches, including friendlies, and those are available via HD Prime, Teatimetv.to and firstonetv.net (you can register (free) to reveal BT and Sky Sport - only one channel of each - on that last one and it takes quite a while to load). HD Prime shows all the usual UK channels plus all the Sky and BT Sport channels for 380 a month, together with dozens of movies and tv series. It's pretty reliable but I've only used it for footy - pre and after match PL chat and for Sky Sports News.

    I get the cover page on hdprimetv.tv but it doesn't detail what you get for the subscription and can seem to get into any introduction page. Last thing I want is soaps, Dave, History, Yesterday, BBC4, Channel 4&5 would be nice.

    Any suggestions? I'm thinking of Filmon which I understand is good and not expensive. I had Expat before it got busted.



  9. 14 hours ago, taipeir said:

    Merkel is going to be kicking UK arse not EU arse talk about getting things 'arseways' lol.

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    Merkel will be looking after German interests, she got a reduced mandate.

    Kicking UK arse, no will not happen, she knows which side the bread is buttered.


  10. 10 hours ago, taipeir said:

    The famous EU red tape that made it 10X EASIER to trade with 500 million trade bloc.

    You couldn't make this stuff up!

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    You should ask some of the people that have to do all the EU paperwork before you say things are "easier".

  11. On 10/22/2017 at 6:26 AM, adammike said:

    I live in the Netherlands I have just bought a shirt made in Indonesia another of the same brand from Thailand it's an American brand Royal Robbins,the shops here are full of stuff from all over the world. Next time you are in a supermarket check out where the produce come from.the problem for the UK is it imports more than it exports and can't produce enough food to feed the population,and most of what is produced is owned by foreign multinationals,here's something for you to chew on the crankshaft for the mini crosses the border of the UK and the EU three times before final assembly ,most countries will want to sell you stuff not buy stuff from the UK, and if they do import from the UK they will expect their to have free access to Britain.Brexit is an English tory party <deleted> up and it will probably lead to the break up of the union,almost certainly the end of the welfare state and a free NHS.

    I am fully conversant with the British car industry thanks. MINI, RR, Bentley, Nissan, Honda etc.

    There is a fair percentage of local parts required, much like Thailand which produces BMW, Benz and Japanese makes in a similar way. The strikes and inept management of the 70s and 80s destroyed the main British car industries, but it has bounced back and now produces more cars than it ever has before that are exported worldwide.

    I bought a pair of Nike trainers some your ago when on holiday in the UK only to find on the label they were made in Thailand. That only proves trade and manufacturing is done by the multinationals in the best (up to their quality standard) and most profitable place, and the trade borders don't seem to matter to them in general.


    Food, well if you think we will starve you really have lost the plot.


    As for Brexit being a Tory expletive up, you are wrong. Corbyn himself was a Eurosceptic Labour back bench nobody for 35 years along with many others. The Tories have Ken Clarke and several others who are pro-EU. It is a cross party thing.


    Everyone forgets people will still get work permits and travel to the UK, or to Schengen with a passport, as they do to places outside the EU and UK now.

    If the EU demands unrealistic reparations from the UK for leaving, then the WTO rules will keep trade moving until they see sense. Also we could rejoin EFTA don't forget.

    Merkel is being pushed by German business to sort it out as they will suffer (25% of their car exports are at stake) and the French sell us food from their subsidized farmers (strange the EU subsidy rules don't apply to them) and the Dutch sell us flowers in huge quantities evidently, just for an example or two.

    Trade is not going to stop on the 1st April 2019, that would be an April Fool's Day if it did.


    What the problem is on the UK side is simple. The remoaners should accept the democratic result of the (one time) referendum and get together to ensure the exit deal suits the UK and the EU in the future. The longer this squabble goes on the less likely the EU will make a reasonable deal and force the WTO rules into practice.

    Time to get with the programme and make it work.


    If you really want to stay in Europe you can do what Colin Firth has done and apply for an EU passport; Irish in would think, County Kerry, might be appropriate.

    Duel nationality isn't illegal in Britain, but it is for Thais.

  12. 16 hours ago, taipeir said:

    ......And then Macron tells the UK yesterday to pay up up to 60 billion and there has been absolutely 'no brexit' talk from May. The fact is the UK has a high possibility of going bust in a no deal scenario as the pound will get hammered, investment, will evaporate, revenue from VAT and finance industry will plummet but locall credit costs will rocket , bad debts will bust banks again and foreign loans will be extremely difficult to service with a weak pound and no loan access excerpt from IMF. 

    That's what you are looking at with no deal Brexit. Think it can't happen? Pretty much same thing happened to Ireland about ten years ago but for different reasons.


    There is NO WAY the UK can do a no deal exit. It is simply not on the cards whatsoever.

    The 'no deal is better than a bad deal' rubbish is just FOR DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION.



    The UK is Billy no mates with their tabloid rhetoric and go whistle talk going down like a lead balloon.


    Paying 20 billion on leaving and then a long term payment term after Brexit is actually not a bad scenario for the UK. The UK can eeasily afford that . It can't afford a no deal....everybody and their dog knows that.


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    Err, you shoot down your own argument...


    The EU needs our trade and wants our money.

    If they don't deal then they will suffer as a single market while the UK will trade with the world and not pay into a ridiculously idealistic rip-off semi democratic expansionist bureaucratic and dictatorial nonsense.

    Happy to drink Australian whine (not a typo) and drive Japanese and Indian cars, eat English cheese and bread etc etc.

    Paying for the Eurocrats pensions is not on the cards.


    EU budget we agreed to ends in 2020. Okay, after that forget it unless we get a sensible deal.

    They want to separate the two. No chance like the ECJ having priority.


    I still think Merkel will have to kick some EU arse before this is sorted out amicably.




  13. 18 hours ago, Grouse said:

    How about this then?




    and this book is informative




    "Critics like to depict the European Union as undemocratic and unpopular, but their arguments are too often based on myths and misunderstandings. This does us all a disservice, and in this period of uncertainty about the future of Europe it is more important than ever that we have a firm grasp of the issues at stake.

    This powerful new book debunks the misconceptions surrounding the EU and makes a compelling and comprehensive case for the benefits of European integration. It shows how the EU has improved the lives of Europeans in countless ways, and how it has given Europe a powerful presence on the international stage. Guaranteed to illuminate as well as spark debate, this book will appeal to anyone who seeks to better understand what Europe means and why it matters."






    Im my opinion, the EU has been instrumental in avoiding major conflict and kept me out of the trenches!

    I will read you kind offerings later.

    For now I would just add:


    All that could have been achieved with a simple European Association and multilateral trade deals. Something like we thought we were joining in 1974.

    It worries me you discount all the UN and Nato contributions to European peace since 1945?

    Was the EU instrumental in the wall coming down? No. The EU sits on the fence.


    What has happened since is far away from that, and we have a bureaucratic semi-democratic expansionist greedy mad house instead. The EU budget is based on future income due by the treaties signed from the contributing states,  Germany and the UK for the overwhelming part.

    Spend money you don't have, much like Corbyn's last manifesto.


    I just read an interesting analysis that says the EU wants to split Europe into 60 plus "ethnic" areas and rule, or dictate, over that with only local government in the future.

    Louis the XIV, Napoleon and Hitler would be proud of that plan.

    (I'll send it on when I find it, but it is not written by the likes of The New Statesman or The Huffington Post idiots.)


    The Nobel Prize was as ridiculed as the latest appointment of Mugabe as a WHO ambassador is being now.


    Cheers, top your glass.






  14. 18 hours ago, Grouse said:

    How about this then?




    and this book is informative




    "Critics like to depict the European Union as undemocratic and unpopular, but their arguments are too often based on myths and misunderstandings. This does us all a disservice, and in this period of uncertainty about the future of Europe it is more important than ever that we have a firm grasp of the issues at stake.

    This powerful new book debunks the misconceptions surrounding the EU and makes a compelling and comprehensive case for the benefits of European integration. It shows how the EU has improved the lives of Europeans in countless ways, and how it has given Europe a powerful presence on the international stage. Guaranteed to illuminate as well as spark debate, this book will appeal to anyone who seeks to better understand what Europe means and why it matters."






    Im my opinion, the EU has been instrumental in avoiding major conflict and kept me out of the trenches!

    I will read you kind offerings later.

    For now I would just add:


    All that could have been achieved with a simple European Association and multilateral trade deals. Something like we thought we were joining in 1974.

    It worries me you discount all the UN and Nato contributions to European peace since 1945?

    Was the EU instrumental in the wall coming down? No. The EU sits on the fence.


    What has happened since is far away from that, and we have a bureaucratic semi-democratic expansionist greedy mad house instead. The EU budget is based on future income due by the treaties signed from the contributing states,  Germany and the UK for the overwhelming part.

    Spend money you don't have, much like Corbyn's last manifesto.


    I just read an interesting analysis that says the EU wants to split Europe into 60 plus "ethnic" areas and rule, or dictate, over that with only local government in the future.

    Louis the XIV, Napoleon and Hitler would be proud of that plan.

    (I'll send it on when I find it, but it is not written by the likes of The New Statesman or The Huffington Post idiots.)


    The Nobel Prize was as ridiculed as the latest appointment of Mugabe as a WHO ambassador is being now.


    Cheers, top your glass.






  15. 3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Maybe they paid cash at the airport for their bookings.

    The article states they paid over 3 months in installments.

    But the scammer is an idiot, send the bus to pick them up but why not just get a stooge to accompany them to the airport and leg it with the loot a few days before.

    Well, maybe a lack of logic and common sense is to blame...




  16. 14 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

    I think Roger Crutchley of ' The Nation ' a few years ago re.fered to folk here who don't like to complain about many things as going into Mental erase .  Carry on as always and don't give any thought. EG  I was in a minibus about 10 years ago going from Chumpon to Rayong , being early in the AM the driver was going on the wrong side of the road round bends , ignoring red lights etc. My TW asked a passenger why does he drive like this ? The answer ' He always drives like this '.   Walk round the tree , don't question why it is there.

    Crutch never worked at that publication, but he is a great humourist and journalist.

    I don't remember that quote though.


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