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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. 7 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    As a group you haven't produced any statistics or economic models, all you do is tell everyone that the models and statistics produced by the remain group are wrong, that and play word games just like you're doing here! Indeed, leave has yet to be proved correct, correct about what is the mystery though! At some point you'll no doubt jump up and down and shout, I told you so, we were right, claiming that some future event was long in your master plan, the one that nobody has ever seen!

    It remains to be seen what will ultimately happen

    But the Remoaner's constant rejection of a democratic vote is plain to see.

    The sabotage being attempted is disgusting. Labour lost the election and the Lib-Dems were annihilated along with humiliation for the SNP don't forget.

    The rich south east (London) champagne socialists want cheap labour and nannies for their kids. Selfish hipsters rule now?

    No, democracy does.


    Glass half full or half empty?

    My glass is half full and looking for a top up soon.





  2. 2 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    What is far harder to do is guess (or forecast) the future based on a model that can't be accurately defined but if you tell me the Brexit camp produce statistics on that, I'll be pleased to see them

    Says it all really:

    Stay got it wrong.

    Leave have yet to be proved correct.

    I know who I am betting on.


  3. 2 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    It has always been a feature of the Brexit/Remain argument that the brexit camp could almost never produce meaningful statistics or data to support their arguments, this is especially true of current and historic data and even truer when it comes to their model for the future - it'll be OK on the day, is their moto, or so it seems.

    The fact so far is the doom and gloom prediction of the Remain lot has been proven wrong.

    The drop in the pound will help exports, and the chance to make our own trade deals with the rest of the world is an opportunity not a disadvantage, to say nothing of the money saved.

    Looking outside the EU box is the view for the future the UK needs.

    A trade deal with the US, with a bigger market than the EU, and China etc is where the UK is now looking and belongs.

    The question of the NHS staffing problems is irrelevant as most come from outside the EU.

    Have a look at the figures.

    Why everyone ignores the simple fact visas and work permits will still be available is simply unbelievable...





  4. 14 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    Maybe you can't speak Thai with the correct tones.


    Even phonetically your 'Mai Khao Chai falang' is not right.  It 'jai' not 'Chai'... Chai means 'yes' mostly.  



    And transliteration is exact ? Have a look at the signposts.

    L and R is the easiest to point out. I did a High Thai language course, but is a waste of time in normal conversation.

    I knew some smart ar5e would try to say I don't speak Thai well enough.

    Have you considered regional accents and colloquial expressions?

    If you think you are an expert then you should know in the official translation is "Chai" with a "ch", but that depends on what you read.

    "Jai" can mean heart, "Jai dee" for instance. But tone is only important if you speak words as there are five to learn. Try some Thai toung twisters:

    "Dogs and horses come over the hill."

    Tones really count for little if you can speak in a sentence.


    Try that if you can...


    "It 'jai' not 'Chai'"

    Take a look at your English while your at it...



  5. 20 hours ago, Phuket Man said:

    For a full pension you need 35 years of contributions.

    10 years will get around £44 a week.

    I did suggest the HMRC website was the best idea.

    I guess you made the effort to look that up (or had checked before) which the OP has not done before asking the question.

    It is the number of payments (and type) not the years, you can have a break and still qualify. You are also allowed to top up if you are short.


    But 3 years is a joke.



  6. 8 hours ago, trianglechoke said:

    T.S, (Thread starter, not transsexual), it's disgusting because your culture conditions you into disliking it. If you had never been told it was gross and you were from a country that raises kids like shit.... well... u know

    OP (Original Poster) not TS.

    Kids need to taught simple manners by adults,

    Culture is different. Burping is a compliment in some places, but I'm not aware of a place eating with an open mouth is anything other than ignorant for a human.



  7. You should go shopping and see where is best near where you live.

    That's what most people do...

    Use your loaf. Remember the overheads of how far you travel to buy.

    Macro too far for me, BigC is best for most brands, and Tesco Local or Tops are good for bottles not boxes.

    MaxValue is worth a look...

    If you want imported try Gourmet Market, good selection not overpriced.



  8. On 06/11/2017 at 7:26 PM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    face a fine of up to B100,000 – or even up to one year in jail

    Same old story, knee jerk nonsense that has been deferred for months.

    There are littering laws that cover this, like the cops spot fining Farangs ฿2000 on the street for dropping fag ends. Cops don't enforce anything unless it has a kick-back.

    "Domesticated" people, well in my house I have waste bins and a smoking area with ash trays.


    Q. How many holes can a Thai official shoot in his (or her) own feet?




  9. 18 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    Yes sure.

    The UK is still a EU member.

    Wait until spring 2019.

    Then we can talk again.

    I am looking forward to the moment of freedom, and we will indeed see what happens.

    The EU have a lot to lose don't forget.

    The UK rejoins the world and will prosper without EU shackles.


    Reform might be forced on them before it all falls like the house built of straw that it is.


    Auf weidersehen and adieu...





  10. 16 hours ago, abrahamzvi said:

    An "Independent Democracy" only works if the economic conditions allow it to. I doubt that with a collapsing currency, unemployment of 10% and higher, inflation of 10% or more - in short a collapsing economy - a proper democracy can work.It's really fertile ground for extreme right or left populists and not for democrats. Please beware of a "hard Brexit", it will be a disaster for the UK!

    "collapsing currency, unemployment of 10% and higher, inflation of 10% or more - in short a collapsing economy"


    Where? Spain?

    The pound has been stable since June 25th 2016 pretty much within a few cents of the Dollar.

    Has it been a problem, Harold Wilson said it: The pound in your pocket is worth the same.

    Well, in the UK it hasn't made a difference.

    Unemployment? Inflation?

    Check the figures...


    Doom and gloom prophesy by the remain campaign didn't happen.

    "Hard Brexit" seems to be the aim of the EU as a sort of ridiculous bargaining chip to get an unrealistic settlement to prop up their financial profligacy.

    Sorry, that's all complete nonsense.




  11. 10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Can the title be amended please. I assumed that it was about men in general, but it's specifically about the rich and powerful.

    BTW, wealth and power are the greatest aphrodisiacs known to mankind. None of those women would have gone in harms way with the men in question if they were plumbers or garbage collectors.

    Have you had a plumbing bill recently?

    Ha ha!

  12. 10 hours ago, maechanman said:

    I think you'll find you need a minimum of 10 years, check it out on the UK Gov website under state pensions.

    10 years might get a few quid a year, for a full pension you need about 25 years of NI contributions.

    HMRC website is best, Helpline is expensive but they are there to help.



  13. Funny how they don't realise you are speaking their own language. White face and ears disengage from brain.

    Happens all the time, 7/11 often, last was in the MRT station on Sunday. The other guy in the ticket office was just laughing at his stupid colleague.

    Mai khao chai falang...



  14. A forth question is really what was needed:

    Was the "casting couch" invented by men or women?


    It's not easy to determine taking into account the era, culture and laws at the time.

    What complicates that is the law on homosexuality has been completely repealed in western culture (but lives on in muslim communities, and throughout eastern muslim and some other religion following countries).


    The Jimmy Savile case where vulnerable young people were exploited, or the case of Ted Bundy are parameters these things should be judged by, not by the ignorant on Social Media (SM) in a mass witch hunt.

    Women who flirt and titillate to gain financially or career wise should have a responsibility for their actions and any element of encouragement should be taken into account.

    "No means no" but it should be made plain early in an encounter, not on the point of entry.


    Claiming rape the next week because he didn't ring or you didn't get the part is where it needs care in investigation.

    The SM high court is not the place to decide guilt.




  15. The basket case Greece was not the only country that fiddled the books and the ERM was ignored by several others*. The EU in its obsession for a bureaucratic takeover of Europe turned a blind eye to what went on.

    Economically Germany has been the main winner, merely adjusting prices to cover the low exchange rate of the Euro compared to what the Deutschmark would now be.

    You need to dig deep to find out what happened, as most reports brush over it.


    *A clip from Wiki:

    "As part of the EU treaty, all of the EU Member States are obliged to adhere to the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP), which as a framework to ensure price stability and fiscal responsibility, has adopted identical limits for governments budget deficit and debt as the convergence criteria. Due to the fact that several countries did not exercise a sufficient level of fiscal responsibility during the first 10 years of the euro's lifetime - ".  France was one.


    I fail to see why all the doom mongers continue this rhetoric against the UK shaking free of the overbearing EU when it is no dead cat or still born, more a reborn lion cub soon to be released back into the world.

    All the Armageddon predictions have proved wrong to date, and that can continue without internal sabotage.

    The EU are shaking in their high heals about the loss of income, and will make negotiations (not that they are negotiating, just dictating so far) as difficult as possible in fear the whole House Of Cards will tumble.

    It seems the remaoners are determined to ensure the UK fails and is forced to become a European State, relinquishing all power to mostly appointed bureaucrats in Brussels (and Strasbourg).

    Two "little corporals" failed before don't forget.


    So where is the sense in denying democracy?

    It is not the future I want for my kids and grand kids...


    Getting a visa or work permit is a small price to pay to travel to and from Europe to retain what was a long and bloody fight for an independent democracy in the UK.






  16. 1 minute ago, aright said:

    Although a long way off I feel this will surely happen and I don't reject it as a bad thing provided political and social control is not left in the hands of those who understand the new technology.


    And how to exploit it as is happening already.



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